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Day Eight: Old Murder Incorporated Himself

None of us moved. “I heard you were dead,” I said slowly. I remembered the stupid, fat-sounding voice on the radio: He, too. He not here, the old man.

Wa was growing a majestic silvery beard and mustache, but his eyes were as hard and flat as ever. “Hello to you, too, Avery. Did you shed a tear for me? Lower your weapons, please.”

Wa Belling was possibly the best Gu

“Wallace Belling, sometimes styling himself Cai

I opened my mouth to give Wa a smart response, but from behind us Ty started shouting.

“You absolute cunt,” he shrilled, muted slightly by the thick bulletproof walls around him. “You threw me this job. You brought me into this. You shit, you piece of shit-”

“Mr. Kieth,” Wa said, a cold, unhappy smile on his face. “Calm yourself. You wouldn’t want to pop a vessel after all the trouble you’ve gone to trying to extend your life.”

“Wa,” I said, resisting the urge to look for Happling, who had to be skulking in the shadows somewhere, inching into position. “Why?”

Belling didn’t shift or look at me; he kept his gaze wide. “Don’t be an asshole-they paid me. Are you going to pretend you’re here for some altruistic reason? Saving the fucking world? Saving the world, Avery?”

I tightened my grip on my gun. “A lot of daylight between being a bad guy, Wa, and murdering the world. You did this for yen?” I was angry. I wanted to grab the old man and just beat my fists against him, make him yell. You killed Glee, I wanted to spit at him. She was fifteen.

“Yen?” Belling said, pursing his lips disdainfully. “Not yen, Avery. You of all people know there’s more important things than yen. I’m an old man, and they made me an attractive offer. A fu

Belling spun, both guns burping at the shadows behind him as he moved toward the side aisle, seeming to glide into the darkness. I hadn’t heard anything, but I didn’t wait to figure it out; Hense and I had the same idea, fading backward and circling around, putting Ty Kieth’s cube between us and the rest of the church. Ty whirled and stared at us, sweat beading his head and soaking his clothes.

“Mr. Cates! Ty reminds you of our past friendship!” he hissed.

I leaned forward and put my forehead against the glass. “Tell you what, Ty. Get down on the floor and stay there, and I’ll consider it.”

He stared at me until I motioned him down with my hand, and then he threw himself flat. Across from us, on the other side Marko stared at us with his mouth hanging open.

“Fucking hell,” Hense hissed. “Mr. Marko, get your flabby white ass back here.”

Shots, then, from the shadows at the front of the church, six or seven all at once. Marko jumped and scampered around, tripping and skidding on his knees as he tried to make the turn. Hense whipped out one ski

“That really Wallace Belling?” Hense asked.

I nodded. “Old Murder Incorporated himself.”

“He have any tells?”

I considered. I’d never actually gone against Belling; he’d made me look like a chump when we first met, but we’d never gotten wet against each other. Still, I’d run a dozen hits with him over the years. I’d seen him in action. “None. He’s fast, he’s quiet.” I saw Glee again, as I would forever, eaten up. “And he has no heart,” I said.

As four more gunshots exploded, this time with muzzle flashes in the shadows, she said thoughtfully, “He’s goddamn ancient, though.”

I shook my head. “Don’t fucking believe it. I’m old, Colonel. Wa Belling’s getting younger.”

She went back to watching the area in front of us, guns in both hands, her legs bent slightly at the knees, ready for action. I was just inches from her, and with all her attention fixed away from me, I thought, Fuck, I could take her. Happling was preoccupied, Marko was no goddamn worry-I could very quickly be rid of two people who didn’t like me much and who kept me around mainly because I was some sort of magical monkey’s claw against their own horrible death. I didn’t need them, and my life might be considerably smoothed out if they disappeared.

All my problems, I realized, could be ended with just a few more cold-blooded murders.

I let my eyes linger on the smooth, dark skin of her neck, just below her hairline, where the elegant line of her ear was just begi

Something danced at the edge of my thoughts, some memory. Dйjа vu, gone as fast as it came, and I was still just standing there like a chump.

Belling emerged from the front of the church at a run, vaulting over the remnants of a rotting bench with a smooth jump. As he landed, clips dropped from his guns, skittering across the smooth floor. Happling came tearing ass from the shadows, shredder slung around his chest, two coal-black guns in his hands.

Run, you ski

My moment had passed. Again, Hense and I moved as one. I liked her, the way she worked. For a System Pig, she reminded me of a Gu

The darkness of the side aisle blinded me. I skidded to a halt and instinctively dropped to one knee as Belling sent two shots where my head would have been if I’d been born stupid, muzzle flashes like lightning burning off the gloom for a second at a time. Cursing, I rolled back out into the main area, just as a thunderous series of gunshots erupted, going on and on long after I didn’t think it was possible anymore, an unceasing cacophony that made you want to curl up and duck your head until it stopped. Those kinds of instincts were what got you killed. I’d learned early that whenever your underbrain wanted to hide, you had to do the exact opposite.

I got to my feet as quickly as my aching body would allow, gun in hand, and pushed myself back at the shadows. Happling and his two guns were putting the pressure on Belling, and maybe it was a chance to catch the old man occupied. Hense was at my side then, face blank, and as I looked at her she gestured toward the back of the church with a sweeping motion. I nodded, even though I had no fucking idea what she was getting at. I’d seen System Pigs have entire conversations using the complex hand signals beaten into them at Cop School, or whatever torture center they trained at after being tube-grown or snatched from their mothers by Stormers, but none of them had ever paused to explain the system to me. I didn’t have time to protest, though. She took off toward the back of the church and I put myself against one of the archways that led to the side aisle, held my breath, and listened for a clue.