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In early spring a lunatic heat settled over Ma

I moved through the gree

Androg Mihan, keeper of the archives of Ma

“Where do you learn this?”

“The decree was verified this morning and has passed to me for filing.”

“What charge?” I asked.

“Selfbaring,” Mihan said. “Accusation filed by agents of the Stone Chapel. There is also a secular charge: use and distribution of illegal drugs. They have you, Ki

“Who is the informer?”

“A certain Jidd, said to be a drainer in the Stone Chapel. Did you let the tale of the drug be drained from you?”

“I did. In my i

“The sanctity of the dunghouse!” Androg Mihan said vehemently. “Now you must flee! The full force of the government is mustered against you.”

“Where shall I go?”

“The Duke of Sumar will shelter you tonight,” said Mihan. “After that—I do not know.”

The drainer now returned, bearing a set of contracts. He gave us a proprietary smile and said, “Well, gentlemen, which of you is to be first?”

“One has remembered another appointment,” Mihan said.

“One feels suddenly unwell,” I said.

I tossed the startled drainer a fat coin and we left the godhouse. Outside, Mihan pretended not to know me, and we went our separate ways without a word. Not for a moment did I doubt the truth of his warning. I had to take flight; Loimel would have to purchase her own spices. I hailed a car and went at once to the mansion of the Duke of Sumar.


This duke is one of the wealthiest in Ma

Arriving at his home, I found a tense conference in progress. Present were most of the men of consequence whom I had inveigled into my circle of selfbarers. The Duke of Ma

“We are all here now,” the Duke of Ma

“No one will invade us,” said the Duke of Sumar, a trifle icily, clearly offended by the suggestion that common police might burst into his home. He turned his huge alien eyes on me. “Ki

“By whose choice?” I asked.

“Not ours,” the duke replied. He explained that something close to a coup d’etat had been attempted in Ma