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"He has no pet," Aahmes said. This despite the fact that the monkey had ridden Sahuset's shoulder when we brought him to Qanju. I have asked Myt-ser'eu whether I see animals others do not see. She said she could not say what I saw. She looked frightened as she said this.

Uraeus says my memory is among the gods, and will say no more. WE ARE IN the canal. It is long and winding and has some current, though the water does not rush as it rushes through the cataract. Ten yoke pull our ship along, treading a path beside the water-path. It seems very slow to me, but Myt-ser'eu says we often sailed no faster on the river. I could walk much faster. Myt-ser'eu says I forget, and Uraeus confirms it. Tomorrow I will leave this ship, walk ahead, and see what is to be seen. I have told them to remind me of this. THIS MORNING MYT-SER'EU told me I had wanted to walk ahead of our vessel before the sun grew hot. She made me promise to take Uraeus with me. Qanju overheard us. He said I might go, but that I must take two soldiers. Thus we set out: Aahmes, Baginu of Parsa, Uraeus, and I.

Here the earth is lifted, thus the cataract. Baginu says that as it rises, the land of Kemet is left behind. He is a horseman, and wished often that we were mounted. It would have been better, he said, if the satrap had sent us on horseback. Perhaps it would, but everything we bring would have had to be loaded on horses or donkeys. There are few horses here, I think, and donkeys would have slowed us greatly. Ships need tar, sailcloth, and sometimes fresh timbers; but ships need not be fed and watered each night and rarely sicken and die. I STOPPED WRITING to talk with a woman. She spoke of a husband, and Myt-ser'eu says this is Qanju's scribe.

She told me much. "The people of Kemet think themselves very wise," she said, "but they know little of the south. Their forefathers knew more, but they have forgotten." She spoke of spotted deer taller than trees, and showed me one worked in gold to fasten a cloak. They ca

"They speak of the Land of Yam, but there is no Land of Yam, only a memory. They speak of Kush as if Kush were all the southern lands. There is a river-kingdom of that name with very fine horses. Its people are cruel." She pointed south and east.

I said that they could not be cruel to their horses, or they could not have such fine ones. She agreed.

Her people have horses also and herd cattle, following the grass. I do not know what she meant by this, but I did not ask. It is because of their horses and dogs that the satrap pays them to watch the marches of Kemet, and because they are fine trackers.

These things I did not know while we walked up the path the oxen follow. We saw small deer, very pretty and graceful, with spike horns. Baginu wished to shoot one, but I told him to wait until evening, when we would rest and eat. Uraeus drew me aside, saying that Myt-ser'eu might lie with another while we were gone. I asked why he thought this, and he said he thought it because she had made me bring him. I saw the wisdom of this and halted as soon as the sun grew warm. This ship overtook us about midafternoon. Qanju questioned me concerning the village we had seen on the other side of the canal.


A HELLENE HAS come to our ship. Myt-ser'eu says he has been with us before. She does not like him and complains that he stares at her. So do the sailors and my soldiers, but Myt-ser'eu remains in our tent now so that this Hellene ca

We are camped by a town of mud brick beside the river. Its people are as dark as Alala. I asked whether they had a temple of the Red God, for I have been reading what the man whose hand held fire said. They do not. Alala's hands are black only on the backs; so with these people. I wrote that the hands that held fire were black everywhere.

The Hellene speaks long with Sahuset. I would like to know what of, but they sit before Sahuset's tent and fall silent when anyone draws near. I CANNOT WRITE well. I have drunk too much for it. I must set down what I saw anyway. Myt-ser'eu and I went back to our tent very late. Without my arm, she would have fallen. A baboon squatted in front of Sahuset's. It was eating a monkey, eating fast, cracking and swallowing the bones like a dog. I tried to keep Myt-ser'eu from seeing it. I write beside our fire. EVERYTHING WAS READY today, but we did not put out, conferring instead in the shade of a sail the sailors spread on poles. Qanju did not want Myt-ser'eu with us, but I have told her something of what was said, and Neht-nefret seems to have told her everything. Neht-nefret was there because Thotmaktef was in the village and Alala would not join us without another woman present. Myt-ser'eu was in our tent. The captain called Neht-nefret over. Alala smiled and they sat side by side.

Agathocles said, "Here is an opportunity for all of us to become rich and highly honored. Some of you know something of it already. Sahuset knows everything and is in full agreement with me."

Sahuset nodded.

"Sahuset was sent by the satrap to represent the people of his nation-most of you know that as well. The Noble Qanju knows as much as Sahuset. He was sent to represent the satrap himself, as you also know. He wishes to have counsel from the rest of you before making his decision, for he is a man of sound judgment."

The captain said, "We'll have nothing to say until we know what you're talking about."

Agathocles nodded. "I am one of you if you will have me, but the satrap did not send me. I was sent by my friend Charthi, a man of the noblest blood of Kemet. His son Kames came here looking for the mines of the pharaohs and never returned. Charthi has promised to reward me if I find him. I'm not hiding it. Without the promise of a rich reward I would not have come."

Neht-nefret said, "Are you offering to share with us? How much?"

Agathocles shook his head. "I am not. I mean to earn it and keep it, but I see the prospect of a richer reward. Most would go to the Noble Qanju, no doubt. That will still leave a great deal for the rest of us. I will claim my share, and not begrudge others who claim theirs. Long ago, the pharaohs had gold mines in the desert west of the Great River. Everyone knows where they were, and many who have traveled to this land have seen them. They had other mines in the east, mines farther from the river. Who has seen those?"

Kha said, "I've heard of them-rumors, at least. They're said to be exhausted as well."

"Said by whom?"

Kha shrugged. "That was what I was told."

Sahuset said, "King Siaspiqa shows exhausted mines-mines near the river-to those who ask about mines. No one in Wawat speaks of those to the east. It is dangerous to do so."

"I do not fear King Siaspiqa," Alala whispered, "but my husband. I will not speak of these things without his permission."

More was said, but nothing of importance until Thotmaktef returned and the matter was explained to him. "Her husband," he said, "stands in awe of the Noble Qanju."

Qanju nodded and smiled, saying, "Ask your wife to tell us," and Thotmaktef did.

"There are places where the warriors of the Nehasyu will not let us graze," Alala said softly. "They are in the rocks. There is little grass there, thus we do not go to war over it. The same warriors buy our cattle." She shrugged.

"Are these the mines?" Kha asked.

She shrugged again. "I do not know what they are, only that there is a temple in one such place. We have other temples, but we ca

"And…?" Qanju smiled encouragingly.

"He was sent north, to Kemet, lest there be war."