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«Oh,» said Mike, then, «Oh!»

«Yep,» said Taylor, and howled in laughter, «it called up all the surviving Presidents who had either served during a time of combat at any rank or who were President during a time of war. It recalled them at the rank of four-star general, that being the highest available, and ordered them to report to Fort Myer immediately for inprocessing as same.»

«Oh, God,» laughed Mike, «that's rich.»

«I got a couple of very irate calls from the Secret Service,» Taylor laughed. «But what was even fu

«Did you take him up on it?» asked Mike.

«Nah. I was tempted. God knows Fleet needs every pilot it can get. But it would have been a political nightmare. I hope he was just joking.»

«Anyway,» said Horner, severely, «right after this conference is the big kickoff. To make sure nothing goes too wrong on one end of the spectrum, we will, with great ceremony, recall every single wi

«Oh, man,» said Mike, quietly. Although he wore the Medal himself, he was sure that most of the other wi

«We're hoping that the infusion of 'heroes' will put some spine in the force,» said Taylor, seemingly pulling a knife out of the air and cutting the end off of his own cigar. The knife, after a brief flurry that looked like a simple habit rather than showing off, disappeared as rapidly.

«We're reactivating the 'Strike, Line, Guard' concept as well,» the High Commander continued. «The plan of creating 'elite' Line forces that were mobile shock forces fell by the wayside along with a lot of other ideas.» He lit the cigar with a silver lighter. The inscription «Who Dares Wins» was faintly visible along with a chased dagger and wings.

Taylor took a drag on the cigar and let out a stream of blue smoke. «Right now, other than the Fleet Strike Forces and Special Operations, the only forces that show overall high readiness are some of the Cavalry regiments. We're going to start the Line concept around them. They will become mostly volunteer and will be moved to locations where they can be used to reinforce defense points and sally against Posleen columns. They're going to take a hell of a lot of casualties, but I expect there will always be volunteers.

«So, most of the 'heroes' will end up in Line units,» Horner pointed out. «But they're going to be bearing the brunt so it's the right place to put them.»

«Just remember,» said Mike, rubbing his eyes, «some of these guys are not going to be tightly wrapped.»

«Speaking from experience, Mighty Mite?» asked Horner.

«I've had my bad days, sir,» Mike admitted, quietly. «Nights, usually.»

«You need a break, son,» said Horner. He didn't tell him they already had something in mind.

«I had one, remember, sir,» said Mike, sourly. «I was on a Bond Tour.»

«That wasn't a break and you know it,» said Horner. «And it wasn't my fault. I didn't have a shred of pull back then.»

Mike nodded and decided to change the subject. «Apropos of nothing, sir, where is the equipment for all these mechanized and mobile divisions coming from?»

«Chrysler is back in the armor-making business, has been for nearly a year. They and GM have been producing like mad, son,» said General Taylor. «They've not only stepped up their production rate beyond anything they expected, they've converted two factories in western Pe

«And even an Abrams can't stand up to Posleen for very long,» continued General Horner.

«Hmm. Any more rabbits in the hat?» asked Mike.

«Like what?» asked Jack.

«Like independent forts along the way?»

«No,» said the CONARC. «We've only got so much logistics to go around. Not to mention bodies. We have to concentrate on the cities, not long-ball chances like the evac. There might be some small outposts—we're looking at doing some stuff with militias—but by this time they will probably be swept away. That's where the mobile infantry comes into play.» The fate of the defenders was obvious. But the general carefully did not comment on that.

«And in the southwest,» interjected General Taylor, flicking an ash from his stogie.

«And in the southwest,» agreed Horner, «which is going to be an Eleventh Mobile Infantry show. The other use for the MI will be as support during the initial retreat to the montane defenses and to ensure that the Posleen do not break through the Appalachian defenses especially. What we want you to do is go over the conventional battle plans being developed and set up the MI zones of responsibility.

«Zones of responsibility will not be detailed to units smaller than a battalion,» continued Horner. «The units you have to work with are the 508th, 509th and the 555th. The Eleventh will be used as a division to hold the 'underbelly.' «

«Are we going to have all of those?» Although there were plans in the pipeline to supply all those regiments with suits, the schedule of supply had been pushed back and back. Pretty soon they were going to start taking losses and the new suits would be going to replace casualties.

«We have to assume so,» Horner stated. His grim smile belied the words. «I've set up an office with a couple of staff and all the necessary clearances. And of course you've got Michelle,» said General Horner, gesturing at the captain's AID.

«Shelly,» corrected Mike, fingering the bracelet of black intelli-plastic. «Michelle died on Diess.»

«Sorry,» said General Horner, ignoring the inquiring glance from General Taylor, «Shelly. Can you work out the details with just that?»

«I could do it without the staff, if everything is in the network.»

«It is,» said Horner.

«Then no problem.»

«Initial deployments and SOP battle plans for three regiments in wildly varying terrain?» asked General Taylor. «No problem?»

«Yes, sir,» said O'Neal with a tired smile. He thought it would be a nightmare, but doable. «After activating a company of multigenerational soldiers being introduced to science fiction technology for the first time, in an encampment that has daily riots, this will be a piece of cake.»

«Okay,» chuckled General Horner, tossing back the last of his vodka. «You have three weeks. Your company will be on leave by then and you're going on leave as well. Colonel Hanson asked me to make that an order, by the way.»

«Yes, sir. I could do with a little time off.»

«I agree,» said Taylor. «And so did Lieutenant General Left.»

Mike looked suspiciously from general to general. «How did the Fleet Strike Commander, who I trust is still safely ensconced on Titan, become involved?»

«Well, Bob seemed like the best point of contact to make with Fleet,» said Horner with a frown.

Mike flicked an ash off his cigar and frowned warily. «And why did Fleet get involved?»

«Well, we had to get permission from Vice Admiral Bledspeth,» explained Taylor.

«Yes, sir,» said Mike, his suspicions fully aroused. «I suppose you did. For what is the question?»

«Well, to get them to kick Sharon loose,» said Horner.

«And shuttle her down for a break of her own,» pointed out Taylor. «That was almost harder.»

Mike's jaw dropped. «Sharon's taking leave?» he asked incredulously. «Since when?»

«What time is it?» asked Taylor, ostentatiously looking at his watch.

Horner gave one of his rare true smiles. «Close your mouth, Mike, flies will take advantage. Think of it as having friends in high places. Or, if you prefer, think of it as a reward for maxing your FSTEP.»