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“That was his wife?” She paused. “Oh, well, then it must have been NCR-40 autoimmune syndrome. Attention therapy deals with that really well now. She’ll be just fine.”
“Then he’ll be fine, too.”
“He looked all right, once he calmed down. Kind of good-looking, even.”
“I almost didn’t recognize him. I’d never seen him happy before.” Oscar paused. “You made him happy.”
“Well, maybe I get the credit.” She smiled. “I didn’t mean to make him happy. Science gets the credit for things science never meant to do. Science isn’t a better effort just because it sometimes helps humanity. But on the other hand, that must mean that science isn’t really any worse for causing mankind harm.”
“I’m not sure I follow you there. That’s not political thinking.” She had a long sip of champagne. The men in the street were still yelling for her attention, but she regally ignored them. “Look at me,” she told him suddenly. She smoothed her feathered mask against her face with her long fingers. Within the owlish cowl of brown feathers, her eyes moved suddenly, in two different directions.
Oscar jumped. “Wow! How’d you do that?”
“I can do it now. I practiced. I can even see two things at once. Watch me.” Her eyes rolled in their white sockets, like a chameleon’s.
“Good God! You did that just by thinking about it?”
“It’s the life of the mind.”
“I can’t believe it. No, look at me again. Use both your eyes. Now use one eye. Good Lord, that’s the most shocking thing I’ve ever seen in a human face. The hair’s standing up on my neck. Do it for me again, sweetheart. My God! I’ve got to get a camera.”
“You’re not scared? I never showed anyone else.”
“Of course I’m scared! I’m petrified. It’s wonderful. Why am I the only guy in the world who knows how sexy that is?” He laughed delightedly. “You blew my mind! Come and kiss me.”
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