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She drank from her new gimlet.

"I have, I believe, boffed your socks off twice this evening," Su

"In regard to the Bang Bang Twins?"


Jesse took a deep breath and let it out, and told her.

"Wow," Su

"You need to avoid control; I need to control."

"Something of a mismatch," Su

Jesse nodded.

"Still, we seem to get along," Su

"And maybe we can change our needs," Jesse said.

"Maybe," Su

"Maybe we love each other," Jesse said.

"Maybe," Su

"Maybe we should proceed on the assumption that we do," Jesse said, "and see what develops."

"I agree," Su

Jesse put his hand up. Su

"What's the next step?" Jesse said.

"I think we should order in some Chinese food," Su

"What an auspicious start," Jesse said.

Robert B. Parker

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