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Caratacus was going to reach the crossing first.

Lentulus was still in earshot and Macro gritted his teeth to avoid any explosive outpouring of expletives as he silently invoked every curse in his repertoire and directed it at the distant – too distant – column of the cohort crawling across the hot shimmering landscape towards the ford. He took a last longing look, and then trotted back down the slope towards the Tamesis.

As he approached the ford Macro slowed down to catch his breath. No sense in making the lads even more anxious, he decided. Best to try to keep a veneer of calmness and confidence.

'That's enough work!' he called out to the men still embedding the stakes in the shingle.'Get back to the island and kit up! We've got company.'

The legionaries abandoned the remaining stakes and let them flow downriver with the current as they splashed along the safe path towards the gap in the barricade.

'Don't run!' Macro bellowed angrily. 'If anyone gets caught on one of the stakes I'll leave them there for the Britons.'

With a great effort of will, bolstered by fear of their centurion's wrath, the legionaries slowed down.

Macro followed them at a more measured pace, keeping a wary eye out for the tips of the stakes they had planted. Glancing ahead he could see more of his men forming up behind the barricade, hurriedly strapping on helmets and hefting their shields and javelins from where they had been left beside the worn and rutted track that crossed over the back of the little island. As Macro emerged dripping from the river, he glanced round at his men and then fixed his gaze on a tall, wiry legionary.


'Sir!' The man snapped to attention as Macro strode up to him.

'Get your armour off. I need a ru

'Yes, sir.' Fabius quickly undid the leather ties of his segmented armour as Macro explained.

'Centurion Maximius is approaching along the south bank. He's nearly three miles away. You run to him as fast as you can. You tell him that Caratacus is making for this ford. Tell him to send a rider to the legate at once to let him know what's happening. No, wait…' Macro could visualise how that part of the message would be received by the touchy cohort commander. 'Tell him, I respectfully suggest that he sends a rider to the legate. Finally, tell him that Caratacus is closer to the ford than he is and that he must get the cohort here as quick as possible. Quicker!'

'Yes, sir.' Fabius gri

'Well, what're you waiting for?' Macro growled. 'Move yourself!'

Fabius turned and ran down to the river, plunging into the ford. Macro watched him for a moment before turning back to the rest of his men. Most had finished arming and stood ready for orders. He waited until the last man had tied his chinstraps; no easy feat under the impatient gaze of all his comrades and commanding officer. At last the legionary looked up with a guilty expression and pulled himself up into a stiff posture of readiness. Macro cleared his throat.

'Stand to!'

The legionaries grounded their shields and spears and gathered in a compact line across the track and under the willows.

'In less than an hour Caratacus and his army are going to come pouring down the track towards the ford. Right behind them should be General Plautius, with his sword right in their backside.'

A few of the men chuckled at the crude image and Macro indulged it a moment before continuing.

'The rest of the cohort is on the way. I saw it from the top of the hill there. I've sent Fabius to hurry them along and they should reach us before the enemy gives us much grief. Not that we're going to need 'em, of course! The Third Century can hold its own with the best of them. It's only a few days that we've served together, but I've lived with the Eagles long enough to know quality when I see it. You'll do. It's those poor bastards on the other side I feel sorry for! They can only attack us on a narrow front, and only then after they've impaled themselves on our stakes and the barricade. If they're really lucky, and I'm feeling generous, I might just spare them a little more bloodshed and accept Caratacus' surrender.'

Macro smiled, and to his relief his men smiled back.

'However, the Britons are a mad lot, and might not see sense. If they really want to cross the river, they will. We can only buy time. I'm not in the business of creating martyrs, so if we've done our bit and it looks like they're going to break through I'll give the order to fall back. If I do, I don't want any heroics. You get over to our side of the ford as fast as you can, then you head downriver towards the cohort. Understand?'

Some of the men nodded.

'I can't fucking hear you!' Macro shouted.


'That's better. Now form up facing the river!'

His men turned round and shuffled forward until they lined the makeshift defences facing the north bank of the Tamesis. Macro ran his eyes over his small command in their tarnished armour and dusty and stained red tunics. The men were formed up in three lines that stretched along the length of the small island. Eighty men against twenty, maybe thirty thousand barbarians. Macro, like most soldiers, was a gambler, but never had he known such unfavourable odds. Despite his attempt to bolster the confidence of his men he knew that they were as good as dead. If only Maximius had arrived at the ford in time to defend it properly, things might have been different.

The afternoon dragged on. Macro allowed his men to sit on the ground. Now that all activity had ceased across the ford the scene looked quite idyllic. Macro smiled. Cato would have loved this; it would have touched the lad's poetic sensibility. To Macro's left the sun was long past its zenith and bathed the scene in an angled glare that intensified the colours of the landscape and flashed brilliantly off the surface of the river. But despite the serenity of nature, a tension stretched through the air like the torsion ropes of a catapult, and Macro was aware that his senses were straining to catch any sight or sound of the enemy.

Perhaps half an hour had passed when a small figure came pelting down the track towards the ford. Before Lentulus had reached the river's edge a party of horsemen burst over the crest of the hill behind and charged down the near slope. Lentulus looked over his shoulder as he ran into the shallows.

'Keep to your left!' Macro shouted. 'Keep to the left!'

If Lentulus heard him, he gave no sign of it, and plunged into the river. He charged headlong, kicking up sheets of spray, and then suddenly pitched forward with a shrill cry. A groan rippled through the men on the island as Lentulus struggled to his feet, blood gushing from his thigh. The legionary looked down at his injury in horror. Then the splashing of the enemy horsemen behind him made him glance back as he staggered towards his comrades. The Britons picked their way forward towards the legionary thrashing through the waist-deep water. Lentulus' wound must have cut a major blood vessel, Macro realised, for he seemed quickly to become faint. Then slowly he collapsed to his knees, head bowed forward so that only his torso was above the water. The horsemen hung back, watching the Roman for a moment. Then they turned round carefully and returned to the far bank.

For a while both sides watched Lentulus in silence as his head rolled from side to side. A thin red slick flowed downstream from his body. At last he collapsed sideways, and disappeared, his body dragged down by the weight of his armour.

'Poor sod,' someone muttered.

'Silence in the ranks!' Macro shouted. 'Silence!'

The awful tension became evermore taut and strained for the legionaries as they waited for the main body of the enemy to arrive, though they did not have to wait long. At first there was the sound of a faint rumbling that grew steadily louder and more distinct. Then a haze thickened over the crest of the hill where the track disappeared from sight. At last the silhouettes of standards, spears, then helmets and the bodies of men came into sight, all along the top of the hill.