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He?d come in out of the dawn three days ago and caught them tied up. That blockade duty pi

The Marabout-Cheik Ibra, he was called-was in conversation with one of the strangers. They were too far away for Abdou to follow the talk, but close enough for him to hear that it was in English. That made his mouth tighten. How had Ibra learned that tongue? In the lands of the Emirate of Dakar only seafarers did, and of them only a few. ?Ahmed,? Abdou said, raising his voice slightly.

His son trotted over, proud in his fifteen years, a slim young man who already bid fair to be taller than his tall father someday. He was prouder still of being on his first foreign voyage. ?My father? I mean, Captain?? ?Fetch the learned Cheik for us.?

The boy walked over to the strangers with self-conscious dignity. He transferred his spear to the left hand that also held the grip of his shield, so that his right could touch brow and lips and breast as he bowed and murmured a polite formula. The perhaps-holy man nodded and walked over to the two corsair captains. ?I have good news, God willing,? he said cheerfully; he didn?t even seem to mind the vile weather here. ?God willing indeed,? Abdou said.?What could be good about this place except seeing the last of it, when that is His will?? ?Confounding the pagans and plundering their goods?? the Marabout asked dryly.?And then seeing the last of it??

Jawara nodded.?Yes, but how? Charging those walls would leave nothing but heaped corpses-and if I?m to be a martyr, I want to be a victorious one. And we can?t sit here long. Too likely a warship of the accursed English Nazarenes will come by, may God confound them. Their merchants put in here to trade every now and then, too.?

All three men nodded. In theory the Emir of Dakar had agreed to forbid these waters to ships from his realm after the defeat he suffered at the Canaries from the united kufr fleets a decade ago. Abdou and Jawara had both been there, fighting beside their fathers in their first real war, and had been among the lucky minority who escaped alive from the arrows and flamethrowers and the waiting sharks.

In practice the Emir had neither the power nor the wish to control the ships that sailed from the tangled swamps and creeks of the Saloum delta, looking for revenge as well as wealth. Their folk needed the salvage of the ruined cities, not just metals but gears and springs and glass and a hundred other things; and the English charged usurer?s rates for such. But the treaty allowed their navy to attack vessels in the exclusion zone on sight, which they did with ghastly efficiency.

The Mouride cleric went on:?These men-who are veritably followers of the Prophet-?

Abdou caught a glimpse of something he didn?t like in the man?s eyes then; something like mockery. He gritted his teeth and ignored it. There was work to do. ?-say they can build a trebuchet. There?s plenty of timber in the barns and outbuildings, and their savages to do the rough work. They need some help with tools, and our ship?s carpenters and smith, but they have an engineer who has erected one before and knows the proportions.?

The corsair leader rubbed his chin beard, shuddering a little as bits of ice condensed from his breath fell off it. The strangers had already built mantlets, thick sloped wooden shields on wheels that would stop arrows and bolts. The corsairs had brought two light pieces of deck artillery ashore; a rover ship was built for that sort of flexibility. But the six-pounders wouldn?t knock that wall down, not if they threw roundshot from now until the Day of Judgment or until the ships? ammunition ballast was all gone.

We might be able to set it on fire. Or the town. But charred ruins yield little plunder. A trebuchet could break down the timbers and spill the rubble core.

A trebuchet was the most powerful of war engines, and the simplest; a giant lever pivoting between uprights, with a box of rock fastened to the short end and a throwing sling to the long one. Given one of those and enough time they could batter their way through walls of well-fitted stone blocks, or even ferroconcrete, much less timber with rubble fill. A big trebuchet could throw a half-ton rock the better part of a mile, but they weren?t naval weapons-more a matter of fortress and siege warfare-and none of his carpenters and metalworkers were familiar with them.

But given time is the word to remember here. Risky! Still…

The plunder was tempting, and the chance to show the Norrheimer pagans that interfering with his people wasn?t a good idea even for battle-drunken madmen. If he had been a timid man, he wouldn?t have become a corsair. Growing peanuts and rice was much safer than being the skipper of a Saloum rover, and trading in cotton and indigo was almost as lucrative.

A big trebuchet can make a ramp out of that wall. By God and His Prophet, though, I know who?s going to lead the assault, when it comes-and it isn?t going to be my men.

The thoughts took only an instant.?We?ll do it. And let us not give the infidels the precious gift of time.? ?So, tell me about your betrothed,? Edain said quietly when the scouting party had stopped for the night.

Ritva gave him a look and slipped away to take the first watch. They?d made a cold camp here; no fire, of course, just rearranging some snow below an overhang and bringing in some spruce boughs for insulation between their bedrolls and the ground-as long as you were out of the wind it was the earth below you that sucked away the body?s heat. All that they had to do was unroll the sleeping bags, arrange their weapons close to hand, and huddle close while they gnawed on sausage and cheese and crackerlike rye flatbread. And kept their canteens in with them, to keep the water from freezing.

The air was clear above for a change, with coldly glittering stars shining in glimpses through the needles of the spruce and pine. Air soughed through the branches, sending an occasional mist of snow like powdered silver down towards the ground.

He thought Mary?s single eye gave him an ironic look too over the fur-trimmed edge of her bag. They all used the same type, greased leather lined with fur and down-stuffed quilting, with catches that could be loosed with a single movement. The two Dunedain had had their own from the begi

Sure, and these things are an amazement, Edain thought. With one of them and all your clothes, you can get all the way from frozen to death to just miserable in only an hour or two! Ah, but wouldn?t it be nicer with two?

You could join two of them together; Mary and Ritva often laced theirs into one. Asgerd wasn?t interested in being that close with him . Yet. Not that you could do anything but huddle in weather like this. Freezing to death was no joke when it got this cold. ?Sigurd was a hero!? she said. Then:?His father was one of Erik the Strong?s handfast men. He came north with his bride and won land, but Sigurd was the third son, and-?

Edain made approving noises. Asgerd was hotly devoted to this Sigurd?s memory and he had no objection. The man was dead, after all; also it proved she had a loyal heart. When she?d run down and made herself depressed-he winced slightly as the eagerness in her voice turned to the sort of sadness that made you feel core-chilled even on a warm summer?s day-she said with obvious effort: ?And what will you do when your chief… your King Artos… has this Sword?? ?Like something out of an old tale, isn?t it?? Edain said dreamily. ?Like Anduril, the Flame of the West,? Mary said; there was no irony in her voice this time.?When the sword is ready, the King returns.? ?We?ll take it back home, and the worst of luck to anyone who tries to stop us,? Edain said.?And Rudi… Artos… will raise armies, beat the Cutters, and everyone will hail him High King.? ?Everyone?? Asgerd said, her voice a little pawky.?You have no disputes or feuds, out there in the West?? ?Everyone who knows what?s good for them will,? Edain said.?And for the rest-?