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Angus Volker, fourteenth Regent of Prince Samual University, looked at the invitation and sighed. It was a simple card written by someone with beautiful handwriting, and the message seemed harmless enough. “David II, by grace of God King of Haven and Grand Duke of Orleans, Mayor of Halmarch, Prince-Magnate of Stanford, requests the honor of your company at an audience to be held at the residence of Lord Arindell at 1664 hours on Wednesday next.”

Certainly the card was formally correct. It was not a command.

But it might as well have been. Academician Volker looked around his richly furnished tower office and sighed again. When the faculty elected him rector it seemed likely that he would preside over the University’s celebration of its two-hundred-fiftieth a

I could refuse, he told himself. I could send polite regrets …

But the next invitation would not be so polite. It might even be accompanied by Haven guards. The University proctors couldn’t keep armed Haven troops from entering the campus. Some of the students would undoubtedly riot, but the end of that was inevitable. The University’s independence had never depended on anything as weak as its power to defend itself. And now the alliance which had been its real defense was a hollow shell.

No. Better to accept an invitation. So long as David was being formally correct, there was a small chance that the University might retain independence. If the gloves came off there would be no chance at all.

Volker turned the matter endlessly in his mind as his chauffeur drove him toward Lord Arindell’s palace.

Arindell. Was the meeting place significant? Arindell was a prominent socialite, and it was not unreasonable that the king might host a social gathering at his residence — but Arindell was also Minister of Justice. There were stories about him and the Haven Royal Police; of how suspected enemies of King David had vanished without a trace. There had always been such stories, but lately there seemed to be more. Was it merely because no one understood the role of the Imperials, or was there more to it? Volker didn’t know.

But surely they would not so openly arrest the Rector of Prince Samual University! The University was the most important institution on Prince Samual’s World, above petty national politics, older than most nations and subject to none of them. Surely he need not worry. He told himself that again, then carefully folded his pudgy hands in his ample lap and with an effort of will made them stay there as the car drove on through uncrowded cobblestone streets.

Lord Arindell’s palace had once been a fortress. The moat had long ago been filled in, and the ca

“One step at a time,” he told himself. Then, louder, he told the chauffeur, “Go back to the University. Mrs. Volker will have errands for you. And send another driver for me. Have him come here and wait.”

“I don’t mind waiting, Rector. I could send a telegram to have Andrew help Lady Volker.”

“No. Please do it my way.” He hesitated. “I’m not unhappy with you, Felix. I’ve got reasons.”

The chauffeur looked up at the massive stone walls. “I guess you have, sir. If I was going in there, I expect I’d want somebody to know what time I went in. Somebody outside.”

Volker smiled wryly. “I hadn’t known I was that obvious. I’m certain nothing will happen.”

“Be more certain with me back on campus,” Felix said. “I could stop by the provost’s office on my way to help Lady Volker … I’ve got a cousin who’s a proctor.”

“It won’t be necessary,” Volker said. “Thank you.”

He waited until the steam car was out of sight before he went down the rose-lined path to the great gates.

A hundred of Haven’s most glamorous people were gathered in the ancient palace ballroom. Angus was a

“The king’s upstairs,” Arindell told him. “He’ll join the party presently. Enjoy yourself.” He bowed and left Angus to his own devices.

Curious, Volker thought. It seemed a pleasant enough party. But why had he been invited? I’ll find out sooner than I like…

Most of the guests’ conversations were confined to two subjects: the war of unification, which was going well, and the economy, which was booming but which might be hurt by the consequent inflation, and which was also made uncertain because no one knew what the Imperials would do. Imperial trade would make some rich, others poor, and no one knew which. Yet even these subjects were but lightly treated. There was no serious discussion at all. A number of the people present had sons at the University, and Volker knew of most of them; the University might be independent, but it was only prudent to be wary of students from Haven’s great families. He set himself to the task of being charming, telling anecdotes about student pranks, and acting as if he enjoyed the opportunity. It was an easy act; much of the rector’s job was concerned with obtaining donations.

He had been in the palace for half an hour and refilled his cup at the punchbowl twice when a man in butler’s livery approached. He didn’t look at all like a butler. He stood too straight, and he was too young to be a retired soldier…

“If you would come with me, sir,” the servant said. “You have an appointment—”

“Certainly,” Volker said. He followed the butler out a side door and up back stairways to the third floor. At the end of the hall was a door, and three more liveried servants, all young and very military in appearance, stood outside it. They opened the door for Volker.

“In here, sir,” his escort said.

The room was a large, book-lined study. King David, Sir Giles Og, and a man Volker didn’t know were seated informally near the fireplace. Volker bowed to the still-seated king. David wasn’t his king, but it cost nothing to be polite. By rights, they should meet as equals. They were both sovereigns. It didn’t escape Angus that King David must know that as well as he did. “Your Majesty.”

“You are kind to come,” David said. “You’ve met the Prime Minister, of course. And allow me to present Citizen Dougal, a minister without portfolio.”

They stood, and Volker acknowledged their bows.

That, at least, was protocol, and Angus felt better.

“Won’t you be seated?” the king asked. “Would you care for grua?”

“Yes, please—” Volker had expected the king to ring for a servant, but Dougal went to the small table to bring Volker’s drink. “Thank you.”

“This meeting is confidential,” David said. “I want your assurance on that.”

“Certainly,” Volker said. “Although of course any discussion of importance to the University must be reported to the Regents …”

“That’s why you’re here,” Dougal said. “Let’s be open about this, Professor. You want to preserve the University’s independence. Well, you may get that, but there are conditions.”