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“Yes, si— Yes, thank you. Were you sent to meet us?”

Jeff laughed. “Hardly. But wait around and I’ll see you get to headquarters. Know anything of what you’re supposed to do?”

“Not really,” the spokesman said. “What’s this place like?”

“Takes a bit of getting used to, but not bad,” Jeff said. “Oops, excuse me, that’s my crew.” He left them and went to the gangway.

The group getting off had to be native to Prince Samual’s World. Jeff wasn’t sure how he knew that, but they had the look about them. They were led by a tall, broad-shouldered man with straw-colored hair going away to steel gray. Distinguished, Jefferson thought. The files said Trader, but that man had obviously been a soldier.

He examined the others. The girl was all right, but no raving beauty; there were plenty of prettier ones in Haven. She looked self-possessed, though, more poised than Elaine, and that made her attractive. There wasn’t much to notice about the others.

“Trader MacKi

“Yes, sir.”

Sir. A word that man doesn’t mean. Not to me. “I’m Lieutenant Jefferson, sir. I’ve been assigned to conduct your landing interviews and inspection.”

“Will this take long?”

“I shouldn’t think so,” Jefferson said. “Just formalities. Shall we go inside?” He led the way into the building to the interview room and ushered MacKi


Jefferson nodded. “I don’t recall seeing much there I’d want to buy, “he said. “Where did you go on Makassar?”

“Well, we landed at the Navy base at Jikar and went from there,” MacKi

Man’s nervous, Jefferson thought. Is there a special reason? Or does he just dislike Imperial officers? “The report from the Makassar garrison says you went to Batav.”


“I was there once. Did you see the temple?”

“Certainly. Most prominent building on the whole planet.”

“It is, isn’t it? Get inside?”

“Not beyond the courtyard,” MacKi

Jefferson gri

“Relics, they say,” MacKi

Jefferson glanced down at his computer. There it was. A note from the commander at Jikar. ‘Archbishop Casteliano found this group helpful and sent a note of commendation.’ So. They had friends in the Church. Might as well get this over with. “Any injuries or diseases?” he asked. “And I’ll need your cargo manifests. …”



When MacKi

But the only armed Marines in evidence were a pair of sentries looking very bored, and there was no evidence of suspicion at all. Jefferson acted as if he’d never seen MacKi

For all that, it was u


“Copper statues,” Jefferson commented. “I didn’t see anything like this on Makassar.”


“Clever of you,” Jefferson said. “Should fetch a good price here.” He continued to look through boxes. “Ah. I should have picked up one of these myself,” he said. He held up a tusked sea creature carved in one of Makassar’s ultra-hard woods. “What’s your price for it?”


“I should pay for it—”


“I don’t suppose I could afford what you can get for it here-”

“Probably not. It’s still yours if you want it.”

“I’d better not. Thank you for the offer.” He made notes on his pocket computer. “You’re cleared,” he said.


“That’s Navy clearance,” Jefferson said. “You’ll get a customs bill later.” He glanced at the small screen on his pocket computer. “Since this expedition was owned by a sovereign ally, that won’t be very high. May even be waived. Have you arranged for a crew to transport?”

“No, but I expect His Majesty’s government has.”


“What’s next?” MacKi

“Immigration,” Jefferson said. “Nothing to that. Just identification. To be sure you’re the same people who left. Are you all here?”

“Not quite. Barstonic and Danvers and Stark were killed on Makassar.” He was surprised at how easy it was to say that. Of course Hal wasn’t dead. Or wasn’t when they left Batav.

“Sorry to hear that.” Jefferson glanced at his pocket computer. “Stark was your guard leader?”

“Yes. Your people there took a full report—”

Lieutenant Jefferson sighed. “They don’t seem to have sent it along,” he said. He did things to his pocket computer and looked at it again. “No, I’m afraid not. You’ll have to tell that story again. Unless — Just a minute.” He used a small stylus to write something else on the machine’s face. “Aha. They did send it after all. Illustrated with satellite photos.” He read for a moment, then looked up at MacKi

“There were a few barbarians,” Nathan said.

“Yes.” He read more. “No superior weapons—”

“Of course not. Look, we. were inspected when we landed on Makassar.”

“I know.”

What else do you know? MacKi

“Just wondering if tactical i

There was a large crowd outside, with a dozen reporters in front. They all shouted questions at once. Then, suddenly, they fell silent.

Inspector Solon came through the crowd. His black uniform opened a way as if by magic. “Welcome back, Trader. Freelady. Gentlemen.” His voice was cold even though his smile was broad. He turned to the crowd. “His Majesty requests that he be given the first interview,” Solon said. “Surely that is reasonable? You will all have your opportunities, but I am commanded to bring the members of the expedition to the palace.”