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'Prepare javelins!'

The men in the front rank took a pace forward and braced themselves, right arm drawn back along the length of their javelin shafts.

'Ready!…' Vespasian raised his arm in case the order could not be heard above the din of the enemy.

'Ready!' The centurions relayed the order to their men, and turned back to watch for the legate's next order. Below them, the Britons, howling their war cries and straining every muscle to make sure they smashed into the Roman shields at full pelt, surged forward in a writhing mass of helmets, spiked hair, tattooed bodies and flashing and glinting blades.

'Release!' roared Vespasian, sweeping his arm down. At once the centurions repeated the order and the men hurled their right arms forward; their effort filling the air with a chorus of strained grunts. The dark shafts of the javelins rose up and out like a thin curtain of water thrown up from a rock cast into a pond. Already the centurions were bellowing out orders for the second rank to pass their weapons forward to replenish the front rank. The iron tips of the first volley passed the apex of their trajectory and dipped down towards the Britons. The foremost ranks of the enemy charge faltered as they beheld the peril. Some sprinted forward, hoping to run in under the volley, others covered themselves with their shields and prepared for the impact. The rest – light spearmen and swordsmen with no armour – either went to ground, or gazed upwards, hoping to duck, or dodge any javelin that fell towards them.

The volley crashed down in a rolling clatter and thudding that turned to grunts and screams as the javelins found their targets. Then, as if an invisible hand of some giant god had swept through the front ranks of the Britons, scores of them were bowled over and fell to the ground. Other men tumbled over their fallen comrades and sprawled amid the tangle of limbs, shields and the long shafts of the javelins. Then the men behind them forced a way through and charged on up the hill.

'Javelins!… Ready!… Release!'

Again, a wave of the Britons was taken down, adding to the confusion of those already lying stricken on the slope. Then the third and the fourth volleys swept into the enemy massing about the crest of the hill and added to the ruin of the Britons' first attack. No longer were they screaming out their war cries. Instead, a deep murmur of shock rippled back down the slope, and at that moment the legate decided to press home his temporary advantage. 'Swords out!'

'Swords out!' the centurions shouted, and a sharp metallic rasping echoed round the hilltop.

'Advance!' Vespasian called out, clearly audible in the sudden expectant hush. As the centurions relayed the order the cohorts marched down the slope, shields to the front and swords held at the hip, ready to thrust forward. Before the Britons could recover the legionaries fell upon them, finishing off the enemy injured and then battering their way into the mass of troops milling beyond the carnage caused by the javelins. At first some of the Britons tried to resist, but they were too disorganised to stop the Roman advance. And as soon as they were cut down, or fell back, any spirit to carry the charge up the hill crumbled. The initiative had passed wholly to the defenders, and now it was their turn to attack. The legate ordered his trumpeter to sound the charge. Urged on by the curses and cries of encouragement from the centurions the legionaries threw themselves at their foes, using their broad shields to smash the tribesmen down, and thrusting their short swords into the packed ranks before them.

The enemy broke, turning down the slope in their desperation to get away from Romans and ru

'Sound the recall!' Vespasian ordered, and shrill brass notes blared down the slopes. Regular battle drills proved their worth as the men pulled up, reformed into their units and began to climb back to their initial positions. The legate glanced round at the bodies littering the crushed grass of the hillside and was relieved to see only a few red tunics amongst them. As the legionaries picked their way back through the tidemark of destruction wrought by their javelins they leaned down to recover any undamaged weapons that might be reused when the enemy dared to attack again. Most of the iron javelin heads had bent on impact, or the wooden pegs that bound them to the rest of the shaft had been shattered. But some were still intact and had to be retrieved to deny them to the enemy. As soon as the six cohorts had returned to their starting points their centurions hurriedly turned them about and reformed the units into an unbroken ring around the wagons on the top of the hill.

Cato had watched the charge with glee, and had, for a mad instant, even dared to hope that the Britons had been beaten. Now he felt like a fool, a raw recruit who had let his excitement overrule his reason. He looked anxiously for any sign of Macro and was relieved to see his friend emerge through the rear rank of his temporary command and shout an order for the legionaries to dress their ranks. Macro glanced round and gave him a quick thumbs-up before hurling a stream of curses at a hapless legionary who had not heard the order. To the front of the unit, Figulus stalked along the line of grounded shields and saw to it that any spare javelins were passed forward to the men closest to the enemy.

Down at the foot of the hill the Britons were already herding their scattered men back into formation around the brightly coloured serpent ba

'Well done, men!' Vespasian called out. 'We taught them a hard lesson that time. But the javelins are spent. It's down to our swords. The fight'll be hand-to-hand from now on. As long as we keep our formation we'll survive this. I swear it!'

'And if you break your vow?' a voice called out, and the men laughed. For a moment Cato saw Vespasian frown. Then the legate saw the morale-boosting effect of the insubordinate remark and made himself play along.

'If I break my vow, then there's an extra issue of wine for every man!'

Even the most laboured of jokes is a welcome distraction in desperate circumstances and the men roared with laughter. Vespasian made himself smile benignly even as he watched the enemy begin to advance up the hill again. In the distance the second column crawled closer, and was now no more than three or four miles away – but still too far for the legate to identify the tiny black figures at the front. A thin screen of cavalry trotted ahead of the column. Down below, Caratacus was watching the approaching column and pointing it out to his nobles but whether from anxiety or jubilation it was impossible for the legate to tell. He turned back to his men and called out an order.

'Shields up!'

The last of the laughter and light-hearted chatter died away as the legionaries braced themselves for the second assault. This time the enemy came on in a more determined ma