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We took a moment to check weapons and equipment. Marko did another scan and nodded wordlessly. Happling and I crept along the wall toward the front, where the two towers thrust up above us. There was a big open square right outside the church, the city silent and crumbling in the near distance. We paused to study the three huge doorways, curvy triangles with doors missing, darkness spilling out of them and fading the air around us. I glanced down at a circular stone set into the ground with words printed on it: point zero des routes de france. I didn’t know what it meant, if it had ever meant anything.

The doorways were empty, just black shadows. Happling pointed at the far one and I nodded, moving quickly to push myself against the wall and then creeping over toward it. We glanced at each other again and simultaneously stepped inside.

I took a moment to let my eyes adjust. My lungs were still burning, and it felt like I’d pulled a whole new set of muscles, but I stayed still for half a minute, letting my eyes find the light.

The interior of the church was a narrow hall, its rounded roof impossibly high over our heads. The rotted remains of what had once been benches littered the area directly in front of me, but far ahead the floor cleared and a raised platform sat under a row of empty, gaping window frames. I glanced right and spied Happling across from me. He looked around and shrugged. I didn’t see anything either. I nodded back and took a step forward; he faded back a step and lowered his shredder to cover me.

I started walking, my feet making quiet, wet sounds. My heart rattled against my chest as if trying to break out, and everything inside me had turned to liquid, ready to spill out. My own breath sounded thunderous, wheezing in and out of my ruined nose, and sweat dripped into my good eye and every scratch on my body, setting me on fire. I kept my gun out in front of me, low, my finger alongside the trigger. I reminded myself that I had fourteen shots, I was exposed, and I was counting on a System Pig who hated me to provide cover.

As I got closer, I saw that the raised platform wasn’t empty. It was made of polished stone with a checkerboard design, and it supported a large cube of clear material like glass. A man was sitting inside the cube, which was actually a small transparent room, complete with a small cot, a table and chair, and a bank of equipment hooked together by the usual black cables. The man was sitting cross-legged on the floor of his little cube, lazily waving at a Vid screen, the Vid’s light flashing on his bald head and impossibly long nose.

I stopped, blinking. “Ty?”

Ty Kieth looked up sharply, sheer terror passing over his familiar face. Then he smiled, a huge, damp grin that looked a lot like mingled relief and happiness.

“Oh, fuck,” he said, his voice raspy, rough. “Oh fuck is Ty happy to see you, Mr. Cates.”


Day Eight: Ty is Contemplating the End of the World

All I could do for a moment was stare. Ty Kieth looked exactly the same as the last time I’d seen him years ago, when he’d left New York. As always he was bald-either something congenital or a procedure he’d had done, since I’d never seen him shave-and his ridiculous nose quivered in front of him, always a second or two in the future, waiting for Ty to catch up. He was wearing loose-fitting, colorless clothes that were obviously not tailored for him, and, of course, he was living inside a transparent cube.

“Ty,” I said, feeling Happling behind me in the shadows, like an ember in the wind, “there’s a big cop back there who wants very much to shoot you. You’re going to have to give us a good reason not to, and fast.”

Ty’s face was almost comical in the way it collapsed in on itself, folding up into a rictus of horror. “You mean you’re not here to rescue Ty?”

“Well, fuck,” I said, frowning, my voice echoing off the soaring walls, “why in hell would I be here to rescue you?”

“This is him, then?” Happling roared, stepping into the aisle behind me, shredder up and cords on his neck standing out like taut cables. “This is the fantastic genius Ty Kieth who created these goddamn bugs?”

I turned to face him, keeping my gun down but at the ready. Happling wasn’t even looking at me. His bloody eyes were fixed on Kieth, as if trying to make the little man explode just with his mind. “It is,” I said, stepping sideways to block his path. “And I need a moment to talk to him.”

The big cop swung the shredder so it pointed directly at my chest and didn’t slow down. “Step aside, asshole.”

I’d seen shredding rifles cut through cement walls. I’d seen shredding rifles turn dozens of men into cheese. I stepped aside and spun back to face Ty.

“Told you,” I said. “Ty, I’m afraid Captain Happling here doesn’t respect my opinions. He might shoot you.”

Ty reached up and rapped his knuckles against the glass. “Doesn’t matter, Mr. Cates. The cube is bulletproof.” He looked up again. “Did Ty hear you say bug, officer?” He turned his wide eyes on me. “You’re sick?

Happling had stepped up to the cube and was peering at it carefully, ru

Kieth put his hands over his face. “Oh my god,” he moaned. “You’re the fucking originator?

Happling tapped the muzzle of the shredder against the wall of the cube. “Looks like he’s telling the truth. Hey, Little Man,” he shouted at Kieth. “How’d you even get in there?”

Ty lifted his face from his hands. His eyes were puffy, like he was about to cry. “Ty was sealed in, officer. Ty was entombed.

There was noise behind us, and Happling and I froze for a moment, cocking our heads, and then both came to the conclusion that the immense noise coming from behind us was Marko, stomping into the church in a lab-bound Techie’s version of stealth. We both relaxed. Then there was movement at my elbow, and I turned and found Hense standing just inches from me. I started and tried to hide it with a shrug.

“This him?” Hense said. “This Ty Kieth?”

I nodded. Marko stampeded past us and walked right up to the cube. He stared at Ty’s crumpled form for a bit. “I’m a huge fan of your work, Mr. Kieth,” he said. “Although illegal, of course. But genius, nonetheless.”

Kieth looked up with blank, red-rimmed eyes. “Ty doesn’t give a shit,” he said. “Ty is contemplating the end of the world.”

I tucked my gun into my belt, carefully-SSF handguns did not come with a safety-and shouldered Marko out of the way. “Ty, are we safe here? Anyone coming to ambush us?”

He shrugged, nose quivering. “Ty doesn’t know, Mr. Cates. Ty hasn’t seen anyone in some time, but Ty ca

I looked around. “All right.”

“Captain,” Hense said briskly, appearing at my side again. “Take up a defensive position and patrol our perimeter.”

“Yes, sir,” Happling said, still staring at Kieth. After a moment’s hesitation he turned smartly and marched off.

“Tell him not to go more than fifty feet or so for any extended period of time,” Kieth said quietly, staring down at the floor of his cube. “If Mr. Cates is the originator, that would be the approximate range of his signal.”

“Ty,” I said, “why did you do this?”

He looked up at me, eyes glassy. “Ty was forced, Mr. Cates. Ty was offered a job, very lucrative. Ty was betrayed. Imprisoned. Threatened. Ty is not a brave man, Mr. Cates, and Ty chose to peck out a few more months of existence rather than resist.” He raised one eyebrow and a faint ghost of a smile spread his face out a little. “But Ty is not stupid, Mr. Cates. That is why Ty is still here in front of you, preserved. Ty knew what he was designing, yes, and Ty built in a beacon system. An encrypted signal formed from a readout of Ty’s own vital signs. The nanobots do their job. They manufacture themselves and spread out in several vectors-airborne, fluid transfers-and attack at a cellular level, destroying. A mechanical cancer.”