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‘Bastien says now he’s the Emperor he can put two and two together and tell me how to release the fae’s trapped fertility.’ Or in other words: did you know that the sadistic prick knew? And if so, why the hell didn’t you tell me?

‘My apologies, Genevieve,’ he said, still staring at the side of tent. ‘Bastien gave me his word not to harm, or even speak to you in person so long as I did not divulge to another that he knew of the original spell to trap the fae’s fertility. Since you recovered the pendant I have been negotiating with Bastien for the information you and the fae require.’

So Bastien had him over a barrel because of me.Damn exasperating, over-protective vamp. ‘Thanks, but now I know I can do my own negotiating. And I plan to as soon as I’ve double-checked everyone is safe.’

‘Speaking to Bastien will put you in danger—’

‘Malik.’ I threw my hands up. ‘I’ve told you, you can’t protect me from everything. And I don’t want you to. You need to tell me what’s going on, let me make my own decisions about what to do, or not do, and then at least if I end up in danger, I’ll know how and why I got there. And I’m not stupid; if I need help, you can bet I’ll ask for it.’ Unlike you, you stubborn idiot, I added silently, balling my hands in frustration. ‘Same way I told you to ask me if you needed help. And okay if it was just your business and you didn’t want my help, fair enough. But it wasn’t. This was my business too. Hell, maybe if I’d been part of the plan from the begi

Malik’s jaw went rigid, bone jutting sharp against his pale skin. ‘I did not intend for any i

‘Of course you didn’t,’ I agreed with a sigh, despite the fact he stillwasn’t looking at me. ‘It’s not your style. I’m just saying you shouldn’t keep me in the dark, and you don’t have to do everything alone.’

He smoothed a hand over his shaved head, brushing off the dried blood from the smudged glyphs there. He stared down at the rust-coloured flakes sticking to his palm as if they were able to predict his future then clenched his fist. ‘My apologies, Genevieve, you are right. If you would allow me, I would assist you in your negotiations with Bastien. In order to expedite matters, I would request some of the power your blood holds. I would not ask, were it not of importance to you.’

Chapter Sixty-Four

He wanted to assist me, did he? Well, no way was I going to refuse an offer like that, but first he could damn well stop acting like talking to me was akin to sucking garlic. ‘On one condition,’ I said flatly.

‘Which is?’

‘You listen to my explanation about what happened with Fi

He turned, fixing his gaze somewhere near my left ear. ‘I do not require you to explain. It is your choice alone who you decide to bed. You have said you were willing—’

‘No,’ I said, gritting my teeth at his oh so politetone. ‘ Yousaid I was willing. Itold you Fi

‘I do not need to be told a story, Genevieve.’ His eyes met mine for a moment, his black and pitiless. ‘In truth, I would prefer not to listen to one.’

‘Listen, buddy.’ I thumped him in the chest. ‘Things happened between Fi

He slowly met my eyes again, anger flickering. ‘You are saying I am an ass?’

‘Yep. But hey’ – I gri

He was silent for a long moment then raised an elegant, not quite mocking brow. ‘Then I will, of course, listen, Genevieve.’

‘Great,’ I said drily. ‘Only it’s a long story, so maybe we should leave it until later? Say, when you’re less volatile?’

Tension sang through his body, then he inclined his head in acknowledgement. ‘It might be wise, yes.’

‘Though there was one thing’ – I pursed my lips, waved at the Empress and took the plunge – ‘was she your wife?’

An odd, startled look crossed his face, followed by a longer, more pensive one. ‘You believed Shpresa was my wife?’

Did that mean she wasn’t? Hope lit in me. I tamped it down, keeping my voice dust dry. ‘I believe I might have made that assumption at certain points during the last day or so, yes.’

‘I see.’

The two small words were bland, giving nothing away, but underneath I sensed he was pleased at the ‘assumption’ I’d jumped to, and was now . . . stretching the answer out. . . I crossed my arms and gave him a narrowed look. ‘Well?’

The last of the tension between us dissipated as his mouth softened into a barely there smile. ‘I have never had a wife, Genevieve.’ He cast a look at the Empress, his smile fading. ‘Shpresa was my mother.’

His mother? I reached out, touched his arm. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Thank you,’ he said softly. ‘But she was aware this would happen. It was her choice.’

Which didn’t make it any less sad for him. Though if Shpresa was his mother . . . ‘So,’ I said tentatively, ‘Bastien’s your brother?’

He nodded. ‘Half-bother, yes. His father was Suleiman.’

Half-brother? Still not wonderful, but way better than son. And the Empress on the tarot card telling me to save her children made even more sense now. She wasn’t just talking about Bastien and his vamps, but Malik too. ‘Ah. Right. So who was your father?’

‘As with your story, that is one for another time.’ His enigmatic mask reappeared as if a switch had been flipped. Looked like I’d hit a sore point. Still we’d have plenty of time for talking about all sorts of things, later. ‘Now, Genevieve, I would drink, please. If you are agreeable?’

I glanced at the dead Empress, uncomfortable. ‘Here?’

‘No. Not here.’ He held his hand out.

I placed my hand in his and he led me to the far side of the tent. The heavy material sliced open with a touch from Janan. We stepped outside into a small shadowed area enclosed by high, dense bushes, the only light from the stars studding the night sky above us.

We stood, my hand in his as anticipation stretched a taut line between us. ‘Do you wish me to drink from the wrist?’ His question was neutral, but a dark intensity glittered in the black depths of his eyes.

‘Hmm,’ I murmured. ‘It seems practical, unless you have a better idea.’ I let a smile ghost my lips.

‘I believe I may.’ He inclined his head, the glitter taking on a heart-fluttering promise as his gaze turned dark with need and possession. Pulling me into his embrace as if leading me into a dance, he moulded my back against the firm planes of his chest. ‘Genevieve.’ His murmur grazed my hair, causing my heart to race. His tongue traced the sensitive whorl of my ear and I gave a small, surprised yelp as he nipped the tender lobe, then sucked it hard into his mouth, making my knees weak. Dark spice and honeysuckle entwined in the air; our scents mingling. My breathing quickened as lust coiled inside me, and a blood-flush electrified my body in readiness for his bite. I let my head fall back to his shoulder, offering him my throat, the pulse there jumping beneath my skin as desperate need and joyous desire collided inside me. His hold about me strengthened and I felt the thick hard length of him press against me, ready and eager.

He cupped my cheek, his thumb gently circling the vulnerable spot beneath my jaw. ‘How long, Genevieve?’ His murmured question glided over my collarbone like a summer breeze.