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The wind died; even the rustle of leaves went silent.

In the hush of fading day, the Force showed Mace a shatterpoint.

The darkness of the jungle, not of the Sith.

Life without the restraints of civilization.

"We're done," Nick said. "You get that, don't you? We're as done as a week-old roast.

What do they call it in the army? Aid and comfort to the enemy?" "Be quiet. Don't draw attention to yourself." "Great idea. Maybe they'll forget I'm here." "This isn't about aid and comfort to the enemy," Mace said. "If this were going to be anything military, they'd put us under arrest. We'd be taken back to have some kind of show trial witnessed by the rest of the ULF. Instead, we're out here in the jungle, and the only witnesses are Kar, Depa, and these akks-human and saurian." "So they're just go

Mace allowed his lip to curl with a hint of contempt.

Nick whispered, "What are you doing?" Mace's gaze never wavered. "Nothing you need concern yourself with." "Urn, maybe I should have told you," the young Korun muttered nervously. "Kar doesn't like to be stared at." "I know." "It gets him mad." "He's already mad." "Yeah. And you're makin' him madder." "That's my intention." "Y'know," Nick said, "I'm go

You were sent for.

Mace sighed, looking bored.

Vastor's growl thickened.

Defiance carries a price.

Nick cocked his head, frowning. "This isn't about the prisoners?" Mace looked at him sidelong: Nick had understood. So Vaster was talking to both of them-or rather, to Mace, but at least partially for the benefit of Nick. He glanced up at the howdah.

Likely for the benefit of Depa as well.

"Of course it's about the prisoners," Mace said softly. "He's just warming up. Play along." Mace hooked his thumbs in his belt and walked casually forward. "I told you already: I am not to be sent for. Since you have brought her to me as ordered, I'll see her now." The shimmer around Vaster deepened, but he held himself perfectly still. His growl sharpened into a vine cat's hunting cough.,' don't take orders. Depa is here at her own request.

"Oh?" She came to say good-bye.

"I'm not going anywhere." Vastor's response was a silent gri

"I told you he's go

"So, what?" Nick kept on under his breath. "You think he's just go

Vaster vaulted to the ground. Make your good-byes. Then you are leaving.

"Nice doggy." Nick said with a sickly forced smile. He gave a weak laugh. "Nice-" Vastor's immense left arm flashed at Nick in a blinding palm slap that would have taken his head right off before he could even blink-but that massive arm was intercepted by the heel of Mace's open hand.

Mace's fingers locked momentarily around Vastor's wrist. "He's with me," he said, and before the lor pelek could react, he released Vaster and backhanded Nick off his feet.

Nick lay crumpled on the leaf mold, stu

Nick played along. "What was that for?" The Jedi Master jabbed a finger at his face. "You are an officer in the Grand Army of the Republic. Act like one." "How does one act?" Mace turned back to Vastor. "I apologize for him." Vaster grunted. His mother should apologize.

"Any problem you have with him, you bring to me." Mace had to bend his neck back to look up into the lor peleKs eyes. "I struck one of your men, earlier. I apologize for that as well." He met Vastor's glare lazily. "I should have hit you." You are Depa's Master, and my doshalo, and I do not wish you harm. Vastor's rumble went low and silken. Don't touch me again.

Mace sighed, still looking bored. He said to Nick, "Don't get up," and to Vastor, "Excuse me," and he sidestepped the lor pelek to vault onto the dorsal shell of the ankkox.

He had time to wonder if his pretense of confidence was fooling anyone.

Mace looked up at the howdah, now only a step or two away. His mouth had gone entirely dry.

He still couldn't feel her.

Even this close, finally, after all this time, whatever presence she cast in the Force blended invisibly into the jungle night around them.