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The gray eyes widened, and the stocky bowman slapped himself on the forehead.?Now it?s blind I feel! Well, you?re the Chief. High King, perhaps, too.?

Rudi pointed a finger at his face.?And the High King?s right-hand man had better learn to think of such things. It?s your wits I?ll be needing, Edain Aylward Mackenzie of the Wolf sept, as much as the skill of your eye and hand.?

A shout came from ahead. Rudi nodded; he?d expected that about now. Jake and his Southsider warriors jogged back towards the wagon train and the rest of their tribe in no particular order, on either side of a squadron of Iowa cavalry.

The Iowans were in a neat column of twos, with an officer in a plumed helmet at the front and a ba

And they?re notably good horsemen, Rudi thought. With well-trained mounts. Elite troops.

The thought was confirmed when the column came to a halt in rippling unison not far away. You needed to use both hands for a saddle bow, which meant you had to control your horse exclusively with legs and balance. Rudi could do it On a real horse, not this ambling pot of glue-makings!

– but mostly people with that knack were ranchers or cowboys or Rovers or from the Plains tribes, folk who lived in the saddle from childhood. Iowans were tillers of the earth or town-dwelling merchants and craftsmen as a rule, but these had a different trade.

He slid to the ground and walked forward on the cracked slabs of the roadway, split into uneven segments like the back of a tortoise by a generation?s frost heave, glad to be out of the beast?s kicking and biting range. His blue-green eyes narrowed as he took in the commander?s face beneath the brim of his helmet.

Denson, he thought.

Then they went wide as he saw the big man beside him, the one wearing a kettle helm with a broad brim like a hat?s. ?Ingolf!? he shouted.?Ingolf the Wanderer!?

And alive, free and armed, he added to himself, feeling a grin of delight split his face. ?Rudi, you miserable slippery son of a bitch!? the other man called.?Christ, you could fall into a heap of horseshit and come out smelling like a rose with a gold brick in your teeth!?

He slid from his mount as well, and they grasped each other?s shoulders, laughing with pleasure; that grip was easier because they were almost of a height, though Ingolf was a bit thicker-built, bull to Rudi?s tiger. The other man?s weathered face was a little gray under the short-clipped beard, but that was to be expected after weeks of confinement. He fisted the Mackenzie on the arm and stepped back, looking at the wagons with his thumbs hooked into his sword belt. ?By Jesus, I never thought I?d see these again. All the way to Boston and back…?

His face went cold for an instant, obviously remembering the friends and followers of his who?d died on that trip. Then he shook it off. ?Good work… Chief.? ?I had help.? Rudi shrugged. ?I can see that,? Ingolf said, nodding to the Southsiders and shaking hands with Edain.?But you got the help.?

It was a different tune you were singing when we started out, Rudi thought; there had been a bit of friction when the more experienced man realized the Mackenzie was to be in charge of their group. But you?re an adaptable one, Ingolf Vogeler. And it?s glad I am to see you.

The Iowan commander had dismounted as well.?Charmed the ca

Jake su

He smiled, and the State Police officer blinked a little; the last time they?d met he?d been seeing Rudi over the bridge into the Wild Lands on a mission meant to fail, and the time before that he?d arrested the Mackenzie, tried to arrest his friends, succeeded in taking Odard and Matti prisoner, and dragged the three of them before Anthony Heasleroad?s throne. Rudi?s sharp-cut features usually had a half smile about them. It made the expression they wore now more noticeable. ?And it?s glad I am to see you again,? Rudi said, something cat-playful in his tone.?Very glad to see you again like this.?

This being armed, with armed friends at hand, and the Iowan himself within arm?s reach. Denson was no fool; he?d seen Rudi before, and refreshed his memory with an expert?s quick appraisal of the other man-hands, shoulders, the way he stood and moved. ?Now, Captain Denson, would you be after tellin? me something: you Christians have a proverb, do you not, Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord??

The State Policeman nodded warily.?Yes.? ?And you?ve another to the effect that if a man hits you on one cheek you should turn and let him hit the other, no?? ?Yeah. Your point is??

Rudi?s smile grew a little broader, and his thumb caressed the cross guard of his longsword: ?Well, I?m not a Christian, you see. And we of the Old Religion believe that a man?s deeds come back upon him in kind… magnified threefold.? ?Sorry if I offended,? Denson said tightly.?Just doing my job.? ?It?s to my friend Jake here that you should apologize, Captain Denson,? Rudi said.?Because the Southside Freedom Fighters are not ca

There was a genuinely scandalized tone in Denson?s voice; that prejudice was no older than Rudi, but it ran deep. The shock of it was enough to knock the man onto his back heel for a moment, mentally. ?When a man?s got himself into a pit, the first order of business is to stop digging,? Rudi said.?Whether with a shovel or with his tongue. And there?s a third reason you should apologize; because you?re wearing a sword.?

Denson?s hand went unconsciously to the hilt of his shete.?What?s that got to do with it??

Rudi smiled. Jake su

He didn?t draw his sword, or even put his sword hand to the hilt. He did let the thumb of the other press on the guard, enough to start it free of the slight tension of the greased battens lining the scabbard, and let a single thread?s-width of the patterned layer-forged blade show.

Denson stared at him for an instant, opened his mouth, then followed Rudi?s flick of the eyes and turned to Jake. ?Sorry,? he said to the Southsider coolly enough, with a little bow.?No offense meant.?