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"Shit, Janice! How long ago did you see this?"

"I'm sorry, Jer. It was about forty minutes ago. Maybe longer."

"Dung!" he shouted. Then he fought to control himself. "Okay, look, I'm going to call Fukuda myself. You'd better let me know quick if you hear anything new!"

"I will, I promise. I'm sorry. And you keep in touch with me, too, okay?"

He cut the co

Fukuda answered promptly, and right away Stake noticed two things. That Fukuda was inside a moving vehicle, and that his face looked even more grim than Janice's had been. "Detective," he said.

"Mr. Fukuda, I just got a call from Janice Poole. She told me Yuki's been taken."

"Yes," Fukuda said in a voice that was oddly flat and composed, though perhaps only out of numbness. Out of a crushing kind of fatalism. "I received a call from the person responsible, telling me that he had her and instructing me not to contact anyone about it. And a few minutes ago he called again to tell me where to meet with him. I'm on my way there now."

"You're doing what? Don't be crazy; it's a trap."

"I'll hear what he has to say. And then he can hear what I have to say. I'll do whatever I can to satisfy him. If killing me satisfies him, so be it, as long as he lets Yuki go free."

Stake snatched up his black sports coat, shoved his arms into it, and clapped his porkpie hat on his head. He transferred Fukuda's call to his wrist comp and continued their conversation that way as he tore out of his apartment.

Realizing from the image that Stake was on the move, Fukuda said, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going where you're going, so tell me where it is."

"I can't do that."

"You have to, damn it!" He didn't want to wait for the tenement house's elevator, so his feet were a flurry down the stairs.

"If the person in question sees you with me, he may do Yuki some harm."

"He may still do her harm-you and her both! Do you think he'll let you two live to implicate him in this, after he's done questioning you?"

Fukuda glanced from the road ahead of him to the vidscreen on his console, locking eyes with Stake. After a hesitation, he spoke weakly, letting Fate continue to buoy him on its currents, wherever it might wish to carry him. "Steward Gardens. He's taking her to Steward Gardens."

"That place your brother built. In Beaumonde Square."


"So why there?"

"I don't know. I suppose because it's abandoned, private. I don't know how he found out about it. He must have researched me."

Stake had reached the lobby, and dragged his hoverbike out from under the steps where he was permitted to store it. He walked it to the front door and out into the failing light of dusk in Punktown. The late autumn air had a sting to it. Stake straddled the machine, and then it was whisking him along, insinuating and inserting itself into the slots and narrow passages between the hovercars and various other types of vehicles clotting the streets. Throughout this, he maintained his exchange with Fukuda, shouting to be heard over the roaring and beeping of the traffic.

"Why don't you stop somewhere and I'll meet up with you before you go on? Better yet, why don't you just back off, and let me handle this?"

"I told him I'd be there, and I'll be there. Yuriko died because of me once already. I didn't bring her back just to get her killed all over again."

"I see. So you're going to commit suicide, essentially, to atone for your sins."

"You don't know the half of my sins, Detective Stake. Though now might be as good a time as any to confess them."

"I thought you already had."

"I'm afraid I've been less than honest with you about things. Told you a distortion of the facts. You see, I'm not John Fukuda." Again he linked his gaze with Stake's through their vidscreens. "I'm James Fukuda."

An aqua-colored hovercar had slowed to a stop directly in front of Stake's bike due to a snarl-up in the traffic. He nearly collided with it, his ass jolting up from the seat as he braked. But it was his brain that felt thrown forward with the momentum. He returned his attention to his wrist comp, squeezing the bike's handles as if to cause them pain, the muscles in his jaw squeezing as well. Fukuda was waiting, giving him space to react. He reacted. "You're James Fukuda. The dead brother. So was it you all along I've been dealing with, or have the both of you been taking turns fucking with me?"

"There is only me," Fukuda told him. "It's my brother John who's the dead one."

The traffic had begun moving again, but like chunks of ice in a nearly frozen river. Stake spat a profanity. He glanced up at a helicar that flew directly above him along a strand of the invisible navigation web strung between the skyscrapers, a taxi with the identifying number 23 boldly black against its yellow-painted belly, making it look like a giant bee. He wished he was up there, inside that craft, not down here locked in this crawling glacier. Fukuda had gotten a head start, and he had been closer to Beaumonde Square than Stake had been from their points of departure. Regardless of the small bike's maneuverability, he feared he'd never overtake Fukuda on the way to Steward Gardens.

"Why did you lie to me before?" Stake shouted.

On Stake's little screen, Fukuda's eyes were turned away-presumably while he watched the traffic ahead of him-as he replied, "The story I told you before is that the brother named James was in love with Yuriko, the wife of the brother named John. That part was true. But what wasn't true, was that Yuriko resisted James's advances, and in a fit of anger James killed her. I then said that John came home to find his wife dead, and the brothers struggled. In despair at finding his wife murdered, John grabbed the gun away from James and shot him with it." "I remember."

"The fact is, Yuriko loved James, as he loved her. As I loved her. My brother John… well, I told you he was the successful one. Practical, dedicated to his business, unwaveringly strong. But he was also cold, Mr. Stake. He was so obsessed with his company that he became distant from his wife, even distant from me. Yuriko was very sensitive, very gentle and affectionate; she needed to be loved. She was not a bad woman. If anything, I was a bad brother."

"So you started an affair with her."

"One day, as I suppose was inevitable, John discovered the truth. Caught us together at his apartment. Not in bed at that moment, but he understood. In his rage, he took out a gun and shot and killed Yuriko. Then he turned on me. I got the gun away from him. And because he had killed the woman I loved, I killed him, too." Fukuda let out a long, ragged sigh. "Almost the same story I told you. But with some critical differences."

"Let me spare you telling me the rest. John was the successful one. You were the dreamer, the loser; you were saddled with Steward Gardens, your biggest failure yet. So you assumed your twin's identity, and took over his business."

"I was the more imaginative brother, yes. But I was also the envious brother. I coveted my brother's wife, and I coveted his success. In my greed, I stole them both, didn't I? At the cost of their lives. So I tried to bring them back, in my way. I resurrected Yuriko through Yuki. And I resurrected John through me."

"Do you think getting yourself killed now will redeem you?"

In a choked voice, James Fukuda said, "I only want my daughter back."

"Pull over and let me catch up with you, damn it!"

"Why do you care what happens to me, Mr. Stake?"

"Because you're paying me to," he snapped. "I don't think so. I think it's your nature to care." "Whatever you say."

Once more the traffic became bogged down, and in frustration Stake glanced again at the freer movement of the helicars overhead. That cab, numbered 23, had paused above him as well, even though the traffic was more open up there. Irritated vehicles beeped at it, or switched to other navigation beams to veer angrily around it. What was it waiting for?