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The boy wrenched his eyes from the dance of war, straightened up and chivvied the mounts a little closer together; they responded with lazy good ma

His rumbling bass held the same slow yokel burr as Sam?s, deep English of a south-country village sort. Usually his wasn?t as ripe-he was a generation younger, around forty-but he unconsciously fell back into the speech of their shared birthplace as they spoke. ?Moind, with bows you don?t?ave to worry about some git a mile downrange catching one. Still, nice not to be crowded,? Sam replied.

The Mackenzies numbered over sixty thousand now, more than half of them born since the Change and more too young to remember much before it, but they weren?t short of land-even good land like this, not counting the vast mountain forests to the east on the slopes of the Cascades. There were probably more people about in the rural areas of the Willamette Valley than there had been before the engines died, but they used a lot less of the landscape, now that it wasn?t machine-cultivated to feed some distant metropolis. Most of the Clan?s territory down in the valley flats was like this, kept as a reserve against future growth, and the same was true in the other realms. ?Not much loik the land east of the Cascades, though,? Hordle said.?Less cover out there, mostly.?

Grazing livestock and dry-season wildfire, deer and elk and sounders of feral swine had kept the scrub and saplings from covering everything here, but the golden summer grass was shaggy and nearly waist high, studded with rosebush and hawthorns gone wild here and there. Scarlet English corn poppies starred the fields with swatches and dots of crimson.

My doing, that, Sam thought, with an inward grin.

He?d helped it along, at least; quietly dumped several score pounds of seed salvaged from garden-supply stores here and there in the first years, and they?d spread far in this agreeable climate and fertile soil. Not that he?d ever admit it, and he cursed the weeds with the best.

Bit of old Blighty, and sod the nuisance they are in the corn. We don?t have to squeeze every acre until it squeaks.

There was a stretch of wetland over westward to his right, thick with green cattails and reeds where a field drain had been blocked; most of the birds had fled the noisy humans. Elsewhere the trees that had lined tilled fields or roads before the Change had sent out waves of saplings, poplar and Douglas fir, bigleaf maple and garry oak, the oldest of them of respectable size by now. Another patch of forest marked the site of a farmhouse, snags of tumbled brick showing where the roots gripped and ground away at the old world?s works with slow vegetable patience.

More arrows flew; the levies were retreating now, the same stop-shoot-and-dash maneuver. This wasn?t the massed volleying by ranks that could darken the sky and smash armies, but a very respectable number of shafts were flicking in their long shallow arcs, blurring through the air. ?Not bad at all,? Sam said; in fact he was proud and happy with the performance.?Easier to make summat of?em than it was in England before the Change. Christ, it?d make you cry, to see some of the things that came into the recruiting offices back then. More like garden slugs on legs than?uman bein?s they was, sometimes. Present company excepted.?

The bigger man grunted agreement.?Well, this lot?aven?t spent their lives layin? about watchin? the telly and scarfing crisps.?

He smiled reminiscently and went on:?Remember those types they said were cheese and onion flavor? Made from rendered cow?ooves, I read once.?

He leaned on the brass pommel of his sheathed sword as he said it; the weapon was four feet in the blade, with a long double-lobed hilt and a cross guard. It wasn?t outsized beside John Hordle, who was six-foot-seven and broad enough to seem a little squat. In armor he could look overweight, something his great boiled ham of a face might suggest. ?No, it?s shoveling muck and hoeing spuds and chopping trees for these, murr loik,? Aylward said with satisfaction.? And practicing with the bow fraam the toime they?re six, naat to mention?unting. And they don?t worry themselves so much as folk did in our day.? ? Your day, Samkin.?

Today Hordle wore a sleeveless linsey-woolsey shirt in the warmth, besides trousers and boots and broad belt and the baldric for slinging the weapon over his back, and you could see that the three-hundred-odd pounds of him had scarcely an ounce of spare flesh. Massive muscle ran and flexed across thick heavy bone on a body the same width from shoulders to waist, with dense auburn furze on the backs of his hands and his arms and great barrel chest. The baldric had a device picked out on it in silver, of a bare tree surrounded by seven stars and topped by a crown. ?Gives a good start,? he agreed.?It?s the same with most we get for the Dunedain Rangers. All you?ave to teach?em is how to foight. And you?re roit about their not worryin?. Just take things as they come, which is sommat even sojers came hard to before the Change.?

One archer got a little too enthusiastic, shooting as he ran without taking time to aim. A bow captain came up behind him and administered a tremendous kick to the man?s backside, hard enough to send him forward onto his face with the surprise and shock. ?You?ve a fine old English discipline goin??ere,? Hordle said approvingly.?Sir Nigel must approve.? ?No,?e says there are toimes an officer?as ter be blind,? Aylward said.?Take a walk, loik, while the sergeant deals with things. No names, no pack drill.?

Hordle nodded.?Fu

Aylward gri

Hordle shook his head.?King?s roit?and, p?raps,? he said.?Or Prince Consort?s. Alleyne allus was better at the strategy side of it. Well,?e?s Sir Nigel?s son, and?e went to Sand?urst, so it staands to reason, du

Hordle gri

Hordle finished with an alarmingly accurate impression of someone who?d grown up on General American trying to speak with the accents of a Tillbury villager. ?Says the man who talks sodding Elvish most of the time, y? great gallybagger.?