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Rage and fear exploded in me, Ascalon leaped into my hand, and I ran—

Straight into an invisible wall. I bounced off, landing painfully on my tailbone, and belatedly looked. The blue curtain of a Ward shimmered like a heatwave, the grey drops of a Look-away veil distorting it like sheeting rain.

I focused, ready to crackthe Ward and Look-away, then froze as Bastien spoke. ‘Before you go racing off to demand satisfaction, my lovely sidhe, there is one small matter we need to discuss.’

I turned to find him with a gleeful smile on his sadistic teenage face. ‘What?’

‘I believe you have a set of tarot cards. Now would be an excellent time to consult them.’

I stared at him for a long moment, wanting nothing more than to plunge Ascalon into his heart as I’d done in the Dreamscape, then do the same to Gold Cat. Instead, I forced myself to stay calm, to play this out to the end. I let Ascalon slip back into the ring, slowly got up, and fished the cards from my back pocket. A gust of jasmine-scented wind blasted my hair back as one card flew to hover in front of my face.

The last tarot card.

The last tarot card didn’t need my blood, it already depicted an image. A male and female stood side by side, a plump cherub floating on a su

Of course, the last card would be The Lovers. The sadistic prick would revel in the irony of it. Especially as this was no doubt where the smarmy smiling psycho asked for my blood-bond and my body in exchange for telling me the answer to my question. Trouble was, I hadn’t a clue how I was going to get out of saying yes.

I curled my lip in disgust, hiding the dread icing my spine and flicked the card. ‘Hurry it up.’

Sylvia on the card gave me a tremulous smile I’d never seen on her in person. ‘You have a choice to make, Ge

I glared at Real Life Bastien. ‘Do you really think I’m going to believe that bullshit? When I know you and Viv have been in league since the begi

He shrugged and tapped the card. Sylvia vanished to be replaced by Viviane, twirling her parasol with an affronted expression on her face. ‘The cards are sidhe-made, bean sidhe, so speak the truth. I can influence them to show less, but I ca

Right. ‘What’s the choice?’

She reached over and touched the shoulder of Bastien in the card. A ripple ran through the picture and he blinked, then looked out of the card at me and flashed fang.

‘Ask your original question and he must answer truthfully,’ Viviane said.

I snorted. ‘Tell me how to find that which is lost, and how to join that which is sundered, to release the fae’s fertility from the pendant and restore it back to them as it was before it was taken.’

‘That which is lost is already found,’ Card Bastien said, and from behind the misty disc-thing he produced a Fabergé egg encrusted with sapphires. My heart stuttered as I recognised it as the one lost in the demon attack at Hallowe’en. Shit. I’d had the answer to the fae’s problem in my hands (or rather the bank) until the sorcerer had stolen the egg, and I’d never fucking known it. And now Smugly Smiling Bastien had it. I wanted to scream in frustration.

Real Life Bastien’s smile widened. ‘I know who has the Fabergé egg and on my word they have agreed to give it to you.’

‘Who’s got it?’ I demanded. ‘And when will you tell them to give it to me?’

Both Bastiens shook their heads, not that I’d expected anything else, then Card Bastien said, ‘To join that which is sundered and release the fae’s fertility from the pendant and restore it back to them as it was before it was taken, you will need this.’ He held up the misty grey disc and flashed something else. Thankfully, the tarot card was small, and everything else smaller, making it easy to ignore. ‘You will obtain it and bring it back to me.’

I gritted my teeth. ‘What is it, who has it and where is it?’

‘First you must agree the price.’

‘What’s the price?’

Both Bastiens closed their eyes, Card Bastien rubbing his fingers over the disc in a show of deep thought.

I clenched my fists as impatience warred with anxiety. The sadist knew exactly what he wanted; he was only drawing this out to make me sweat. While I needed this over with. Needed to do the bargain. Then I could kill Gold Cat and make sure my friends were all safe. Hug Katie and Freya. Talk things through with Fi

Finally, Card Bastien nodded as if he’d come to a decision. ‘You are to keep Malik al-Khan’s soul.’

Surprise washed through me. Okay, that was unexpected and not necessarily a deal breaker—

‘No, Genevieve. You will not.’

—for me anyway. I winced as Malik’s shouted order clamped my mind, and his soul speared its claws into my heart. Then Malik’s order cracked and melted like ice caught in fire. I shot an astonished look over my shoulder to see him striding towards us, flames burning in his pupils, black shadows writhing about him in fury.

Real Life Bastien gave a grunt of disgust and, out the corner of my eye, I saw him lift his finger again and Malik and his shadows froze. I turned back to scowl at the psycho unease shivering over me. Bastien was determined to be rid of Malik’s soul, Malik was just as determined I shouldn’t have it, while his soul looked like it was clinging – literally – to my heart. And I was the one stuck in the middle. I didn’t need any of Viv’s predictions to tell me this wasn’t going to end well.

Bastien waggled his finger. ‘You will notice, my princess, that while you bear my loyal shadow’s soul you are no longer under his sway. He can no longer order you to do his bidding. Am I correct?’

Ah, well, that explained why Malik’s order didn’t take.Not that I was going to tell the psycho he was right. ‘Get on with it.’

‘You will also find you no longer carry his marks on your flesh.’ He waved a dismissive hand at me and I resisted the urge to check the bruises on my wrist and my chest, refusing to give him a milligram of satisfaction. ‘I believe that is what you wanted; to be the one in control of your life. To not have other people making decisions for you. To make your own choices, on your own terms. Well, now you can, my lovely sidhe.’

He was repeating – almost word for word – what I’d told Tavish at the gnome’s house right before the first tarot card reading. Fucking Viviane, earwigging on private conversations. And never mind what Bastien said, stripping Malik of the power to order me around didn’t instantly grant me control of my life. Or stop self-satisfied sacks of shit like Bastien from blackmailing me.

‘Fine!’ I snapped. ‘Your price for giving me the information I need to be able to sort out the fae’s fertility is to keep Malik’s soul. I—’

‘Not so fast, princess,’ he interrupted, angry colour staining his cheeks. Inwardly, I cursed. I’d known he’d want more, but I’d nearly had him. ‘There are two parts to your question,’ he said, ‘so there are two parts to my price. The first is that you are to keep Malik’s soul until either he agrees to take it back, or I agree its transfer to myself or another.’