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Chapter 119

RALEIGH AND I LEAPED UP, almost as one, racing back to the command center. It appeared Jenks had been seen in the lobby of a small hotel called the El Drisco. A bellboy spotted him. Free of his cuffs. Now he was on the streets, somewhere up in Pacific Heights. Why there? My mind ratcheted through the possibilities. Then it became clear. Greg Marks lived up there. I radioed Paul Chin, who was still sitting surveillance on the agent's brownstone. "Paul, be on the alert," I told him. "Jenks may be headed your way. He was seen in Pacific Heights." There was a beep on my cell phone. It was Jacobi. Everything was happening at once. "Boxer, there's an All Available Units on Jenks up in the Heights about a mile from here. I'm headed up there."


"Warren, don't leave," I shouted into the receiver. I still believed Joa

Chapter 120

I FROZE, FIXED ON RALEIGH, and lunged back toward my desk. I signaled Karen to put it through. At the same time, I hissed under my breath to Raleigh, "Start a trace." I waited in a trance; seconds could mean the difference. The breath was tightening in my chest. Then I picked up. "You know who this is," Nicholas Jenks's arrogant voice declared. "I know who it is. Where are you?" "Not a chance, Inspector. I only called to let you know, whatever happens, I didn't kill any of them. I'm not a murderer." "I know that," I told him. He seemed surprised. "You know…?" I couldn't let Jenks know who it was. Not with him on the loose. "I promise, we can prove it wasn't you. Tell me where you are." "Hey, guess what? I don't believe you," Jenks declared. "Besides, it's too late. I told you I'd take this into my own hands. I'm going to solve these murders for you." Jenks could hang up any moment and we'd lose him. This was my only chance. "Jenks, I'll meet you. Anywhere you want." "Why would I want to meet you? I've seen enough of you to last a lifetime." "Because I know who did it," I told him. What he said next jolted me. "So do I." And then he hung up.

Chapter 121

SIXTH… MARKET… TAYLOR… the streets shot by, the top hat on the roof of Chris Raleigh's car flashing wildly. EHis. Hyde. We shot up Larkin, climbing through the lights, then rocked over the bumps as we careened over Nob Hill. In a matter of minutes, we arrived in Russian Hill. Joa