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Jeez… get a room.I stare at my feet, embarrassed. I glance up at Christian, and he’s

watching me intently. I narrow my eyes at him. Why can’t you kiss me like that? Elliot

continues to kiss Kate, sweeping her off her feet and dipping her in a dramatic hold so that

her hair touches the ground as he kisses her hard.

“Laters, baby,” he grins.

Kate just melts. I’ve never seen her melt before – the words comely and compliant

come to mind. Compliant Kate, boy, Elliot must be good. Christian rolls his eyes and

stares down at me, his expression unreadable, although maybe he’s mildly amused. He

tucks a stray strand of my hair that has worked its way free from my ponytail behind my

ear. My breath hitches at the contact, and I lean my head slightly into his fingers. His eyes

soften, and he runs his thumb across my lower lip. My blood sears in my veins. And all

too quickly, his touch is gone.

“Laters, baby,” he murmurs, and I have to laugh because it’s so unlike him. But even

though I know he’s being irreverent, the endearment tugs at something deep inside me.

“I’ll pick you up at eight.” He turns to leave, opening the front door and stepping out

on to the porch. Elliot follows him to the car but turns and blows Kate another kiss, and I

feel an unwelcome pang of jealousy.

“So, did you?” Kate asks as we watch them climb into the car and drive off, the burning

curiosity evident in her voice.

“No,” I snap irritably, hoping that will halt the questions. We head back into the apart-

ment. “You obviously did, though.” I can’t contain my envy. Kate always manages to

ensnare men. She is irresistible, beautiful, sexy, fu

not. But her answering grin is infectious.

“And I’m seeing him again this evening.” She claps her hands and jumps up and down

like a small child. She ca

feel happy for her. A happy Kate… this is going to be interesting.

“Christian is taking me to Seattle this evening.”



“Maybe you will then?”

“Oh, I hope so.”

“You like him then?”


“Like him enough to… ?”


She raises her eyebrows.

“Wow. Ana Steele, finally falling for a man, and it’s Christian Grey – hot, sexy bil-


“Oh yeah – it’s all about the money.” I smirk, and we both fall into a fit of giggles.

“Is that a new blouse?” she asks, and I let her have all the unexciting details about my


“Has he kissed you yet?” she asks as she makes coffee.

I blush.


“Once!” she scoffs.

I nod, rather shame faced.

“He’s very reserved.”

She frowns.

“That’s odd.”

“I don’t think odd covers it really,” I murmur.

“We need to make sure you’re simply irresistible for this evening,” she says with de-


Oh no… this sounds like it will be time consuming, humiliating, and painful.

“I have to be at work in an hour.”

“I can work with that timeframe. Come on.” Kate grabs my hand and takes me into

her bedroom.

The day drags at Clayton’s even though we’re busy. We’ve hit the summer season, so I

have to spend two hours restocking the shelves once the shop is closed. It’s mindless work,

and it gives me too much time to think. I’ve not really had a chance all day.

Under Kate’s tireless and frankly intrusive instruction, my legs and underarms are

shaved to perfection, my eyebrows plucked, and I am buffed all over. It has been a most

unpleasant experience. But she assures me that this is what men expect these days. What

else will he expect? I have to convince Kate that this is what I want to do. For some

strange reason, she doesn’t trust him, maybe because he’s so stiff and formal. She says she

can’t put her finger on it, but I have promised to text her when I arrive in Seattle. I haven’t

told her about the helicopter, she’d freak.

I also have the José issue. He’s left three messages and seven missed calls on my cell.

He’s also called home twice. Kate has been very vague as to where I am. He’ll know she’s

covering for me. Kate doesn’t do vague. But I have decided to let him stew. I’m still too

angry with him.

Christian mentioned some kind of written paperwork, and I don’t know if he was jok-

ing or if I’m going to have to sign something. It’s so frustrating trying to guess. And on

top of all the angst, I can barely contain my excitement or my nerves. Tonight’s the night!

After all this time, am I ready for this? My i

foot impatiently. She’s been ready for this for years, and she’s ready for anything with

Christian Grey, but I still don’t understand what he sees in me… mousey Ana Steele - it

makes no sense.

He is punctual, of course, and waiting for me when I leave Clayton’s. He climbs out

of the back of the Audi to open the door and smiles warmly at me.

“Good evening, Miss Steele,” he says.

“Mr. Grey.” I nod politely to him as I climb into the backseat of the car. Taylor is sit-

ting in the driver’s seat.

“Hello, Taylor,” I say.

“Good evening, Miss Steele,” his voice is polite and professional. Christian climbs in

the other side and clasps my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze that I feel all the way though

my body.

“How was work?” he asks.

“Very long,” I reply, and my voice is husky, too low, and full of need.

“Yes, it’s been a long day for me too.” His tone is serious.

“What did you do?” I manage.

“I went hiking with Elliot.” His thumb strokes my knuckles, back and forth, and my

heart skips a beat as my breathing accelerates. How does he do this to me? He’s only

touching a very small area of my body, and the hormones are flying.

The drive to the heliport is short and, before I know it, we arrive. I wonder where the

fabled helicopter might be. We’re in a built-up area of the city and even I know helicopters

need space to take off and land. Taylor parks, climbs out, and opens my car door. Christian

is beside me in an instant and takes my hand again.

“Ready?” he asks. I nod and want to say for anything,but I can’t articulate the words

as I’m too nervous, too excited.

“Taylor.” He nods curtly at his driver, and we head into the building, straight to a set

of elevators. Elevator!The memory of our kiss this morning comes back to haunt me.

I have thought of nothing else all day. Daydreaming at the register at Clayton’s. Twice

Mr. Clayton had to shout my name to bring me back to Earth. To say I’ve been distracted

would be the understatement of the year. Christian glances down at me, a slight smile on

his lips. Ha! He’s thinking about it too.

“It’s only three floors,” he says dryly, his gray eyes dancing with amusement. He’s

telepathic surely. It’s spooky.

I try to keep my face impassive as we enter the elevator. The doors close, and it’s there,

the weird electrical attraction crackling between us, enslaving me. I close my eyes in a

vain attempt to ignore it. He tightens his grip on my hand, and five seconds later the doors

open on to the roof of the building. And there it is, a white helicopter with the name Grey

Enterprises Holdings Inc. written in blue with the company logo on the side. Surely this is

misuse of Company property.

He leads me to a small office where an old timer sits behind the desk.

“Here’s your flight plan, Mr. Grey. All external checks are done. It’s ready and waiting

sir. You’re free to go.”