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«Okay, Captain O'Neal,» said the commander, «what's the plan?»

«I'll have to tell you on the way, Major,» said O'Neal. «We haven't got any time at all.» He then belied his own words by inserting the pinch between his cheek and gum. He carefully closed the can and put it away, then reclamped the gauntlet and helmet. He spit out a few stray bits of tobacco and keyed the frequency to the battalion broadcast.

No failure. He hadn't read the book, he'd written it. «Okay boys and girls. Lets go kill us some E-Ts.»

* * *

«Man,» snarled Keren, «it seems like we never have any time together. All we've been doin' is killing Posties!» He helped Elgars up and got the big rifle hoisted over her shoulder.

«Well,» she smiled grimly, «maybe later.»

«Sure.» Like there was going to be a later. He could see the Posleen pouring across the bridge and the God Kings popping up and flitting around the Memorial. The whole damn pack of demons was over the river and all hell was out for noon.

Elgars trotted towards the Monument, supporting the weight of the bouncing rifle with her right hand. Keren shook his head one more time and headed for the Suburban. He was glad she finally got her gun back. He suddenly realized he'd never even found out her first name.

A blast of fire came from the area of the Memorial, but he never paid it any attention.

* * *

The area under the Memorial was not exactly a warren of tu

The ball bearings from the claymore bounced off the walls and ceiling of the stone-lined tu

«Set the charges!» shouted Sergeant Leo, spooling out the wire and preparing the blasting caps. «Move! Move!» He handed one to each of the chosen privates as they emplaced the charges to blow the tu

He rounded the corner and nearly ran into the L-T and the security team. The security team held everyone that, in Sergeant Leo's opinion, really needed to become a rifleman. They were the survivors who had not learned the lessons of demo adequately. They were used for support of the «real» sappers. Leo intended to suggest each one of them get a small medal then send them over to the infantry.

«We've got the corridor secure,» said Lieutenant Ryan, gesturing over his shoulder. «Once you blow that tu

«Well, we're about done,» said Sergeant Leo as the sappers came around the corner. He counted each one past then leaned around the corner for a visual check. The look drew a violent response as flechettes spanged off the rock walls and ricocheted down the side tu

«Fire in the hole!» shouted Leo as he twisted the hand-dynamo generator up to speed then pressed the firing switch.

There was a blast of heat and a wash of marble dust. As the platoon coughed on the dust there came a complicated sound of settling from overhead.

«Uh-oh,» said one of the privates, quietly.

«Yeah,» said Lieutenant Ryan. «I think we might be in a little trouble here.»

* * *

Elgars's jaw dropped as the statue of Lincoln in the distance settled slightly to the left. «Holy shit.» But that was only one bad sight among many.

The area around the Memorial was rapidly filling up with Posleen. The assaulting God Kings had been joined by their units and the forces were deploying outward, opening the wings of the Host to capture the city. Starting with the Memorials.

She filtered out the shouting and sounds of panic behind her and set the familiar stock into her shoulder. It was a long shot up the entire length of the reflecting pool. The laser range finder gave a reading of forty-two hundred feet to the steps of the Memorial. As she shifted her sights to the side, trying to decide which one of the God Kings to gift with her attention, there was another gout of dust and fire from the interior of the monument. At least one other group was willing to fight. Behind her she could hear the fading engines of those either smarter or more cowardly.

* * *

«I am didee-mao, asshole!» snarled the specialist in charge of the Three Gun track. The driver put words to action, backing out of their position and spi

Keren stepped up to the spi

As the specialist turned to look, a grenade came flying through the air and landed in the crew compartment in the rear.

Trailing blue air, the gu

The assistant gu

«The fuckin' pin's still in!» he shouted swarming up the side of the crew compartment bent on killing a café au lait gadfly.

He was met at the edge of the compartment by a cocked Beretta. Keren punched the barrel of the gun into his nose hard enough to draw a spurt of blood and followed his tumbling body into the interior of the track.

Austin tried to train the .50-caliber machine gun to bear on the raging Keren. But the pintle mount was designed to prevent accidents just like that. Keren kicked the squirming assistant gu

It was a shot he never could have made on a range. The bullet entered just below the squad leader's nose. The top of the specialist's head was lifted up into the air in a spray of blood and brains. He slumped backwards over the front of the Mortar Carrier and landed on the still-quivering driver.

Keren pulled himself up on the top of the Mortar Carrier and pointed the pistol at the gu

«You will get into this vehicle,» he shouted. «And you will lay in the fuckin' gun! Or I will personally kill every one of you sons of bitches! Is that clear?!»

«The fuckin' horses are over the river!» the gu

«I am not giving the horses the goddamn monument!» screamed Keren, leaping off the track and striding over to shove the still-warm gun into the face of the recalcitrant gu

The ammo bearer raised one shaking hand to wave at the pistol. «We . . . we're clear. Okay?»

Keren jerked up and strode to the front. The slight specialist pulled the driver out from under the former squad leader with a single jerk. The female private was stuttering and shaking uncontrollably. Keren shook his head and dragged her back to where the gu