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She took Hell’s Kitchen to a new extreme.

“Are you going out tonight with Daemon?”

“Yeah,” I said, grabbing a paper towel. I scooped up the eggs before the burnt smell could reach my gag reflex. “We’re going to do di

“Remember your curfew. It’s a school night.”

“I know.” I threw the towel away and held onto my sweater with one hand. “Did you hear about Carissa?”

Mom nodded. “I wasn’t working at Grant when she was admitted or for the last two days, but the hospital is crawling with police and the heads are doing their own investigations.”

She’d been pulling her shifts in Winchester. “So, they think she really just walked out of there?”

“From what I hear, she was being treated for meningitis and that can come along with a high fever. People do strange things when they are that sick. It’s why I was so worried about you when you got sick in November.” She turned off the stove. “But there is no excuse for what happened. Someone should’ve stopped the poor girl. Those night-shift nurses will have a lot of explaining to do. Without meds, Carissa

” She clamped up, focusing on dumping the eggs onto her plate. A few pieces splattered across the floor. I sighed. “Honey, they’ll find Carissa.”

No, they won’t , I wanted to rage.

“She couldn’t have gone far,” Mom continued as I picked up the yellow clumps stuffed with peppers and onions. “And those nurses won’t allow something as careless as this to happen again.”

I doubted it was an act of carelessness. They probably turned their cheek or helped. The desire to get even or at least walk into that hospital and smack a bunch of people in their faces was almost too hard to ignore.

Saying goodbye to Mom and promising not to stay out past curfew, I kissed her cheek and then grabbed my sweater jacket and purse. Daemon was alone next door. Everyone was down by the lake, either putting themselves through untold pain or watching it.

He swaggered up to me, his eyes dropping right to the tiny flash of skin

and something moved over his face. “I like this better than the other outfit.”

“Really?” I felt exposed when he looked at me like he was staring at a piece of art commissioned just for him. “I thought you liked the skirt.”

“I do, but this

?” He tugged on my belt loop and made a deep sound in the back of his throat. “I really like this.”

A dizzying warmth swept through me, making my knees weak.

Shaking his head, he dropped his hand and pulled his keys out of his pocket. “We need to get going. You hungry? You didn’t eat any lunch.”

It took me a moment to collect myself. “I could do a Happy Meal.”

He laughed as we headed outside. “A Happy Meal?”

“What’s wrong with that?” I tugged my sweater coat on. “It’s perfect.”

“It’s the toy, isn’t it?”

I gri

Daemon turned suddenly, placing his hands on my hips and lifting me against him. Startled, I dropped my purse as I groped his arms.


He silenced me with a kiss that reached a deep place inside that both thrilled and frightened me. When he kissed me, it was like he was reaching for my soul.


Slowly, he let me slide down him and placed me on my feet. Dazed, I stared up at him. “What was that for?”

“You smiled.” His fingers trailed along my cheek, then down my throat. He buttoned up my sweater quickly. “You haven’t been smiling much. I missed it, so I decided to reward you for doing it.”

“Reward me?” I laughed. “God, only you would think kissing someone is a reward.”

“You know it is. My lips change lives, baby.” Daemon bent, grabbing my purse off the ground. “Ready?”

Taking the purse, I hopped into his car on wobbly knees. Once beside me, he revved the engine, and we were heading into town, stopping by the local fast-food joint so I could get my Happy Meal.

He got me a boy one, too.

His di

On the way to Martinsburg, we started out with a game of I Spy, but Daemon cheated and I didn’t want to play anymore.

He laughed deeply, the sound pleasing. “How can I cheat at I Spy?”

“You keep picking things that no human in this world can see!” I fought back a grin at his offended expression. “Or you pick c -you keep picking c . I spy with my little eye, something that starts with a c !”

“Car,” he said, smiling. “Cat. Coat. Church.” He paused, casting me a wicked sidelong glance. “Chest.”

“Shut up.” I smacked him on the arm. A few moments of silence later, and I was desperate to find another game. This nonsense was keeping my mind blank. We moved onto the license plate game, and I swear he pulled up on cars so I couldn’t see the plates. He had a mean competitive streak.

Before we knew it, we were heading off the exit and neither of us was in the playing mood anymore. “Do you think we’ll get in?”


I shot him a look. “That bouncer was really big.”

His lips quirked. “Oh, Kitten, see, I try to not say bad things.”


The grin spread. “I would say size doesn’t matter, but it does. I would know.” He winked, and I let out a disgusted groan. He laughed. “Sorry, you walked into that one. Seriously, though, the bouncer won’t be a problem. I think he liked me.”


He eased the SUV around the curves. “I think he liked me, like, really liked me.”

“Your ego knows no limit, you know that?”

“You’ll see. I know these kinds of things.”

From what I recalled, the bouncer looked like he wanted to kill Daemon. Shaking my head, I sat back and started nibbling on my thumbnail. Gross habit, but nerves were getting the best of me.

The abandoned gas station loomed up ahead. The SUV bumped over the uneven road and I gripped the door handle. Cars lined the field in front of the club, as expected. Once again, Daemon parked Dolly far away from other cars.

I knew to get rid of my sweater this time around. I wrapped it around my purse and sat it on the floorboard. We made our way around the cars. Stopping at the first row, I bent over and tossed my hair over my head, shaking it out.

“This reminds me of a Whitesnake video,” Daemon said.

“Huh?” I ran my hands through my hair, hoping for the sexy look and not the “I had my head out of the car” look.

“If you start climbing on car hoods, I think I might marry you.”

I rolled my eyes and straightened, giving my head one more shake. “Done.”

He stared at me. “You’re cute.”

“You’re weird.” I rose up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I teetered through the knee-high grass. Heels-so not a good idea.

The lumberjack bouncer appeared out of nowhere, still in those overalls. Barrel-sized arms folded across his chest. “I thought I told ya two to forget this place?”

Daemon moved in front of me. “We need to see Luc.”

“I need a lot of things in life. Like I wish I could find a decent stock trader who wouldn’t lose half of my money.”

Oookay. I cleared my throat. “We won’t be here long, but please, we really need to see him.”

“Sorry,” the bouncer said.

Daemon tipped his head to the side. “There’s got to be something we can do to convince you.”

Oh, man, please tell me he wasn’t

The bouncer raised a brow and waited.

Daemon smiled-that sexy quirk of his lips that had every girl at school stumbling over themselves, and I

I wanted to crawl under a car.

Before I could die from embarrassment, the bouncer’s cell went off, and he pulled it out of his front pocket. “What’s up?”