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She gave a soft sigh. “Thank you. It’s been a hard few days. You’re with the PD?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Kara’s a homicide detective,” Mr. Roommate said. “She’s the one who tracked down the Symbol Man.”

Ms. Roth’s eyebrows lifted as she looked at me with renewed interest. “You must have some fascinating stories.”

“Too many,” I replied with a small shrug. “Excuse me. I’ll leave you two to your conversation. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Roth.” I quickly retreated out of the conversation and over to my aunt’s side of the room. I wasn’t about to tell Ms. Roth that I’d been the one to find Brian’s body or that I was in charge of the investigation.

The two resumed their low conversation, and I caught snatches about negligence, accident, and insurance. I’d gathered that Tessa’s roommate—whose name I kept forgetting—had been involved in some sort of motor vehicle accident. Apparently, Rachel Roth was handling a related lawsuit.

I set my backpack on the floor on the far side of the bed. There was a difference between Tessa and her roommate, though. The other woman was in a coma because of injuries from her accident. Tessa’s body was fine. She was just missing her essence.

I shifted into othersight to take a quick peek at the other woman. Yes, she was there, still in the body, waiting only for her body to heal and recover. I had no way to tell if that would ever happen, but I knew that it could happen. I sighed and switched back to normal sight, then sat in the chair beside Tessa and looked her over with worry. She looked paler, her cheekbones more pronounced. Her breathing seemed shallower as well, and I had to wonder how long it would be before she ended up on a ventilator. Her body was definitely declining. How much time do I have?

I swallowed back the knot of fear in my throat and pulled out a book. I started to read to her softly, trying not to disturb Mr. Roommate’s conversation with his attorney while hoping that they weren’t paying attention to me. I’d grabbed a book at random off the rack in the drugstore, a lurid and intentionally comedic romance about sex-starved vampires that had me stifling giggles by page three.

Finally what I was waiting for happened—the two finished their conversation and Mr. Roommate left to walk Ms. Roth out. I quickly pulled the curtain between the beds. It had seemed rude to do so earlier, but now it would give me time to hide what I was doing in case anyone came into the room.

Because they would definitely freak, I thought grimly as I pulled the syringe out of my backpack. I wasn’t medically qualified by any stretch of the imagination, but I needed some of her blood, and getting it in the traditional method for a summoner—a shallow slice on the forearm—would cause far too many questions. I figured a poke from a needle would go u

I managed to find a vein on the third try, exceedingly glad that my aunt wasn’t awake to berate me on my total lack of skill. I breathed a sigh of relief as I drew the syringe full of blood, then carefully dropped the whole thing into an evidence tube, capped it, and put it into my backpack. Then I went after her hair and pulled about fifty strands, complete with root. These I dropped into an envelope, folded it, and stashed it in the backpack. I pulled the two cotton swabs out next and quickly swiped inside her cheeks. Just like doing a rape kit, I thought.

I finally opened the curtain, then took nail clippers out of the backpack and started trimming her nails, though they really didn’t need it. One of the staff must have recently clipped them, but even the slivers I was able to gather were sufficient for what I needed. Mr. Roommate came back during that process and gave me an approving smile. I gave a small smile and nod back, and hid the fact that I was saving all the nail clippings in another small envelope.

I had just stuffed the little envelope with the clippings into my backpack when a young, slender redhead in a nurse’s smock bustled in. She gave Mr. Roommate a smile that could only be described as perky, but when her gaze shifted to me she blinked in what was obviously surprise.

“Oh, hi! I don’t think I know you,” she said with a bright smile. “Are you family?”

“I’m her niece,” I said, prepared to be defensive about how seldom I visited. “I’m Kara Gillian.”

“Oh, of course!” she chirped. “You’re the one listed on her chart.” As if to prove her point, she picked up the chart from the end of the bed, eyes flicking over it. “Well, Miss Kara, I’m Melanie.” She gri

“I … uh, appreciate that,” I replied, feeling almost cowed by her exuberance.

“Well, I used to go to Miss Tessa’s store for lunch darn near every day,” she continued. “She would always put extra sprouts on my turkey sandwich, just the way I liked it, and never ever charged me a single dime extra. So I feel like it’s fate that she’s here for me to take care of now!” Melanie beamed at me while I struggled to think of some sort of coherent response. Behind her, I could see Mr. Roommate hiding a broad grin behind his hand. I gave him a despairing look, but he merely gave me a helpless shrug as if to say, She’s a nut, but she’s harmless.

I suppressed a sigh. “Well, Melanie, I’m sure she’s much happier knowing that she’s in such caring hands.”

Her smile grew even wider, if that was possible. “Oh, thank you for saying that! And I sure am glad to see y’all coming in. Maybe it’s my imagination, but she sure seems perkier after each visit.”

I blinked. “Wait. Is someone else visiting besides me?”

“Sure is! There’s a man who’s been stopping by late in the evenings. I figured it must be another family member, since visitors are restricted to immediate family only at that hour.”

What the fuck? “Can you describe him?”

She bit her lip. “Wow. Um … well, he’s older than me. And he’s kinda tall, I guess.” She shook her head and gave me a bewildered look. “I’m sorry. I tried to talk to him and introduce myself, but he just kinda looked at me and didn’t say much. I assumed it was her husband or brother or something.”

“She doesn’t have either,” I said with a frown.

Melanie’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, no. He must have lied about being family!” Then her face brightened. “Maybe it’s a boyfriend, and he lied so that he could be near her! Y’know, out of love. And he was so subdued and quiet and eerie and all because he was so sad she was here.” She put her hand on her chest and gave a tragic sigh.

I stared at her as Mr. Roommate was overcome with an inexplicable coughing fit that sounded suspiciously like laughter. There was a part of me that wanted to shake her and demand to know how anyone could be that naïve, but a slightly more rational part of me pointed out that there was a dearth of i

I cleared my throat. “Melanie. Is there anything at all that you can tell me about this other visitor? Can you describe him?”

She chewed her lower lip. “Hmm … he was tall, thin, super quiet. Didn’t smile. Just sat by her bed for a while, then got up and left.” She heaved another dramatic sigh. “I guess he was pining for her. The poor thing.”

I could feel a headache forming between my eyes. “Hair? Eyes? Anything?”

She gave a firm nod. “Yes, he definitely had hair. And his eyes were kinda light. I think maybe they were green. Or blue. Or they mighta been like a light hazel.” She beamed at me, clearly thrilled to have been such help.