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Day Ten: Rich Boys Who’d Actually Survived

Reeling, I pushed myself up, scrubbing my chin clean and placing my foot over the bloody glob. I didn’t know what had changed Kev’s mind about keeping me going, but I knew without a doubt how long I’d be allowed to live once the cops realized I was no longer necessary-or even beneficial-for their own survival, deal with Hense or not. I squinted through the sunlight, my cheeks hurting, as she walked forward with her handgun to toe the four newly dropped citizens and make sure they were dead, her face blank. I didn’t think she would actively betray our deal; she might even make some effort to uphold it. I didn’t know why, but I felt I could almost trust her. But Happling, her huge red gorilla, he wouldn’t hesitate, and without her captain’s support it wouldn’t be long before an unfortunate accident occurred.

Hense nodded to herself and then at Happling, retreating back into the loose crowd of Stormers. Next to me, Happling started booming out his orders, and the troopers scrambled back into line. As we started moving down Fifth again, stepping over the bodies we’d left in our wake, I struggled to contain the twitching irritation in my chest that wanted to explode into a fresh coughing fit while I moved my eyes over the block, trying to gain some advantage.

I knew where we were, of course, and I was pretty sure I’d been in the building on our left that the unfortunate citizen had indicated. None of the other options raised any sort of memory, so I stole a long glance at the building on the corner. I remembered that it had an open lot or something in the back, a patch of dead earth with a huge sewage drain in the middle of it, rusting and fucking dangerous. I was burning through my memories of the place, trying to remember if the drain hooked into the main sewage system, trying to remember how you got from the front of the building to the back. If I could get into the sewers, I could get anywhere in Manhattan, including Bellevue. When a single shot churned up a divot of asphalt right in front of Happling, the cops stopped as a body.

Without hesitation I kept moving, slowly, edging my way toward the side of the street.

“Far enough, Chief,” a voice called from somewhere within the building. “Now turn and go around.”

I sca

Hense stepped forward, and a second report tore through the air. The Stormer Bendix was tethered to suddenly did a whole-body shake and crumpled to the street in silence. I blinked in shock as Bendix reached down and smoothly unclipped himself, taking off in a blindfolded, handcuffed run down the street. Hense looked back at Bendix as if committing him to memory while I wondered why they’d chosen that trooper, of all the targets on the street. Before I could linger on the subject or even examine the body, another shot cracked out, echoing off the steel valleys of Manhattan, making us all hunch down in instinctive, useless ducking motions.

“I said, go around,” the voice called out. It was a pleasant male voice, deep and gravelly. He managed to make it sound polite. I was about ten feet from the wall, moving carefully. The front door was shut tight and probably barred on the inside, but I knew another way in. Midtown wasn’t like downtown Manhattan; there weren’t countless Safe Rooms and hidden tu

Hense peered up at the building. “Did you just fire on System Security Force officers?” she asked in disbelief. “Twice?

“We’re not sick in here,” the voice responded, sounding not at all impressed. “It’s proximity that does it. We’re not taking any chances. Now, all I’m saying is, go around. Go one block west, cut down south, and then turn back east. You do that, we don’t need to have any goddamn trouble.”

I forgot about Bendix; this was my chance. As I slowly sidestepped my way to the wall, keeping my eyes on cops, my chest flexing with another spasm, I saw one Stormer suddenly straighten up and put a hand to his ear. My eyes flicked to Happling, who cocked his head a fraction and then nodded. They’d gotten a fix on the sniper, and I figured he was about to find out how well the SSF-even defrocked SSF like Happling and Hense-liked being shot at.

Hense looked at her captain for a moment and then nodded, turning back to the building. “I don’t know who you are-”

“Who I am?” the voice interrupted. “Shit, five days ago I was a stockbroker who hovered upstate once a week to hunt,” he said.

“-but we are police, and we don’t fucking go around.

Without a command, five Stormers swung their shredders around in unison and opened up on the windows, the roar pushing all other sound out of the way, forming a wall of earsplitting noise. This was my cue, and I took off, pulling my gun from my pocket and throwing myself against the building, flattening my body as much as I could. I took a moment to let my coughs rack me, an explosion that sent more bloody phlegm jetting onto the pavement, and then I pushed off and sprinted for the corner. At the base of the building, the snipers above couldn’t even see me, and the Stormers’ attention was directed upward. I was at the corner, skidding into a sharp turn to my left, when some bright thing noticed me and belatedly tried to cut me down, shredder shells slicing into the facade next to me as I disappeared behind it.

I didn’t stop. At ground level sat a long, narrow window that five or so years ago I’d been just able to shimmy through. It had been boarded up from the inside with the same gray wood. Ru

Dropping farther than I remembered to the cold concrete floor, I lay there panting, a gurgling chuckle that mutated into more coughing. Something damp slowly soaked into my pants.

Shit, I thought, I’m fucking dying.

It didn’t matter-the real question wasn’t how long I had to live, but how long I had before I was too sick to do anything. I rolled over and pushed myself up onto my feet. It was dark, and I felt gritty as concrete dust stuck to my bloody wounds. Outside I could hear a firefight-shredders mixed with the sound of high-powered hunting rifles owned by rich boys. Rich boys who’d actually survived and gotten ruthless. And here I was inside their perimeter, about to shove these nanobots right up their collective asses.

There wasn’t time to look the place over, to recollect floor plans and memorize exits. I saw stairs in the gloom and I ran for them, every breath painful, like razors inside my lungs. Moving as quietly as I could, I took the steps two at a time, the old wood groaning under my weight. At the top I didn’t even have time to ponder the soft-looking wooden door before it was torn open and I brought up my gun in an automatic response. A fat, puffing bald man appeared in the door frame, dressed in some ridiculous outfit that approximated combat armor: a dark, heavy vest; tough, thick pants tucked into heavy-duty boots; an ammo belt slung jauntily across his shoulders. He stared at me in red-faced shock for a second, his rifle-a nice, expensive item, but semiauto and too slow on the refire for practical use in my world-pointed lazily at his feet.