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“If you think that kind of exposure bothers me, you’re wrong,” Nick said. “I always thought we should go public. I suppose I should thank you for getting rid of Balthasar. He was holding us back.” Balthasar, their old leader, who was killed in the course of my escape from them.

“You may have called in to taunt me, but I don’t actually have to let you talk at all.”

“But you will, because you like talking. Tell me, how’s life been for you? Getting a little hot?”

Ha, so it was the Band of Tiamat and not Roman who summoned the genie. Rick was wrong. Unless of course he wasn’t, and the two were working together. No time to think about it now.

“Well, Nick, since I’ve got you on the line, maybe you could help me out with that. I’m really curious about where you dug up this thing. Do you have some kind of grimoire of evil demons? You flipped through and decided this one looked like more fun than a plague of locusts? Or is there a mail-order catalog that will deliver underworld creatures to an address of your choosing? I have to tell you, if that’s the case I think you got ripped off, because their gift-card option sucks.”

He laughed, which aggravated me. I refrained from growling. I tried not to growl on the air.

Tina and Jules were watching me, wide-eyed.

He said, “I thought you’d learned during your visit here that these are powers you don’t understand, can never understand. You’re dealing with the consequences of trying to interfere with them.”

I groaned. “The consequences of saving my own life, you mean? And there is nothing more boring than the old ‘dealing with powers you don’t understand’ shtick. I think that’s a lame excuse used by people who don’t have any better clue what’s happening. Is that it? You and your priestess unleashed this thing, and that’s all you could do with it? You don’t understand it yourselves, and you can’t control it. Once it’s loose, you can’t stop it.”

That was a terrifying thought I hadn’t considered until now. I had entertained the notion that if I figured out how to placate the Band of Tiamat and its priestess, they might call off their demon. But what if it wasn’t theirs to control? Their cult was all about chaos. They might not want to control it.

He didn’t answer right away. A couple seconds of dead air ticked over, and I started to switch to a new call.

Then he said, “I thought you of all people could appreciate anarchy.”

“Anarchy only works when everyone’s sane,” I shot back. “I have another question for you: Where’s Odysseus Grant?”

Nick hung up.


Deep breath, had to keep going. I could panic over what was happening to Grant in, oh—I checked the clock—about ten minutes.

“Well,” I said at my microphone. “I don’t know much about laying curses, but if any of you do know anything about laying curses, I know someone who needs cursing right about now. Next caller, hello.”

The woman spoke with an accent, something clipped, refined, Middle Eastern.

“Kitty, this thing that haunts you. You’re right. It is dji

“Go on,” I said, glancing at Jules and Tina. They were listening closely.

“The dji

There it was, the chill up my spine, the gooseflesh on my arms. The ring of truth.

“I think you may be right,” I said. “Now. How do I stop one of these ifrit?”

She hesitated. “This is a difficult thing. There is anger here, and vengeance. I risk drawing it on myself, if I help you more than this. He would know.”

“Wait a minute,” I begged, because my on-air sixth sense told me she was about to hang up. “If you know this much, you must know how to protect yourself. You know how to stop it.”

“I have only listened to your show for a little while, Kitty, but I can tell you understand much. That in every tale there is a grain of truth. The trick is to separate truth from tale.”

“You’re right, I’ve found grains of truth in a lot of tales. But how do you separate them?”

“Wisdom. Intuition. We are not so far from the times when the tales ruled us. Our hearts remember.”

“Maybe we can do this with twenty questions,” I said. “The bottle part—stuffing it back in the bottle. Is that true?”

“Yes,” she said.

“And how does one go about stuffing a dji

“You don’t stuff,” she said. “You coax. You lure.”

“All right. Makes sense. How do we do that?”

“Aren’t you a scholar of the arcane arts? Aren’t you versed in the principles of spells and curses?” Her voice had turned playful. I recognized teasing when I heard it.

“Only the kind of curses I’m not allowed to say on the radio.”

“Something had to call it to this world, to its current hunt. Learn what it was. Use that to banish him out of it. He will not be able to resist.”

God, who was this? She talked like the old vampires did, or the real magicians. Who needed conspiracy theories when these guys were around?

“May I ask you a question? What are you?”

She put a smile into her answer, and for some reason, I imagined her winking. “Let’s leave that another mystery, shall we?”

“Are you one of them?” I said, impulsively. “You’re one of them, aren’t you? A dji

But I was talking to air, because she finally did hang up.

From the corner, where they were stationed with their laptop, Jules and Tina were looking back at me. Their eyes gleamed, and they smiled. They’d found something, then. Maybe now we had everything we needed to stop this.

But first, the show. “All right, faithful listeners. I’m about at the end of my time with you tonight. I have to say, some days I finish off the show feeling more confused than I did when I started. Just when I think I’ve encountered everything there is to encounter, something like this comes along and smacks me upside the head. But that’s a good thing. It keeps me on my toes. Until next week, be careful out there. Look under the bed one more time before you go to sleep. This is Kitty Norville, voice of the night.”

And that was it. I was done.

With the credits still rolling in the background, Matt came out of the booth. Fuming, he pointed at me. “There’s no way you can convince me that I Dream of Jea

I blinked. “I wouldn’t do that. This thing’s a little more with the flaming death and less with the cute blond nose wiggle.”

“I think the nose wiggle was Bewitched,” Ben said.

I rolled my eyes. “Details. So what is it? What have you got?”

Tina and Jules had been writing and making sketches on a pad of paper. Jules said, “Your caller was right. Some symbols, some basic principles, are the same in nearly every culture. The circle, for example, as a symbol of eternity and protection. She seemed to be suggesting that any sort of banishment spell ought to work on this thing.”

“So we’re back to exorcisms,” I said.

“Sure,” Tina said. “But we’ve seen this thing before, we’ve seen what it can do. Jules and I have a spell that ought to work.”

“Custom banishment,” I said. I almost said it wouldn’t hurt to try, but it could. If we didn’t succeed in trapping it this time, what would it do next when it lashed out? Why did I get the feeling the dji

“We’ll need some of your hair,” Jules said with a perfectly straight face.

I stared.

“Just a strand or two,” he said quickly. “Nothing terrible.”