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"It's just possible," Les said. He whistled, a long falling note. "Weee-ew. You're sure going for broke. Steel mills. Coke ovens. Printing presses. A full University. If the Shalnuksis find out-Rick, I don't know what they'll do if they find out."

"But you can help us hide all this," Gwen said.

"I can try," Les said. "And as I said, it's just possible, as long as Inspector Agzaral doesn't change sides, and he doesn't look like he's going to. Yeah, we've got a chance-"

"We," Gwen said. "You meant that, didn't you?"

"Yes, ma'am," Les said.

And that's clear enough, Rick thought. He's on our side as long as we're on his. And meanwhile Caradoc's coming back with the army.

He looked across the table to Tylara. She sat stiffly alert, cold, almost indifferent. Yet she was polite to Gwen when she spoke to her, and even encouraged Les to believe his attempts to be charming had succeeded.

Just what the hell game is she playing? Rick wondered. And what good does it do me to worry about it.

There were shouts outside, and they all rushed to the penthouse balcony. Far across town there was a pillar of black smoke. "Have the Romans organized fire brigades?" Rick asked.

"Sure," Gwen said. "But they won't be needed there. That's the chimney in the coke oven. It catches fire every ten-day."

The office door opened, and Marva came in. "I do not wish to disturb you, my lady, but there is a message from the semaphore. It is marked urgent, and Lord Warner told – me to bring it to Lord Rick immediately."

"Thank you," Rick said. He took the message paper. Tylara stood next to him and read as he did.


Rick stared uncomprehendingly at the paper. He felt Tylara's hand on his arm.

"What is it?" Gwen asked.

"Bad news," Rick said. As he said it he felt waves of relief wash over him. He was ashamed of that. Yet- "Bad news," he said again. "Lord Caradoc is dead."


"Yes," Tylara answered. "Your husband, my lady. He died in our service, and whatever honors the Wanax has not granted I will give from my purse. Husband, come, and leave the Lady Rector to her grief." She turned and marched from the room.

Gwen looked from Rick to Les. The pilot opened his arms, an almost imperceptible gesture, and she moved toward him.

Rick carefully closed the door as he left the room. We're saved again, he thought. For a while, at least. A good man has died, but that accident has saved more than Caradoc alive ever could. We have Les, and with his help the Shcilriuksis won't destroy everything. Knowledge will survive.

When he reached the quadrangle, they'd put out the fire in the coke oven.

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