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Macro shrugged.

'A bloody fortune, that's how much. And that bastard Narcissus pushes them aside and complains that they're too salty.' Scrofa was silent for a moment, wrapped up in the past, before he continued in a resigned tone. 'So I decide to try my hand at wi

Macro's shoulders heaved with relief that the tirade was over, and he tried to steer the cohort commander back on to the subject of sending out a force to find Cato and Symeon. 'You're right. No one should be out in this heat. Especially not an injured Roman officer.'

Scrofa looked at Macro sharply and frowned for an instant.Then he flapped his hand towards the door. 'Very well, Macro! We'll take all four cavalry squadrons. We'll find your friend and bring him back here as quickly as possible.'

'Yes, sir.' Macro turned to the door, but he had not reached it before Scrofa spoke again.

'But we're not taking any risks with my men, you understand?'

Macro paused and looked back over his shoulder and stifled the urge to sneer. Risk was what soldiers got paid for. He had the measure of Scrofa now. The man was simply playing at soldiers. The last thing he wanted was any more injured men cluttering up his fort on the farthest-flung fringe of the Empire.

'I understand, sir.'

'Good. You can organise the men. I've some records that need seeing to. I'll join you when the column's ready to leave.'

'Very well, sir.'

For a man who prided himself on the military blood that coursed through his veins, Prefect Scrofa was a very poor horseman, Macro reflected, as he watched the cohort commander being hoisted up into the saddle by his Celtic slave. Scrofa flung a leg across the animal's back and wriggled into position, then adjusted his helmet, which had slid forward since it had not been tied securely enough. He was little better than the raw recruits Macro had broken in back in the legions. If the man had been a common soldier Macro would have been all over him, bellowing into his face and applying his vine cane in retribution for such slovenliness. As it was, thanks to the imperial policy of directly appointing minor aristocrats to the office of centurion, alongside those who had won the rank on merit, Scrofa was in command of the Second Illyrian. Macro shook his head gently. What was Cassius Longinus thinking of when he picked Scrofa for this post? Surely he had better men backing his cause? Or was he so short of men of quality amongst his plotters that he had been forced to call on the services of Scrofa?

Prefect Scrofa took up his reins and flicked them casually as he tapped his heels into the flanks of his horse. 'Let's be off.'

Behind him the decurions commanding the four mounted squadrons chosen for the task relayed the order in more formal tones and the column clopped out of the fort and on to the track that stretched across the stone-strewn desert to the west. Scrofa led the way at a steady walk and once again Macro found himself simmering with frustration and rage as the column ambled along. A light wind blew in from the deep desert, and the dust kicked up from the track swirled round the men in a choking, blinding cloud. The officers at the head of the column were spared the worst of the dust and occasionally Macro could see the distant shapes of horsemen along the track ahead. Ba

At length, as the sun began to sink towards the western horizon, Macro could no longer tolerate the pace and urged his horse forward until he was alongside the cohort commander.

'Sir, at this rate we'll not be able to return to the fort before nightfall. Let me take half the men and go on ahead.'

'Divide my command?' Scrofa frowned and glanced at Macro with a disappointed expression. 'Really, I'm surprised at you. I'd have thought you would be conversant with the basic principles of military campaigning.'

'This isn't a campaign, sir. It's a simple rescue mission. I can ride ahead, scout the lie of the land and search for signs of Centurion Cato and the guide. If I see any sizeable enemy forces I'll fall back and join you.'

Scrofa considered this for a moment and then nodded reluctantly. 'Very well. You're right. It would not be prudent to push on into what could easily be an ambush. Take two of the squadrons up ahead. Make sure you keep me informed of developments, understand?'

Macro nodded.

'And take Centurion Postumus with you.'

'Postumus? Why?'

'I trust him. He's reliable. He'll make sure the men are looked after.'

Macro stared at the cohort commander. Clearly Scrofa did not trust him with his auxiliaries and Macro seethed as he forced himself to nod his acquiescence. He turned and looked round for Postumus and beckoned to him. The younger officer, his helmet still bedecked with a flowing crest, trotted up and Macro quickly briefed him. Shortly afterwards Scrofa stood aside as the two leading squadrons cantered ahead down the track. When they had drawn some distance away Scrofa waved the rest of the column forward and they continued at the same steady pace as before.

Macro did not look back as he rode along the track.Ahead of him he could see Ba

Macro reined his horse in and thrust his arm up to halt the two squadrons of mounted auxiliaries behind him.

'Decurions! On me!'

The squadron commanders trotted up as Macro pointed towards the village. 'That's where we're headed. The guide said he'd shelter there with Centurion Cato. Those brigand bastards are already on the scene. So we go in fast and drive 'em out before we start searching for our men.You – Quintatus, wasn't it?'

The decurion nodded.

'Right. I'll wager they'll run for it the moment they see us. Take your squadron right through the village and keep chasing them until they're well clear of the place. Then fall back and rejoin us. Who knows? By then, the prefect might even have caught up with us.'

The decurions gri

As soon as the two squadrons launched themselves down the slope the brigands burst into desperate activity. Men spilled out of the houses where they had been sheltering from the sun and scrambled on to their horses. Others limped out, supported by their comrades, and were helped into the saddle, to hang on as best they could as Ba