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Macro shook his head sadly. 'So have we all, mate. The trick is to avoid getting shafted by them all the time. Anyway, on with your story.'

'You can guess the rest,' Anobarbus continued.'I rode on, but they were better mounted, and they caught up with me just as it was getting dark. They were going to kill me straight away but when they saw I no longer had the money box they knew I had hidden it somewhere. At first they just slapped me about a bit, and when I refused to speak, the leader threatened to kill me on the spot. But I knew that I would be dead the moment I told them where to find the money, so I clammed up. They settled down, stripped me, tied me to that tree trunk and lit themselves a nice little fire. I had no idea what was in store for me until I saw him start to heat his sword. Well, you know the rest. You came on the scene just in time. Frankly, I'd have spilled my guts the moment he put that blade anywhere near my balls.'

Cato winced. 'Who wouldn't?'

'So, then you two charged on to the scene. Against four of them.' Anobarbus smiled. 'Now that does take balls.'

'Use them while you still have 'em,' said Macro. He turned to Minucius.'We surprised them. Took the first two out before they could react. I sorted one, and the other man gave Cato the slip.'

'Just a bloody moment!' Cato flared up. 'Some bastard had me by the ankle. You went after him. He gave you the bloody slip.'

Macro raised his hands placatingly. 'Figure of speech, lad, that's all. Anyway, he got away, and headed off down the road.'

Cato pointed a finger at the merchant.'You said you deal in antiques.'

'Yes. So?'

'What kind of antiques?'

'Usual stuff. Statues, ceramics, furniture, books. Anything that commands a premium price amongst collectors in Rome. You'd be horrified to know what they're prepared to pay for some things. Of course, I'm delighted.'

'What about scrolls?' asked Cato.

Anobarbus frowned.'Scrolls? What kind of scrolls?'

'I don't know. But tell me, in your experience, what makes a scroll valuable?'

'Depends. Some people will pay a fortune for an original book of recipes. Others collect histories. Or stories, sayings, predictions. That type of stuff. Of course, some of the best material, from an investment point of view, is erotica, especially material from the Far East. They could teach a Subura streetwalker a trick or two.'

'No doubt,' Cato smiled.'But is that it? Nothing else that might make a scroll so valuable?'

Anobarbus thought a moment and then shrugged.'Sorry. That's all I can think of right now… Ouch!' His face contorted and he reached up to his chest.

'Don't!' Minucius snapped and slapped his hand aside. 'Best to leave it alone. You should try and get some rest.'

'Yes. Rest.' The merchant nodded. 'Now, I think I've had enough questioning for the night, if you gentlemen don't mind?'

Macro shook his head, and Cato sat back and puffed his cheeks. Anobarbus closed his eyes and, with a strained expression etched on his face, he tried to breathe easily. Gradually, the rise and fall of his chest became less laboured and his face relaxed into a deep sleep.

'What do you think?' said Cato.

'About what?'

'About his story? Does it hold up?'

Macro shook his head. 'Why not? Cato, you see conspiracies everywhere. Why shouldn't the man be what he said he is? It's simple enough to believe.'

'Too simple,' mused Minucius.

Macro looked round in exasperation. 'Not you too?'

'Why not?' said the old centurion. 'And, by the way, I'm still not even sure about you and the lad here. What was all that nonsense about scrolls?'

'I've had enough of this,' Macro grumbled. 'I need some sleep.'

'Tough.' Minucius nodded at the merchant on Macro's bedding.

'Oh, great,' Macro gritted his teeth.'That's all I need.' He rose up and made for the tent flaps.

'Where are you going now?'

'For a piss. If you don't mind. Then I might just go and cut myself some more bloody bedding.'

06 The Eagles Prophecy


The column reached Urbinum two days later, having paused a short while along the way to retrieve a small wooden chest from behind a shrine. Anobarbus decided to remain with them, explaining that he had friends in Rave

Two more men had been lost in the mountains, simply vanishing in the night in a foolhardy attempt to return to their families in Rome. Minucius doubted they would get out of the mountains alive, and Macro was in spitting distance of wi

By the time the marines reached the port of Ariminum the roadside i

Ten days after they had picked up Anobarbus, the column marched through the town gate of Rave

'Want me to start a tab?' Cato gri

'Only if you want me to knock your teeth out. You'll get your money, just as soon as we're paid.'

'I can hardly wait to spend your first month's wages. Three hundred denarians goes a long way.'

'Three hundred?' Minucius laughed at the exchange. 'You'll be lucky. I assume you two are on the marine payroll?'

'Yes,' Macro replied. 'What of it?'

'I don't suppose for a moment that the officials who posted you here were kind enough to mention the rate of pay?'

'No.' Macro's heart was sinking like a rock. 'What of it?'

'We get the same as the auxiliaries.'

Macro stared at him in horror for a moment, and then smiled nervously. 'You're having me on again, aren't you? Just give it a rest, Minucius.'

'I'm serious.'


'No, really. I'm serious.'

Macro shook his head, and then slapped his thigh in fury. 'Shit!… That tight bastard Narcissus has shafted us again! I swear I'll kick his head in one day, if it's the last thing I ever do.'

'More than likely,' muttered Cato.'And pipe down about Narcissus, unless you want the whole town to know our business.'

'I don't bloody believe this,' Macro continued.'Not only does he stick our heads in the bloody noose, he does it on the cheap into the bargain.'

Macro persisted in his grumbling as the column worked its way down the main thoroughfare of Rave

'I don't understand,' said Cato.'I thought all the shipping had tried to get as far from the pirates as possible. There was a handful of ships in Ariminum.' He waved a hand across the harbour. 'I've never seen so many before. Aren't they afraid of the pirates?'

'Of course they are, lad,' Minucius gri