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The trierarch ignored him, and stretched up on to his toes as he stared out over the swell behind his ship. There, faintly visible on the horizon, were two triangular sails.

'Bloody fine piece of seamanship,' Decimus growled. 'They must have been watching us from the east, long before we heaved to last night.'

'How do you know?'

'They'd have been hidden in the dusk while we were silhouetted against the sunset.'

'So what now?'

'Now?' The trierarch shrugged. 'They've got us by the balls. Let's just hope they aren't pla

The bireme rode out the swell. A small foresail had been set to steady the bows and give just enough forward motion for the steering paddle to bite. Around Cato the deck had been cleared for action and the bireme's complement of marines were at their stations. The catapult mounted to the foredeck was loaded and the crew were winding back the torsion arms with a steady clank from the locking ratchet. Boarding nets had been rigged and a handful of men armed with bows lined the stern rail. Cato had put on his armour and stood beside Decimus, one hand resting on the pommel of his sword. He gazed at the four ships steadily closing in on the bireme. Three were not much larger than the bireme, and used a lateen sail of eastern design. They looked sleek and cut easily through the blue-grey rollers sweeping across the sea. Decimus shook his head in despair as the fourth vessel drew close enough for them to make out the details. Even Cato's unpractised eye was familiar with the silhouette.

'That's a Roman ship, isn't it?'

'She was. That's one of the triremes that went missing.'

The smaller ships heaved to some distance from the bireme and waited for the fourth ship to close up. The trireme, like the other pirate ships, carried a dark sail, and as they turned on the final tack, tiny figures appeared on the yardarm and hurriedly furled the sail. A moment later the oars were run out and after a brief pause to get the timing right, they dipped down and churned up the sea as the trireme manoeuvred directly towards the Roman ship.

Decimus glanced at Cato.'The moment of truth, I think.'

'Yes.' Cato's eyes were fixed on the approaching warship and he wondered if the real reason Vitellius had picked him for this task was the hope that he wouldn't come back.

When the trireme was no more than a hundred paces away, it began to turn up into the wind, and the oars stopped moving and were neatly drawn back into the hull. Almost at once, a small skiff was lowered over the side and it bobbed across the gap between the two ships, steering clear of the catapult in the bow of the bireme. It stopped and stood off a short distance from the beam of the Roman ship.

A tall, thin youth with curly black hair poking out from under a Phrygian cap sat on the aft thwart of the skiff. He cupped a hand to his mouth and called across to the bireme in fluent Greek.

'Is the negotiator on board?'

Cato moved over to the rail and raised a hand.'I'm here.'

'Do you have the money with you?'

'I do.'

'You will come with us.' The man called an instruction to his oarsmen and the skiff darted over the water towards the bireme and one of the pirates took a firm hold of the boarding ladder.

Cato turned to the nearest marine. 'Go down to the cabin. There's a chest under my bunk. Bring it here.'

The marine saluted and hurried over to the hatch coaming that led down to the small cabin in the stern. Cato gripped the side rail and swung himself over, his boots scrabbling for the steps on the boarding ladder.


Cato glanced round and saw the man in the skiff wagging a finger at him. 'No sword!'

Gripping tightly to the rail with one hand Cato drew his sword and tossed it up on to the deck of the bireme. Decimus eyed him anxiously. 'Is that wise?'

'Who knows?' Cato responded bleakly. Then he realised that the trierarch was probably even more nervous than he was. He made himself smile up at Decimus. 'I'll have that back when this is over.'

He looked round, timing the rise and fall of the skiff beneath him, and then dropped down heavily. The little craft rocked from side to side, and for a moment Cato was sure it was going to turn over and pitch them all into the sea. In his armour, he was sure to sink like a stone. But then the young man in the stern grabbed at his shoulder and steadied the centurion.

'Sit down, you fool! Where's the gold?'


A moment later the marine appeared at the side of the bireme and lowered the box in some netting. The pirate stood up, with the instinctive balance of a man who has spent many years at sea. He stretched up his arms to the chest and steered it down into the bottom of the skiff. He dragged it free of the netting, before placing the chest under the thwart in the centre of the boat, then nodded to his oarsmen. The skiff turned and made for the trireme as Cato squatted down, icy sea water sloshing over his boots and breeches. He had thought the motion of the bireme unsettling enough, but now the sea seemed to be almost level with his face and the boat bobbed up and down in a terrifying ma

'Welcome!' a voice called out from the stern, and Cato turned and saw a man striding towards him. He was tall and broad-chested, with the unmistakable features of a Greek. A gold earring gleamed from each side of his face, which was so terribly scarred that Cato could not help but stare at it. The pirate smiled as he stood before the centurion, and stretched out his hand. Cato had not expected anything resembling a warm welcome and was momentarily thrown off guard. Then he swallowed, and was determined to play the part of a true Roman. He glanced coldly at the outstretched hand and shook his head.

'I regret to say I am under orders not to fraternise with pirates.'

The Greek stared at him in surprise for an instant and then roared with laughter. 'I've never known such a stiff-necked people! Aren't you Romans taught any social graces?'

'Of course. We just don't consort with criminals. I assume you are Telemachus.'

'I am.' The Greek bowed his head. 'And this is my lieutenant, Ajax.'

The young man beside Cato nodded, as Telemachus continued. 'We'll have to make this quick, Roman. I have business to attend to.'

'Business? Is that what you call piracy and pillaging?'

'You can call it what you like, Centurion… I didn't catch the name?'

'I didn't mention it.'

Telemachus shrugged. 'Please yourself. Is this our retainer?' He tapped the box with the toe of his boot.

'It is.'

'Good. Then I have a message for your masters. Tell them that the merchandise is still with me, but that other parties have also demonstrated their interest – in gold. They will be paying their retainer in the next few days.'

'Who are they?' Cato asked.

'You know I can't tell you that. They wish to remain anonymous, and alive.'

'The Liberators,' Cato sneered. 'Who else could it be?'

'You tell me. It's not as if the world is short of people who have every cause to hate Rome and all it stands for.'

'How do I know that you're not bluffing just to drive the price up?'

'You don't,' Telemachus gri