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'Going for a swim. You coming?'

Macro paused in his work and looked up with an amused expression. 'You, swim?'

'Well, I'm getting better at it.'

'Better at it? As opposed to not totally useless at it?'

Cato frowned. 'Are you coming, or not?'

Macro carefully sheathed his sword.'I think I'd better come. Make sure you don't get out of your depth.'

'Ha – fucking – ha.'

As they set off towards the camp entrance nearest the river, Maximius called after them, 'Make sure you're not too long.'

Cato nodded and as he turned back Macro glanced at him and raised his eyebrows with a weary expression. 'I sometimes wish we were back with those native lads in Calleva. That was nice simple soldiering with no bloody superiors looking over your shoulder the whole time.'

'I seem to remember you saying you couldn't wait to get back to serving with the legion?'

'That was before this cock-up. Trust our bloody luck to get saddled with Maximius. I wouldn't put him in charge of a soup kitchen.'

'He seems competent enough to me. Harsh, too harsh sometimes. But he seems to know what he's doing.'

'What do you know about it?' Macro shook his head. 'Couple of months in the job and you still can't tell what's right from what's shite. And look at the others. Tullius is getting on. Don't know how he managed to keep up with you yesterday – guess he must be tougher than he looks,' Macro conceded. 'But Felix and Antonius are too young, too inexperienced for the job.'

'Five and ten years older than me,' Cato pointed out.

'True. And it shows sometimes. But at least you've got brains and a good eye for the ground. If we hadn't had so many casualties in the last year there'd be better men available for promotion than those two jokers.'

Macro stopped talking as they passed by the gate guards, standing to attention in the hot sunshine. The two centurions were passed through on their own authority and then they began strolling down the slight slope towards the river. The summer grass was long and dry, and rustled against their legs as they headed to a spot a few hundred paces upriver of the ford and away from the bodies that still choked the river. Unfortunately the fluky breeze was billowing from the other direction and, every so often, as the nearby willows tossed their long locks of leaves, the sickening stench of dead men wafted over them.

The two centurions found a place where the bank sloped gently into the water and stripped off their tunics and untied their boots. Macro charged into the water and threw himself forward in a dive, sending a sheet of spray into the air. He surfaced almost at once, shaking the drops from his dark cropped hair.

'Shit, that's cold!' He turned and swam a few powerful strokes into the river. Cato waited for him to get clear of the bank and then waded a few paces out. In contrast to the exhausting heat of the summer's day the water felt icy and he tentatively tiptoed out towards Macro, arms raised and wincing as the current lapped across his stomach. Further out Macro turned round, treading water, and laughed.

'You bloody old woman! Come on in!'

Cato gritted his teeth and relaxed his knees, dropping to the surface. There was a moment of shock, a gasp at the cold water that clenched his chest, then he struck out towards his friend. The strokes were clumsy and he struggled to keep his face out of the water as he floundered towards Macro.

'Just as well I decided to come!' Macro smiled as Cato stopped and trod water close by. 'You need more than a bit of practice.'

'And when do I ever get the chance?'

'Come on, I'll show you.'

Macro tried his best to teach his friend the rudiments of a good style, and Cato tried to make the most of it, handicapped by the fear of having the water close over his head for even an instant. At length Macro gave up and they sat in the shallows, the river flowing around their midriffs as the sun warmed their backs.

'I could get used to this,' Cato murmured.

'I wouldn't…'

Cato turned towards his friend. 'Why? Did someone say anything I should know about?'

'No. It's just that the legate seemed to be in a hurry. I think he's keen to get this inquiry sorted out as soon as possible and get after Caratacus. He's got a reputation to save.'

'Surely not? It wasn't his fault that the cohort wasn't in position in time to stop Caratacus crossing.'

'True, but the cohort is from his legion. Some of the mud's going to stick to the legate. You can be sure of that. It's too good an opportunity for his rivals to waste.'


'Oh, come on, Cato! Don't be so bloody thick. Vespasian's made praetor, and it hasn't been an easy route to reach that rank. Someone told me he got passed over the first time he went up for one of the aedile posts. Every step of the way there are more senators chasing fewer posts. That lot would stab their children in the eyes if it would help their chances of climbing the next rung. If someone on the general's staff doesn't try and pin this mess on the legate it'll be a miracle. Which means -' Macro looked sadly at Cato – 'which means that Vespasian will look for any way he can find to fix the blame on someone else.'

'Our cohort?'

'Who else?'

'Poor old Maximius.'

'Maximius?' Macro laughed bitterly.'What makes you think he'll get the blame?'

Cato was surprised. 'He said he would. He said it was his responsibility.'

'And you believe him?'

'Yes,' Cato said seriously.'If he hadn't gone after those raiders, he-'

'No, you idiot. Do you believe that he would take the responsibility for it?'

Cato considered the situation for a moment. 'He said he would. He seemed to be straight enough about that.'

'And what makes you think that he won't operate on the same basis as the legate? There's a lot at stake for Maximius too, even though he's not ru

Cato nodded.

'Same thing applies to him as Vespasian. The next grade up for Maximius is an appointment to the First Cohort of the legion. Five jobs and nine applicants. Doesn't take a genius to work out that there's going to be a spot of competition from the other cohort commanders. If Maximius falls by the wayside, they'll not shed too many tears. So, Maximius will be doing his level best to pass the blame on to someone else. And who do you think that'll be?'


'Spot on,' Macro said gloomily.'The problem is, that's where the chain of command ends. I don't get the chance to pass the blame on. Unless, of course, I try and pin it on Caratacus, who shouldn't have bloody well been there in the first place.'

'You could try-'

'Shut up, Cato. There's a good lad.' Macro rose out of the river and splashed back towards his tunic, spread on the bank. 'Let's get back to the camp. It'll be your turn for questioning soon.'

'Yes,' Cato replied, following him on to the river bank. 'Better figure out what I'm going to say.'

'Don't try anything clever, for my sake, eh? Just play it straight.'

Cato shrugged. 'As you wish.'

05 The Eagles Prey