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When I nodded, he got out and disappeared-gone in a flash. Curious, I twisted around in the seat, but I didn’t see him or anyone. What could he be up to?

Suddenly, my car door opened and Daemon extended his hand. “Ready?”

A little knocked off-kilter by his reappearance, I gave him my hand and let him swoop me out of the SUV. “So my surprise

“You’ll see.”

Hand in hand, we started walking. I thought he was going to lead me to his house, but he didn’t, and when we passed mine and made our way down the road, I had no idea what he had pla

I’d walked out in front of a truck.

Yeah, idiotic move, but I’d been upset and hadn’t been thinking. Douche-version of Daemon had been to blame.

Crossing the road, I got a general idea of where we were heading. The lake. Squeezing Daemon’s hand, I fought back a stupid grin.

“Do you think you can walk in those heels?” he asked, frowning as if he’d just thought of it.

Doubtful, but I didn’t want to ruin any of this for him. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

He took it slowly anyway, making sure I didn’t fall flat on my face or break my neck. Incredibly sweet, actually, as he made sure to get all the low-hanging branches out of the way and at one point, he even let a part of his true form take hold. White light surrounded his hand, casting over the uneven ground.

Who needed a flashlight when you had Daemon?

It took a little longer than normal to get to the lake, but I enjoyed the walk and his company. And when we stepped out of the last stand of trees and the scene before me unfolded, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Moonlight reflected off the calm waters and several feet away from the bank, next to the white wildflowers that had started to bloom, were several blankets spread out and piled atop one another, creating a comfy-looking sitting area. There were a few pillows and a large cooler. A fire crackled closer to the lake, surrounded by large stones.

There were no words.

The whole setup was exceptionally romantic, sweet, awesome, and so, so perfect that I wondered if I were dreaming. I knew Daemon was capable of surprising me-he always did, but this

? My heart swelled so quickly I was sure I would float away.

“Surprise,” he said, stepping ahead, his back to the fire. “I thought this would be better than a party or whatever. And you like the lake. So do I.”

I blinked back tears. God, I needed to stop crying all the time, especially tonight, because I had loaded my lashes with mascara. “It’s perfect, Daemon. Oh my God, it’s wonderful.”

“Really?” A bit of vulnerability crept into his voice. “You really like it?”

I couldn’t believe he had to ask. “I love it.” And then I started to laugh, which was better than crying. “I really love this.”

Daemon smiled.

I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms and legs around him like a demented monkey-girl.

Laughing, he caught me and didn’t stumble. “You really love it,” he said, walking backward. “I’m glad.”

So many emotions were ru

Sitting down, I tucked my legs under me. “What’s in the cooler?”

“Ah, the good stuff.” He flashed out and appeared beside the cooler, kneeling down. He cracked it open, pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Wine cooler-strawberry. Your favorite.”

I laughed. “Oh my God.”

He popped the cork with some kind of weird alien-mind-Source-Jedi power and poured each of us a glass. I took it and sipped the fizzy liquid. I liked the wine cooler because it didn’t taste like alcohol and I was really a lightweight.

“What else?” I asked, leaning over.

Out came a canister and he carefully peeled the lid off and tilted it toward me. Chocolate-covered strawberries rolled temptingly.

My mouth watered. “Did you make them?”

“Ha. No.”


did Dee make them?”

That got a laugh. “I ordered them from the candy shop in town. Try one?”

I did and I think my mouth died and went to heaven. I may’ve even drooled on myself. “They are so good.”

“There’s more.” He pulled out a plastic container full of sliced cheese and crackers. “Also pre-made from the store, because I am not a cook or whatever.”

Who cared how he got the stuff? He did this-this was all him.

There were also cucumber sandwiches and a veggie pizza. Perfect munchie food, and we dug in, laughing and eating while the fire slowly died off.

“When did you do all of this?” I asked, reaching for my fifth or so slice of veggie pizza.

He picked up a strawberry, inspecting it with narrowed eyes. “I had the stuff in the cooler down here and the blankets wrapped in canvas. All I did when we got back was come down here real quick, spread the stuff out, and start the fire.”

I finished off my slice. “You’re amazing.”

“I know it didn’t take you this long to realize that.”

“No. I’ve always known it.” I watched him root around for another strawberry. “Maybe not in the begi


He peeked up. “My awesomeness is all about the stealth.”

“Is it?” The temp had dropped and I huddled closer to Daemon and the dying fire, shivering but not anywhere near ready to head back.

“Uh-huh.” He gri

“Of course not. Where’s the mystery in that?”

He picked up a throw blanket. “There is none.” Draping it over my shoulders, he then settled back down next to me.

“Thank you.” I pulled the soft material close. “I think the general public would be shocked to know how deep your sweetness runs.”

Daemon stretched out, resting on his side. “They can never know.”


“Good.” He patted the spot next to him. “We can go back whenever you want.”

“I don’t want to leave.”

“Then get your happy little hybrid butt over here.”

Scooting over the remaining space, I laid down beside him. Daemon moved a pillow down so that it was under my head. Snuggled close to him, it would take an army of Arum to split us apart.

We talked about the dance, school, and even the university in Colorado. We talked well beyond midnight.

“Are you worried about tomorrow at all?” I asked, ru

“I’m worried-but I’d be insane not to be.” He kissed my finger when it drifted too close to his lips. “But not about what you think.”

“What, then?” My hand drifted down his neck, over his shirt. He’d taken off the jacket a while ago. His skin was warm and hard underneath the thin material.

Daemon shifted closer. “I worry that Beth won’t be like Dawson remembered.”

“Me, too.”

“I know he can handle it, though.” He joined in, his hand sliding under the blanket, curving on my bare shoulder. “I just want the best for him. He deserves it.”

“He does.” I held my breath as his hand traveled south, over the dip in my waist then the flare of my hip. “I hope she’s okay-that everyone is okay, even Chris.”

He nodded and gently eased me onto my back. His hand smoothed over the skirt of my dress to my knee. I shivered. He smiled. “Something else is bothering you.”

When I thought about tomorrow and what the future might hold, a lot of things were bothering me. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” My voice broke. “I don’t want anything to happen to anyone.”