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Spears and axes waited behind a rough barricade of carts and furniture a little farther down; he could see the tiered roofs and gilt and painted dragonheads of the pagan temple beyond. If they took that, only the boat sheds and docks remained. ?Shields!? he called.

The Bou el-Mogdad?s crew rallied, raising a wall of wood and leather ahead and overhead as well. Under that tent he looked around for his bosun, shouting the man?s name: ?Falilu!?

The man looked up, and Abdou pointed to a well-placed house larger than the others with his sword. ?That one. Clear it and get us some covering fire while we storm the barricade.?

The man nodded, grabbed a dozen hands who were all archers. They slung their bows, lifted a thick timber and began beating in a door; it gave off a thudding bang like a huge drum as they rammed their way through. Then it fell inward, and they drew their blades and charged in; screams came out then, but only a few clashes of steel on steel. ?The rest of you, with me. God is great!?

They charged the barricade with their tall shields locked together against missiles. Those rattled and thunked and banged off the protection until the moment they had to climb the obstacle; here and there a man fell, silent or screaming or cursing, but the others closed ranks and kept up the rush. Steel probed for his life as the wild corsair charge struck. He knocked the spearhead aside, slicing up it at the wielder?s fingers; a snarling face loomed out of the corner of his eye and a huge two-handed ax swung towards his head. Another man?s shield put itself in the way; Abdou could hear it crack beneath the force of the blow.

He slashed at the pagan?s face and he fell backward in a spray of blood as the ugly yielding feel of thin bones breaking flowed up wrist and arm. Grown men and boys and elders and even shrieking women were in the crowd facing the corsairs in a heaving, stabbing, shoving mass. Then they turned and pulled back as a shower of black cane arrows came slashing down from the house, driven by powerful whalebone-backed bows.

Abdou braced the point of his scimitar on a broken cart and his weight on the pommel for a moment to sob for breath, waving his free hand to Falilu, who gri

Then a choked-off cry of pain drew his notice. Ahmed was crumpled at his feet, trying to get the broken shield off his arm. Abdou helped his son, and though the youngster was silent his teeth brought blood from his own lips. ?Not broken, dislocated,? the father said. Then, in a sharp bark: ?What?s that??

The boy?s head jerked aside to see what had brought the cry of alarm. In the same instant his father grabbed the arm, pulled and twisted. The joint went back into its socket with a click audible as much by feel as through the noise of combat. Ahmed made a stifled sound, but the rough treatment was over before he could shift his attention back to it. ?And you saved my life.? Abdou gri

They pushed on over the ruins of the barricade, and the houses drew back on either side. The triangular open space before the silver-worked and gilded doors of the idolater?s temple-even then a brief what a place to sack! went through his mind-was crowded, but the fight was shaking itself out into lines after the chaotic scramble through the streets. His crew linked up with that of the Shark, and Jawara was there, gri

Abdou nodded and let the battle surge past him; his head went back and forth. The pagans were still fighting, but they were outnumbered now… and most of the casualties on his side had been the weird allies the Marabout had found, not his own folk. Which was just as he?d pla

A cry came from behind him; in Wolof, and not just the sort of screaming-usually for their mothers-that men in unendurable pain made. He turned, and his eyes went wide in alarm. It was one of the men held left as a rearguard at the broken wall. Two gray-fletched arrows stood in the back of his steel-strapped cuirass of doubled hippo hide, and his left forearm and hand were a dripping mass of ruin through which bone showed pink-white. His right held the broken stub of a sword.

The man fell forward into Abdou?s arms, and the captain turned and laid him down gently on his side. Blood bubbled out across his broad dark face, and his eyes were blind as they hunted about. It was a younger cousin of his, not much older than Ahmed. ?What is it, Dia?? he asked. ?Too many,? the man mumbled.?Couldn?t stop them. They come. Warn the skipper! Hurts!? ?You have warned me,? Abdou said.

He spoke loudly, to cut through the haze of agony and fear. The other did hear, and understand for an instant. ?You die with honor. Go with God, ghazi of the Faith. The gates of Paradise open for you.?

The man forced a smile, shuddered, jerked, died. Abdou rose and met Jawara?s eyes. ?We?re fucked,? the other man said.?So much for our allies? sentries who were experienced woodsmen.? ?They met someone more experienced,? Abdou said.?We couldn?t divide our forces and we didn?t know the country. Probably some force from inland.?

Which was any corsair?s nightmare on a longshore raid; you had to strike swiftly and then go. He drew a deep breath. A rover captain had to be able to think quickly in an emergency-even a disaster, as this had suddenly become. He went on urgently: ?Your men are closer to that southern gate and it?s probably not held anymore. Chances are any of the pagans there hurried back into the street fighting when we came over the wall. Get going. Cut your way through anything you meet and stop for nothing. It can?t be helped. Inshallah, we can break contact and follow you.?

Jawara started to protest, and Abdou grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him backward hard. ?Go! Now! We?ll hold them as long as we can and then retreat. You can cover us from the water with your ship?s catapults. Go!?

What in Shaitan?s name happened at the wall? ?Volley! Forward six paces. Volley! Forward six paces! Volley! Forward six paces- pick your man. Volley! Volley! Wholly together! Volley! Forward six paces!?

Edain had the bowmen well under control. Two dozen longbows bent and spat at the sparse line of corsairs opposing them in the gap of the shattered wall. A third of them fell, and the rest wavered as the heavy-armed band around Rudi came up behind the thin line of archers. He knocked down his visor with a hard snick-clack! ?Morrigu!? he shrieked, as the world shrank to a slit.?Charge!?

They ran forward in a wedge with him at the point; the archers slung their bows, drew blades or axes or mallets, and followed. A curved sword swung at his head as he leapt up the body-littered slope of the broken wall, agile as a great steel-ski

Cries rang out, battle slogans where they weren?t just raw shrieks of rage or of pain: ?Morrigu! Morrigu!? ?Allahu Akbar!? ?Jesu-Maria!? ? Haro, Portland! Holy Mary for Portland!? ?Ho La, Odhi

There was a long moment of slipping, scrambling fighting on the uncertain footing of the broken wall. Rudi felt an arrow hammer into his knight-style shield; six inches of it showed through the i