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'Do us all a favour. Jump.'

'I-I can't. I'm afraid.'


A faint shout echoed up the staircase. Then again. Cato's voice calling out to Macro. Without taking his eyes off Minucius, Macro shouted, 'Up here!'

The sound of boots echoed in the stairwell. Macro nodded meaningfully towards the wall of the watchtower and raised his eyebrows. Minucius' face wrinkled into an agony of despair and he shook his head.

'Your choice.' Macro shrugged, stepped a few paces back and turned towards the staircase. He strode over to it as Cato came scrambling through the doorway, sword raised.

Macro raised a hand. 'Easy there! All sorted out downstairs? '

Cato nodded, catching his breath.

'Did you find the scrolls?' Macro asked.

'Yes… Where's Minucius?'

Macro turned round. The traitor had vanished. All that remained was the leather bag lying in a crumpled heap by the wall. Macro stared at the wall for a moment before answering.

'Minucius? He was there just now.' Macro shook his head. 'Guess the old bastard must have winged it…'

06 The Eagles Prophecy


Six days later the fleet returned to Rave

The wounded had been loaded on to the triremes at the head of the fleet and these, the largest vessels, manoeuvred in towards the wharf and heaved their mooring lines ashore to the men waiting to receive them at each berth. As soon as the triremes had been made fast, the gangways were lowered on to the wharf and the unloading of the wounded began. A continuous flow of stretchers laden with the injured was taken to the hospital block, and then the bloodstained stretchers were hurried back to the ships to collect more casualties. There were so many stretcher cases that the walking wounded were left to make the short march across the base to the hospital unaided.

As the scale of the losses became apparent the mood of celebration and relief in Rave

Last ashore were the prisoners: long lines of men, women and children chained together. They were led up from the dark stinking holds of the warships and goaded down the gangplanks towards one of the warehouses that was to act as their temporary prison, there to wait for the agents from the slave dealerships who would come to inspect the goods and prepare bids for the best stock in the auction that would follow a few days later. The proceeds of the sales, together with the plunder taken from the pirates' citadel would make some of the men, mostly officers, wealthy men. Others would bank their share of the proceeds, saving towards retirement, or increasing the size of their stake in the funeral club. Many of the men were keenly looking forward to blowing a small fortune on drink and whores the moment they were given permission to leave the base.

Macro and Cato watched as the last of the prisoners was unloaded. At the end of the line of filthy men in chains was Ajax, trying to stand proud and defiant as he was led off to a hard and uncertain future. He had shown no sign of emotion as his father, and the surviving trierarchs of the pirate fleet had been crucified; nailed down through the wrists and ankles before being bound to their timber frames and hoisted up along the headland opposite the citadel. On the other side of the bay great clouds of smoke billowed up from the fires set by the marines in the ravaged ruins of the citadel.

As the Roman fleet pulled away from the bay Cato had lingered a moment at the stern rail of his ship, hearing the faint cries of agony from the men hanging from their crossbeams on the headland, and the dull roar of flames. Then he had turned away with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach and refused to look back.

Ajax met their gaze as he stepped ashore, and hesitated for an instant, so that Cato was tempted to try to offer him some crumb of comfort. Then the marine at the tail of the desultory column thrust him forward and he stumbled after the other prisoners.

'Don't go and feel sorry for him,' Macro said gently.'He's a pirate. He knew the score.'

'I don't feel sorry.'

Macro smiled. He knew his friend well enough to know better. 'If you say so. Just remember, if our fortunes were reversed I doubt he would have shown us any mercy.'

'I know.'

'Besides, he'll do all right. He's got the spirit to make a decent bodyguard, or gladiator perhaps. Don't you worry about him.'

'I'm not,' Cato said firmly, turning towards Macro. 'It's you I'm concerned about. Are you sure you want to go through with it? You know it's going to break her heart.'

Macro nodded. 'Vespasian's given me permission to stay here for a few days. I'll follow you to Rome when she's settled. When are you leaving?'

'The moment the prefect has handed over his command. He's just leaving orders for Decimus to hunt down Rufius Pollo and our friend Anobarbus.'


'Seems he and Pollo have been working for the Liberators. Anobarbus was trying to cut a deal with the pirates for the scrolls. I left orders for their arrest when I came back for the rest of the fleet. Guess they must have been warned in time to run for it. Anyway, once Vespasian has finished, we're off. The horses are already saddled.'

'And the scrolls?'

Cato smiled. 'Vespasian is carrying those himself. Seems he won't trust anyone else with them.'

'Can't blame him. Just hope he never turns his back towards Vitellius.'

'Don't worry about Vitellius,' Cato replied. 'I'll watch him closely.'

'Do that.'

They stood in silence for a moment, staring as Ajax and the others were herded towards the warehouse. Then Cato turned and thrust out his arm. 'I'll see you back in Rome. Come to the house of Vespasian. He says he'll put us up until we get a new posting.'

Macro clasped his friend's forearm. 'Has to be a better billet than that rat's nest we rented in Rome.'

They both smiled at the memory of their appalling digs.

'Good luck, Macro.'

'Safe journey, Cato.'

The young officer nodded, and then turned away, marching quickly across the parade ground towards the headquarters building. Macro stared after him for a moment and then turned towards the barracks. There were many duties he still had to carry out before he could permit himself to leave the base and make his way into Rave