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"I'll go to my room and clean up a little. Archie, will you come with me? We'll be with you in the office shortly, Mr Cramer. Miss Tormic is there, you know "

Cramer hesitated, looked at him suspiciously, and then tramped to the stairs and started down. We waited till we heard the office door close behind him and then went to the door of Wolfe's room and entered. Carla was in a straight-backed chair by the wall, her shoulders hunched over, her hands clenched in her lap, her chin down; but she was wearing her own clothes. The bellboy's outfit, neatly folded, was on the table.

Wolfe stopped in front of her and said, "How do you do, Miss Lovchen "

She looked up at him for an instant, then let her head fall again and made no reply.

Wolfe said, "I have no time now because I am expected downstairs. Mr Goodwin told me he brought a goose. He did. Whether you killed Mr Ludlow and Mr Faber or not, you are pure imbecile. Most people are, under great stress, but that merely gives you company. I don't know how or where Mr Goodwin found you, but you must have been making an awful fool of yourself or he wouldn't have found you at all Even though he is fairly good at finding things. If you think I am severe, it is because I have no sympathy to waste on people who come and ask my help and tell me nothing but lies. For the present you will stay in this room. I'll come back pretty soon and ask you some questions "

Carla raised her head again, moved it once from side to side and said, "I won't answer any questions. I've decided that. I won't say anything. Not to you or anybody "

"Oh. You won't?"

"No. Nothing. No matter what happens. If I don't say anything, what can anybody do? What can they prove if I don't say anything? Maybe you think I haven't enough will-power for it, but I have "

"You might have, for a while. Try it, by all means. It would be an improvement on your conduct so far " Wolfe turned to go. "I'll be back to see you, anyway, or send for you. Come, Archie "

With his hand on the knob he asked, "Are you hungry? Could you eat something?"

"No, thank you."

We went.

The trio in the office was now four: with us, six. The dick was still bored. Fred, the bum, had reoccupied my chair against my express orders, but as I entered he moved to another one. Cramer stood over by the big globe, twirling it. Neya Tormic's eyes fastened on Wolfe as he appeared in the door and followed him as he crossed to his desk, sat, and reached for the button. I realized that he was in about as bad a humour as I could remember, because he issued no invitation for anyone to have beer. Neya Tormic said, with her eyes boring holes through him:

"I want to see you alone-to ask you something "

Wolfe nodded. "I know what you want. That will have to wait. You didn't get to finish your errand. Isn't that it?"

"I-" She stopped and wet her lips. "You promised "

"No, Miss Tormic, I didn't. I know you've had a hard afternoon, but surely you remember why you and Mr Goodwin were looking for Miss Lovchen. And you didn't find her "

"She's gone."

"How do you know that?"

"This-Inspector Cramer just told me they can't find her "

"Where has she gone to?"

"I don't know "

Wolfe uncapped a bottle of beer and poured. "Anyway," he declared, "that will have to wait. Confound it, everything will have to wait!" He drank until the glass was empty. "Mr Cramer, you have been hanging around here since two o'clock. You have shown admirable patience and restraint-for instance, regarding Archie's presence at the Maidstone Building-and of course I know why. You want something and you think you can get it here and nowhere else. I tell you frankly, it isn't here. I don't suppose you contemplate spending the night in my house. "

I didn't hear the rest of the build-up for sending the inspector out into the night, because the door-bell rang and I went to answer it. Usually I performed that service anyway from six to eight, when Fritz was busy getting di

"Mr Nero Wolfe?"

"Yes, sir "

"From Seven Seas Radio. Sign here, please. The bill, sir Twenty-six dollars, please."

Wolfe, reaching for his pen, told me to fork over the dough. I did so. The youth uttered thanks, stowed away the cash and the receipt, and preceded me to the hall. I let him out and put the chain on, and went back in.

Wolfe was undoing the package, and Cramer was standing across from him, right against the desk, looking down at it. It certainly was an exhibition of bad ma

"You make me nervous, Mr Cramer. Sit down "

"I'm all right "

"But I'm not. Take a chair "

Cramer grunted, backed into the chair I had ready and lowered himself. Wolfe got the wrapping paper opened up and helped himself to an exclusive look at what was inside. Then he gave a little grunt, folded the paper over it again, and handed it to me.

"Put it in the safe, Archie "

I did so, closed the door and spun the knob, and returned to my chair Wolfe heaved a deep sigh and then muttered irritably, "That was the break we were waiting for, Mr Cramer "

The inspector growled, "The break?"

Wolfe nodded. "A minute ago I said that what you want wasn't here. It is now "

Chapter Eighteen Cramer, slowly and carefully as if he wanted to be sure of not sitting on an egg, got more comfortable in his chair, resting his back, and lifted a forefinger to rub the side of his nose. Wolfe also was leaning back. His eyes were closed, and his lips began to work in and out. In the silence, the dick in the corner suddenly coughed and I glared at him.

"Hell," Cramer said mildly, "I'm in no hurry "

Apparently everyone took him at his word, for the silence continued for another three minutes, and then Wolfe said without opening his eyes:

"Of your two assumptions, Mr Cramer, the first at least is correct. I doubt if you could get what I've got. Or, considering the attitude of your official superiors, if you did get it I doubt if you'd be able to use it "

"You'll get no argument from me on that," the inspector asserted. "What have I been saying? And while I know you can handle your affairs without the help of any gratitude from me, still and all-"

"I know. You're being tactful and adroit. You're dripping honey. Pfui. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you what you want, on condition that you agree without reservation to let me do it my way, without interference or protest "

"Well " Cramer regarded him with narrowed eyes, but it was one-sided, because Wolfe's eyes were still shut. "That's sort of vague. That you'll give me what I want. Who decides what I want?"

"Nonsense. I'm not quibbling. You want the identity of the murderer and the motive. I'll give you those."

"Any evidence?"

"Enough to satisfy you. And some of it I don't think you'll ever get unless you get it here and soon "

"Is it that thing in the safe?"

"Oh, no, you could get that yourself in about twenty-four hours. It took me twenty-five. I'll have to pry off a lid to get the evidence I'm speaking of."

Cramer eyed him a moment longer and said, "Shoot."

"Without reservation, no interference or protest from you."

"Right. Shoot."

Wolfe opened his eyes at me. "Archie, get Mr Barrett on the phone."