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When he woke, Jim Morrissey was poking him. “Out. I get the bed next.”

It wasn’t really even a bed — just a sleeping bag on an air mattress — but at least it was warm and dry. Dalehouse reluctantly yielded it to the biologist. “So the camp survived?”

“More or less. Don’t go near Harriet, though. One of her radios is missing, and she thinks we’re all to blame.” As he climbed into the bed and stretched his legs down to the warm interior, he said, “Gappy wants to show you something.”


But that wasn’t what Kappelyushnikov had in mind. “Is no more manual labor for you and me for awhile, Da

“Harriet was real shook up by the storm,” Dalehouse guessed.

“Gasha? Yes, that is what she wants, better weather forecasting. But what I want is exotic travel to faraway places! You will see.”

Kappelyushnikov’s still had been converted to solar power, a trough of brackish water from the lake ru

Kappelyushnikov checked the pressure gauge and nodded gravely. “Is plenty. Now you go borrow theodolite from head boss, Gasha. Do not take no for answer; and then I will show you something that will truly amaze you.”

Fortunately for Dalehouse, Harriet was somewhere else when he went for the theodolite, a small sighting telescope that looked like a surveyor’s transit. By the time he got back with it Kappelyushnikov had filled a plastic balloon with hydrogen and was expertly balancing its lift against the weight of a silver ruble. “My good-luck piece,” he said dreamily. “Yes, fine. You have pencil?”

“What’s a pencil? I have a ballpoint.”

“Don’t make fun of old-fashioned Soviet values,” Kappelyushnikov said severely. “When I let go of balloon, you keep eye on watch. Every twenty seconds you tell me, I call off readings, you write down. You understand? Okay, let go.”

The little balloon did not leap out of Dalehouse’s fingers; it only drifted upward, bobbing gently as vagrant zephyrs caught it. In the still after the storm there was no strongly prevailing wind that Dalehouse could feel, but he could see the balloon move erratically. At each time-hack Kappelyushnikov read off right ascension and declination bearings. After the seventh reading he began to swear, and after the ninth he straightened up, scowling.

“Is no good! Lousy Kungson light! I ca

“Fine, but would you mind telling me what we’re doing?”

“Measuring winds aloft, dear Da

Dalehouse squinted thoughtfully at where the balloon had disappeared into the maroon murk. “How are we going to do that?”

“Oh, Da

“Whoa! You didn’t measure anything. Where did you get the dimension of one side?”

“Altitude of balloon after twenty seconds, of course.” “But how do you know—”

“Ah,” said Kappelyushnikov smugly, “that is why care is so important in weighing off balloon. With fixed lift, balloon rises at fixed rate. Lift is equal to one silver ruble, and so in each twenty seconds rises nine point seven three meters. We now perform same arithmetic for declination and we have fixed position of balloon in three-dimensional space. Here, walk while we talk.” He took the jotted readings from Da

“Then why do you need a computer?”

“Oh, I could easily perform operations myself. But computer needs practice. Wait one, Da

While the Russian was mumbling to himself over the keyboard, Harriet poked her head in the tent. “What are you doing?” she demanded sharply.

“Important scientific research,” said Kappelyushnikov airily, without looking up. To Da

“Have it!” cried the pilot happily, and pressed a command button. The liquid crystal over the computer flashed colored darts of light, then revealed a plot of wind arrows. “Colors of spectrum,” Kappelyushnikov explained. “Red is lowest, up to fresh grass green for highest. You see? At fifty meters, wind heading one forty-five degrees, eight kilometers per hour. At one hundred meters, backing to ninety-five degrees and now fifteen kilometers. And so on. Triumph of Soviet technology.”

Dalehouse nodded appreciatively. “That’s very nice, but what do we want to know that for?”

“Meteorology,” Kappelyushnikov gri

The woman looked up and burst out, “Cut that out, Vissarion. I’m in no mood for you to make fun of me. Tell Dalehouse your real reason.”

The Russian looked surprised, and a little thoughtful, but he shrugged. “All right. Poor American Da

A surge of enthusiasm infected Dalehouse. “Hey, that’s great. Would it work?”

“Of course would work!”

“We could use it to take after those balloonists, get close to them. Harriet, do you hear that? It would give us a chance to try to talk to them.”

“That’s fine,” she said, and Dalehouse looked at her more closely. Even for Harriet she looked sullen.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

She said, “I located the radio.”

“The one that blew away in the storm?”

She laughed, like a cartoon figure laughing: heh, heh, heh. “It takes a real idiot to believe that one. How could it blow away? Goddamn thing weighs twenty kilos. It occurred to me it might be transmitting, so I listened, and it was. I tried RDFing, and I got a fix right away. Straight down,” she said, staring at them.