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So we must separate a very mobile and complex circle of philosopher (often had no any co

It is no any evident proof that Lao-tzu was an author of Dao De Jing but he can be one of the compiler of this text. In the base of Dao De Jing lay the citation of mystics, popular proverb, saying about spirits. This compilation we can name as «agrafa» the citation of that had no co

The passages that deal with «Dao» as the «ancestor», «the One» and «the refuge for the myriad of things» indicates that in the later part of the first mille

At the same time Dao De Jing in some part is closely related with the political and social situation of that time — the struggle between states, increasing of the difference between «big» and «small hoses», between «shi» and highest aristocracy that expressed in the Doctrine of the «returning to the simplicity» and «desire non-desire».

The second part that is a focus of the book includes a facsimile copy of Dao De Jing of the XIV c. and the translation of Dao De Jing. This translation is based mainly on the Wang Bi’s edition of Summary this text but author also analyzes two versions find in Mawangdui in 1973 and explain the substance of differences between these versions. In general the Mawangdui version differs from others in chapter order. Comparing different editions of the text author draw a conclusion that differences between them can be explained not only by the errors, but also by the contrariety in political, ideological and mystical views of its editors. Beside it author takes into consideration texts and commentaries more that dozen version of Chinese commentator from III c. up to day. The third part of the book consists of the translation of Wang Bi’s commentaries on Dao De Jing. In the III c. this text was commented by Wang Bi that emphasis the concept of «being» (something — «you») and non-being (nothingness —»wu»), so it forms the very specific «double» commentaries or «commentaries on commentaries». Wang Bi — one of the foremost representative of xuanxue school («Teaching of Sacral») also symbolizes the begi

The forth part of the book consists of author’s textological commentaries on Dao De Jing, analyze of main philosophical notions of the Text and structure of paragraphs. It can be seen two or more level in paragraphs that prove a fact of the phased compilations of parts of the text. Author also explains the meaning of some Chinese characters changed its meaning in later times that bring to the misunderstanding of some passage of the text. The translator and author of this Alexei Maslov graduated from the Institute of Asia and Africa Studies of Moscow University and works as a senior research fellow in the Department of East Asia Spiritual culture Studies of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Science. He specializes in East Asia spiritual and religious traditions’ studies, popular rituals and national psychology. In 1993 he has had his Ph.D. on the traditions of secret societies in modern China and in 1995 he had his second Doctorate on the history and philosophy of Chinese martial arts. Alexei Maslov is the author of several books on the oriental civilization.

МИСТЕРИЯ ДАО Мир Дао дэ цзина


Д.Н. Попов


Н.В. Иванова

Художественное оформление

Д.Н. Попов

Технические редакторы: А.В. Глушко, Н.К. Протасова

Подписано в печать 21.11.95 Формат 84х 108/32. Гарнитура «Академия». Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная.

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Издательство «Сфера» Российского Теософского Общества 123022, г. Москва, ая 9

тел.: (095) 205-23-78 Директор: Пилишек С.В. Коммерческий директор: Волков А. Б. Главный редактор: Попов Д.Н.

Отпечатано с диапозитивов в типографии Татарского газетно-журнального издательства. 420066, г. Казань, ул. Декабристов, 2.

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