Страница 43 из 43
Wilson E. O., 1963. Pheromones, Scientific American, 208, 100–114.
Wolken J. J., 1968. The photoreceptors of Arthropod eyes, Symp. zool. soc., Lond., 23, 113–133.
Wright R. H., 1964. The Science of Smell, George Allen and Unwin.
Страница 43 из 43
Wilson E. O., 1963. Pheromones, Scientific American, 208, 100–114.
Wolken J. J., 1968. The photoreceptors of Arthropod eyes, Symp. zool. soc., Lond., 23, 113–133.
Wright R. H., 1964. The Science of Smell, George Allen and Unwin.
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