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The Lord High Chancellor and the Grand Constable of the PPA rode side by side through the harvested field, with their hawks on their wrists and the attendants at a discreet distance behind. A covey of pheasants exploded from the ground ahead of their horses in a cracking flutter of wings.

Both the Associates were in what Portlander fashion decreed for gentlemen engaged in rural pleasures on a summer?s day; turned-down thigh boots with the golden spurs of knighthood on the heels, doeskin breeches, baggy-sleeved linen shirts beneath long T-tunics cinched by broad sword belts of studded and tooled leather, and wraparound sunglasses in gilded frames.

Embroidered heraldic shields on their chests showed their arms. Those of Chancellor Conrad Renfrew-also Count of Odell-were sable, a snow-topped mountain argent on vert; it echoed the towering perfect cone of Mt. Hood, just visible as a tiny silver spike on the eastern horizon. Baroness Tiphaine d?Ath bore sable, a delta or over a Vargent; she wore a discreet livery badge at the brow of her hat as well, her own arms quartered with Sandra Arminger?s in token of vassalage. ?Your turn,? the Count of Odell said, nodding towards the pheasants skimming over the ground. ?Thanks, Conrad,? Tiphaine said.

This was one of the Five Great Fields of her manor of Montinore, and the three hundred acres of brown-blond wheat stubble with clover pushing up below provided plenty of cover. The ring of hawthorn hedge and wide-spaced poplars around it were full of good places for nesting, and even conscientious gleaners didn?t get all the fallen grain that attracted quarry. ?Three gets you five that cock pheasant makes it to the hedge,? the older noble said.

The big black-gray peregrine on her wrist crouched and bated with a bristle of feathers as she slipped free the hood, and a faint sweet ring from the silver bells on its bewit-straps as the talons closed and relaxed in anticipation. It knew what the sudden coming of the light meant. Then its mad slit-pupil yellow eyes flared dark as they fixed themselves on the prey; she could feel the strength of its grip on her wrist through the thick leather of the glove. ?Done,? Tiphaine replied.?Go for it, Riot Grrrl.?

She tossed the arm up in a quick throwing arc and the bird flung itself skyward, soaring upward in a widening gyre with a harsh skri-skri-skri. The wind of long graceful wings was cool on her cheek and neck for an instant, in the mild dry warmth of a Willamette summer?s day.

The covey?s alarm suddenly turned panic-stricken as the incarnate shadow of deep ancestral fear fell across them; they scattered, spattering away like water popping on a hot griddle. Frenzied, the male pheasant tried to outrace the circling doom rather than going for cover, his long tail feathers streaming as he strove for height. ?Stop taking the air, you idiot,? the Count of Odell said sourly. ?She?s twice as fast as you are!?

Tiphaine watched the dance of life and death in the cloudless blue above with eyes the color of moonlit glaciers, and smiled with a very slight curve of the lips. It made everything seem more intense for a moment, from the feel of the great muscles moving between her thighs to the smells of equine sweat and oiled leather, sweet crushed clover and dry dusty earth. ?That?s a lovely falcon you?ve got there,? Conrad said, following the flight of the peregrine.?And she?s going to cost me some money, dammit. Alaskan??

She nodded.?Aleutian.? ?Must have cost you,? he said.

Trade was sparse from those remote islands, and had to run the gauntlet of Haida pirates in the Queen Charlottes and the Inland Passage. Only the most expensive luxury goods could bear the costs. ?Worth it,? she replied.?Northern birds always fly better, especially in yarak.?

The Association nobles reined in and watched the falcon climb; the bird sitting hooded on Conrad Renfrew?s wrist was a big dark brown mews-bred Harris Hawk with chestnut shoulders and white banding on the base and tip of its tail. It had already taken two rabbits and a duck today. Despite which…

It?s hardly falconry at all with a Harris, Tiphaine thought.

She privately considered that species to be like Irish setters with feathers and talons. Unlike pretty well all other birds of prey they were social hunters, coursing in flocks in the wild, and they were affectionate to their handlers in ways other breeds just weren?t. That and the ease with which they could be bred in captivity made them favorites.

They do everything but lick your hand and lift a leg to pee. ?You?ve got a good eye for a falcon,? he admitted. ?I always did identify with predators. Back before the Change? Conrad had been over thirty then; she?d been fourteen. They?d both survived the first Change Year when the vast majority of the human race had not, but the experience divided as much as it linked them. His generation were of the old world; those a few years younger than she were Changelings. She hung between?my bedroom was plastered with pictures of hawks and wolves and tigers and leopards.?

The Count of Odell?s hideously scarred face quirked in a smile. ?Isn?t it usually horses with girls that age?? ?Usually. I preferred things with fangs or claws or both.? ?Why am I not surprised, Lady Death?? he said, using the common pun on her title. ?Well, I had a Melissa Etheridge poster on the wall too.? ?Who… oh, she was a musician, right? I think I?ve heard you do some of her stuff now and then.? ?Right. Serious crush on her at the time.?

That had been an eventful spring. She?d turned fourteen in January, met Katrina Georges in February when the other girl transferred to Bi

Birthday, first love, victory, then the laws of nature Change while you?re on a camping trip. Killed my first man five days later and couldn?t believe how easy it was. But I do miss CDs and my Walkman sometimes. Calling for the minstrel just isn?t the same.

The thought was odd; it had been a long time since she remembered the Change much, or thought of herself as Collette Rutherton rather than the name Sandra had chosen for her when she became an Associate of the PPA. Conrad?s generation always had one mental foot planted in the old world, however hard they tried to pull it out or deny it; hers remembered it, but as though seen faded through multiple panes of glass… except on the rare occasions when it came flooding back to make the now seem like a mad dream for an instant.

To those a few years younger, the Changelings, it was a fable.

And I envy them that. Envy them and fear it a little. Even Delia. .. I love her but I don?t understand her sometimes. The kids are even worse. They don?t just take this world we?ve made naturally. They think but they don?t think about thinking the way I do sometimes and Conrad and Sandra and the other oldsters do all the time. The Changelings… it?s like they?re in a dream. So am I, but I know it. They never wake up or know they?re dreaming. ?Ah,? Tiphaine said, pulling off her tinted glasses and shading her eyes with the hand that held them.

A second later Conrad pushed his mirrorshades up onto the bald dome of his head and muttered something under his breath-probably damn as the falcon selected the cock pheasant?s gaudy gold-and-green plumage for its target.

The peregrine stooped out of the sun, folding its wings and turning itself into a blurred streak of purpose. There was a faint thud from the air above, a puff of feathers against the bright afternoon sky. ?She binds!? Tiphaine said, and didn?t add: I win.