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A muscle worked in Ty

"You didn't have to do that, lady," Jherek said quietly after Ty

"No one could have seen that sandbar from back there," she replied angrily. "I didn't. Or are you going to tell me I should have seen it too?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "I wouldn't do that."

"Then don't do it to yourself."

"She's right," Mornis said. "Cap'n's just not himself right now with everything that's going on. Hell be better come morning when he gets a chance to look at Breezeru

Jherek listened to their words, but the voice in the back of his head that he'd fought with all his life didn't let up on him. Guilt filled him. He'd grounded Breezeru

When memory of the disk slid into his mind, he glanced around the riverbank. "Where are the pirates?"

"Ran off into the forest," Mornis rumbled. "We got numbers on them. While you was pulling Torrigh from the drink, they took to nose-counting and realized they'd come up short in a free-for-all. They hit the brush like a covey of quail."

"We've got to go after them," Jherek said. Maybe Vur-grom's lead wasn't too extensive yet.

"No," Sabyna said. "There's nothing to be had in that." She glanced out at the river. "Our job now is to get Breezeru

Jherek sca

"It's too dark, lad," Mornis said quietly. "If those pirates don't set up and take you down somewhere, there are things out in that forest stalking the night that will. It'll be a lucky man who gets through that of a piece."

Quietly, Jherek let go of any hope of finding and overtaking Vurgrom. He joined the others as they gathered around Ty

"Lad, that's some rough country you've got ahead of you."

Jherek gathered the ends of the cloth he'd been given, tucked the rations he'd been parceled out from Breeze-ru

Mornis looked uncomfortable. "I feel guilty about letting you go on alone."

"I lost something that wasn't mine to lose, my friend, and I've got to return it if I can."

"Like as not," Mornis warned, "you may be spending your life foolishly."

"Dying with honor isn't a foolish death." Jherek told him sternly.

"No, lad, but any kind of dying is still dying. Myself, I'd rather keep both oars in the water as long as I'm able. A man going with the sea stays afloat a lot longer than a man going against it."

"I was told," Jherek said, "that it always matters how you go against it."

Mornis nodded. "Mayhap, but if you ever find yourself around Breezeru

Jherek smiled and took the man's arm in a strong grip. "Till we meet again."

"Aye," Mornis said. "And may Selune always favor you with her good graces."

Jherek took a final look around. Most of the ship's crew were aboard Breezeru

He noticed Sabyna striding purposefully toward him down the riverbank, the early morning sun shining from her hair. Ty

The ship's captain turned his hard gaze on Jherek. "Talk her out of it."

The young sailor looked at them both. "Talk her out of what?"

"I'm coming with you," Sabyna said calmly.

Jherek glanced at her, noticing she'd changed clothes. She had no pack, but he knew she had a bag of holding she kept the raggamoffyn in. "Lady, you can't come with me."

Sabyna's eyebrows shot up. "I can't? So now you're going to try to tell me what to do?"

Hastily, sensing the rough waters he was venturing into, Jherek changed tacks. "No, lady, I wouldn't dare to presume to do that, but coming with me isn't a good idea."

"Neither is going after Vurgrom and his pirate crew by yourself."

"I have no choice." Jherek looked deep into her eyes, feeling like everything was suddenly beyond his control.

"Everyone has a choice," she told him. "You've made yours and I'm making mine."


Sabyna wheeled on him, blood dark in her face. "No. None of this is his fault. He got caught up in this whole situation because he was talking to me in Baldur's Gate, taking care to walk me back to Breezeru

"So you'll suffer for yours?" Ty

"This isn't kindness. This is a debt."

"No," Jherek said in a stern voice. "There'll be no debts between us, lady. Especially not something like this."

"Stay out of this," Sabyna told him, then turned her attention back to Ty

"It wasn't your choice to make," Ty

"And you still are," Sabyna agreed, "but you're no master of me. Not then. Not now. Not ever."


Sabyna glared back at him hotly. "I signed on with you because I felt I could make a difference on Breezeru

"Begging your pardon," Mornis interrupted hesitantly, "but you do make a difference on her."

"Stay out of this, Mornis," Sabyna ordered sharply.

The big man took a step back. "Yes, ma'am."

"I felt that I owed you something for taking me on," Sabyna told Ty

"You're not going," Ty

Sabyna drew herself up. "You can't stop me."

"Yes," Ty

Sabyna struggled to get free but the captain's grip was too tight. Pain tightened her eyes.

Before he was aware of moving, Jherek stepped forward and seized Ty

Out of control, Ty

Jherek didn't try to defend himself, and he didn't duck because it would have put Sabyna at risk. The blow caught him on the chin, snapping his head around. Dazed, he dropped to one knee for just an instant, but pushed himself back up immediately. He stood a little uncertainly, but he felt Sabyna at his back, trying to get around him. He put out an arm and didn't let her get past. He faced Ty