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'Really?' Vitellius' eyes glinted mischievously. 'Was that before or after your mother gave you a hiding?'

More laughter, louder this time, and the blood drained from Macro's face.

'Steady,' Cato whispered.'Don't give him the satisfaction.'

The door to the office squeaked on its hinges as Minucius slipped through the gap, closed the door behind him and quickly sat down on the nearest bench. His face was black, purple and yellow with bruising and his nose was broken.

'Ah, the prospective stepfather, I presume. Now that the family's all here, let's get down to business.'

The laughter subsided and the officers looked intently towards the prefect. Vitellius clasped his hands behind his back and began.

'As you know, in recent months the coastlines of Apulia, Umbria, Liburnia and Illyricum have been ravaged by a new pirate threat. A few days ago they destroyed the colony at Lissus. This morning I have had news of the sacking of a second colony. This is a most disturbing development, gentlemen. It's bad enough that they have been preying on our trade routes without being punished, but wiping out our colonies demands action, and punishment of the utmost severity. Their leader, Telemachus, has recently communicated to us a demand for tribute to refrain from destroying any more colonies. My answer to him is unequivocal: Rome does not negotiate with pirates. My orders were to remove the pirate threat, and today we take the first steps towards achieving that end. I am leaving six biremes for the defence of Rave

Vitellius picked up a cane and pointed to the map. 'We will land near Birnisium, and establish a fortified camp. From there we will search the coastline, mile by mile, until we locate the pirates' lair. We will take it, and destroy their ships and kill or capture their crews. Any prisoners will be sold into slavery. Except the leaders, who will be executed.'

Macro leaned slightly towards Cato. 'And no doubt our friend will soak up the popular acclaim.'

Fortunately Vitellius did not hear the remark as he turned from the map. 'Any questions?'

'Sir.' A hand went up towards the back of the room.

'Yes, Decimus?'

'Those alterations being made to those triremes on the wharf…?'

'Yes, what of them?'

'One of the men told me they were installing a crow.' Cato recalled the apparatus he had seen being fitted to the triremes earlier. The crow was the navy's term for the rotating boarding ramp used on some ships.

'That's right. We'll be engaging the pirates ship to ship. I've heard how manoeuvrable their vessels are. We need a method of fixing them so that our marines can decide the issue. So, I have decided to fit each of our ships with the device. I can't wait to see the pirates' faces when those boarding ramps drop down and pin them in place. It'll be just like sticking a pig.'

'But surely you won't be fitting them to the biremes as well, sir.'

'Like I said, every ship.'

The trierarchs exchanged concerned looks and there was some muttering. Vitellius rapped the bottom of his cane down on the mosaic floor to signal for silence.

'Is there a problem with my decision, Decimus?'

'Well, yes, sir.'

Vitellius bristled at the condescending tone. 'Please explain yourself.'

'With the load they're carrying, the biremes aren't really big enough for a crow, sir. Aside from the deck collar, there's the ramp itself, the sideguards and all spars and tackle needed to raise it and swing it out towards the enemy ships. It'll make the biremes top-heavy. If there's a storm, or even heavy seas, they'll be dangerously unstable.'

'I've thought of that,' Vitellius replied sharply.'The ships will be taking on extra supplies and equipment. That ballast – as I believe you navy types call it – should counteract the weight of a crow.'

Decimus considered the idea for a moment and then shook his head.

'What is the problem?' Vitellius' irritation was apparent to all.

'Sir, the amount of ballast required would overload the vessels. They have a low enough freeboard as it is.'


'The measurement from waterline to deck, sir.'

'Ah. I'm sure the, er, freeboard, will be adequate for our crossing. And once we have crossed the sea and unloaded our supplies and equipment, that need not concern you any more. As for being top-heavy, well, we can experiment with the required ballast when the time comes. Any other questions?… Good. Then, gentlemen, you may collect your orders from my chief clerk as you leave headquarters. You'll need to see to your men and make sure they're fully prepared and equipped for a lengthy campaign. We're in for a busy few days, and a hard fight. But, if these pirates have been half as successful as we're led to believe, there'll be plenty of booty for all. On that happy thought I bid you good day.'

The officers rose as Vitellius strode towards the door, and only stood easy once he had left the room. As the centurions, optios and trierarchs shuffled towards the door, Cato was relieved to see Minucius push his way through the throng and leave the prefect's office as swiftly as possible. Macro stared after him, glowering with hatred.

Cato slapped him on the shoulder and gave Macro an exaggerated smile.'You heard him. Booty for all. If it goes to plan, we'll be rolling in it. No more squalid digs in the arse-end of Rome for us.'

'If it goes to plan?' Macro shook his head sadly. 'When does it ever go to plan? And aren't you forgetting something?'

'The scrolls?'

Macro nodded. 'It's all down to the scrolls as far as we're concerned, lad. That's why we're here. Giving the pirates a good kicking and grabbing a share of their loot is just a side issue.'

'I know.' Cato dropped the light-hearted expression.'Just trying to raise your spirits.'

'Well, thanks for the thought. Now we've got work to do. Let's go.'

06 The Eagles Prophecy


Over the following days the naval base was a chaos of activity. Most of the ships in the fleet had been laid up for winter, and some of the larger vessels had not left port for several years. These ships had to be beached and cleared of the foul-smelling weeds and barnacles that had fixed themselves to the hull below the waterline. A fresh coating of pitch was painted on to the scoured timbers and the acrid stench caught in the throats of men across the base. Standing rigging had to be checked and any worn or frayed ropes replaced. The heavy sails were carried over to the workshops and closely examined for any signs of weakness, before being patched up and returned to their ships.

Only when the vessels were deemed ready for action were the supplies loaded aboard: spare armour, stacks of javelin shafts and heavy chests filled with replacement iron tips, arrows, lead slingshot, boots, more boots and finally the provisions that were to feed the men for the voyage across the narrow stretch of sea, and sustain them for the first few days on the far shore.

While the ships were readied for action by their crews, the marines practised ship-to-ship fighting, and familiarised themselves with the tackle for operating a crow. A series of pulleys fixed to spars raised and lowered the ramp, and allowed the marines to rotate it towards an enemy vessel approaching on either side of the bows.

Cato and Macro were introduced to the rudiments of fighting at sea. To prevent further friction between Macro and Minucius, the older centurion was sent north to Hispontum to purchase spare cordage for the fleet, leaving Macro and Cato in the charge of another officer.

'As far as I can make out,' Macro said at the end of the first day's instruction, 'it's just like fighting on land, except that the navy ferries you to and from the fighting. Beats all that marching about we had to do in the legions.'