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“The Sword has spoken,” said Crow. Sharryn moved to stand beside her.

People stood erect again, shaken. They looked at Nestor, still sitting in the dirt. “Oh the gods,” someone said, shock in his voice.

The Sword of Justice had taken Nestor’s hands above the wrists. The stumps of his arms had been neatly sealed, no blood dripping, no bone showing, the skin healed cleanly across. The hands that had strangled the life from the young woman had been the price of their crime. The girl was dead, and her Talent with her. Nestor’s Talent had been in his hands, and now it, too, was gone.

Magic destroyed was a debt owed. And debts to magic must always be paid. It was the First Law, and the most binding of them all.

Nestor stared at the stumps where his hands had been, unbelieving. He would be unable to practice his trade. Never to knead another batch of dough, never to slice fruit for a tart, never to ice cakes, none of it, ever again.

More, he would be unable to wash himself, to clothe himself, to feed himself. Unless he could find someone to perform those tasks for him, banishment and slow starvation were his fate. And with the mark of the Sword burned into his forehead proclaiming his offense for all to see, there would be no succor for him anywhere.

In that moment Nestor himself seemed to realize the depth and breadth of his punishment, and turned mute, pleading eyes to his wife.

Agathi spat in his face, turned her back, and walked away.

So did everyone else.

The square emptied out in groups of five and six. Nestor hunched over his maimed arms and scrabbled away.

“We never do this in moonlight again,” Sharryn said, descending from the platform.

“Agreed,” Crowfoot said, following. “They did warn us.”

“They did. Gods, I need a drink.”

“I know where to find one,” Crow replied.

There was a shy touch at her elbow, and she looked round to see Zeno, awe and gratitude warring for primacy on his young face. “Thank you, Sword. Thank you for saving my friend.” Behind him, Elias bowed.

She managed a brief nod, a rough tousle of Zeno’s hair, and turned for the i

At least not that night.



Michael Armstrong is the author of three science fiction novels, After the Zap, Agviq, and The Hidden War. A staff writer for the Homer News, he has lived in Homer since 1994. When not writing, he hangs around on the beaches of Kachemak Bay. He lives with his wife, Je


Jay Caselberg is an Australian writer based in London whose short fiction has appeared in multiple venues around the world. His first novel, Wyrmhole, came out from Roc Books in October 2003, and the second, Metal Sky, in 2004. Visit his website at www.sff.net/people/jaycaselberg.

Mike Doogan is a columnist for the Anchorage Daily News. His first mystery story, which appeared in The Mysterious North, won the 2003 Robert L. Fish Award from the Mystery Writers of America.

Laura A

Simon R. Green is the author of twenty-seven novels, including the bestselling Deathstalker series. “The Nightside, Needless to Say” is set in the world of his Nightside novels, Something from the Nightside, Agents of Light and Darkness, and the forthcoming Nightingale’s Lament. He lives in England.

Charlaine Harris, who writes conventional mysteries as well as odder fare, lives in southern Arkansas with her three children, a husband, two dogs, one ferret, and a duck. The duck stays outside.


Sharon Shi

Dana Stabenow writes the Kate Shugak series, the Liam Campbell series, the Star Svensdotter series, and the “Alaska Traveler” column in Alaska magazine. She lives in Anchorage, and can be reached through her website at www.stabenow.com.

John Straley is a novelist and former private investigator from Sitka, Alaska. He is the author of the Cecil Younger mysteries. “Lovely” is his first fantasy story. It was written as ravens walked across the tin roof of his writing studio.


Introduction, copyright © 2004 by Dana Stabenow.

“Cold Spell,” copyright © 2004 by Do

“The Nightside, Needless to Say,” copyright © 2004 by Simon R. Green.

“Lovely,” copyright © 2004 by John Straley.

“The Price,” copyright © 2004 by A

“Fairy Dust,” copyright © 2004 by Charlaine Harris.

“The Judgement,” copyright © 2004 by A

“The Sorcerer’s Assassin,” copyright © 2004 by Sharon Shi

“The Boy Who Chased Seagulls,” copyright © 2004 by Michael Armstrong.

“Palimpsest,” copyright © 2004 by Laura A

“The Death of Clickclickwhistle,” copyright © 2004 by Mike Doogan.

“Cairene Dawn,” copyright © 2004 by James A. Hartley.

“Justice Is a Two-edged Sword,” copyright © 2004 by Dana Stabenow.

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