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Maribel: Oh, they will. But you know what? Out of sight, out of mind. I don’t want my replacement to become a permanent fixture.

Diane: What about Lindy? You must have thought she had a case. You voted for her once.

Maribel: I like her. I wish her well. But she lied up there, and I can’t read her mind. I don’t know what the facts are in this case, but I do know, I feel like I’m on a catamaran, jumping from one side to the other. It was that way all through the trial. I’ve totally lost my balance. I don’t know what to think.

Diane: This process is supposed to help you come to your own conclusions…

Maribel: I guess it has. I’ve concluded it’s not going to get any clearer, even if I listen to a hundred people arguing.

Diane: We can help you think this through. Just give us a chance. Keep an open mind…

Maribel: Let’s console ourselves with the idea that, in the end, if she loses, like Kris said, she’s still riding around in a better boat than me.

Courtney: (whispering) Kevin! Get your hand off my knee. I mean it. Right now.

Kevin: (also whispering) I’ve seen the way you look at me.

Ignacio: You okay, Courtney?

Courtney: I… I am now.

Ignacio: Would you mind changing seats? Bob won’t mind.

Courtney: Good idea.


Bob: Heard you were hard up for company, Kev. Or maybe it’s your deodorant.

Kevin: So the young buck’s got some spirit in him after all.

A few more comments, a few complaints about having to return for another day, and they adjourn.




Jury, Day Two, Morning:

Mrs. Lim: I thought a lot last night. It seems to me we talked all day yesterday about the superficial evidence. What about the deep thing that kept this couple celebrating a

Bob: And off we go for another grand tour on the Love Boat.

Mrs. Lim: They shared family. Remember his niece called her “aunt.” They had a home, a life, a business together. They relied on each other to make big decisions. They presented themselves as husband and wife.

Maribel: Which is more than you can say for some married people.

Mrs. Lim: So why wouldn’t she believe what he told her and follow his advice? Why shouldn’t she compromise sometimes, bend to him. She loved him, thought they would be together for life, and in an old-fashioned ma

Papers shuffle.

These two people were very close on every level. They understood each other very well. After all those years living together as though they were legally bound, we now know she was lulled into a false sense of security, yes. But even he said he always promised her he would take care of her. Because she loved and trusted him, she believed him. I believe he meant those words when he spoke them, too. You see? They had agreements, and they were very explicit agreements, mutually understood.

Grace: They understood each other, that’s right.

Courtney: You’re saying they really had a marriage of true minds.

Mrs. Lim: Yes.

Ignacio: That looks on tempests and is never shaken.

Courtney: You like Shakespeare?

Ignacio: It was my mother’s favorite so

Kris: Hello? (She raps on the table.) Can we save the romance for Saturday night?

Mrs. Lim: And how about this? See, it says right here. “The law protects a partner in business against someone who breaks his word. They should each take their share.” She was an equal partner. They had desks right by each other. He broke many promises. The law should protect her.

Cliff: What’s that you’re reading?

Mrs. Lim: My notes from the trial.

Cliff: I don’t think that was testimony, was it? That sounds like one of those lawyers during the arguments.

Bob: And I thought we agreed the lawyers are as full of self-interest as the parties in this conflict, so beware.

Cliff: I believe we are supposed to ask the judge to have anything read back from the transcript.

Kris: Oh, let’s not do that. Then we go back into the court, and come back here. That’ll take forever.

Cliff: We should not rely on our memories if we’re not sure about something.

Mrs. Lim: Listen, Mr. Wright, my notes are accurate! Are you saying I made this up?

Cliff: Mrs. Lim, no need to get so emotional. Of course your notes are not intentionally wrong. Anyway, we’ve gotten way off the track here. Where’s the piece of paper that shows they had a marriage? They didn’t, and all the talk about how they lived is beside the point.

Mrs. Lim: I completely disagree.

Cliff: Well, if you insist, I’ll call the bailiff. Let’s see if the reporter can read that part of the statement back to us. Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s ask for a little clarification on mutual consent. Mrs. Lim said she wasn’t sure they were agreeing to the same thing…

Mrs. Lim: No, Mr. Wright. I said I was sure they were agreeing.

Bob: You know, Mrs. Lim, it strikes me you are taking all of this very hard. Why beat yourself up about Lindy Markov? What’s in it for you?

Mrs. Lim: That kind of comment doesn’t merit an answer.

Shuffling noises.

Kris: Do we have to go do this? Can’t we just vote again?

They leave the room for a half hour. Before they return, they break.

Cliff: I’m sure we all feel clearer now that we’ve heard the transcript read back.

Diane: As if it’s suddenly clearer the second time!

Cliff: Apparently, what Mrs. Lim was reading came from Nina Reilly’s opening statement, and her words were almost, but not entirely accurate, so I’m glad we got that figured out. Now, let’s remember the judge said that things said by the lawyers are not evidence unless they are supported by other evidence. We can’t just assume they can prove what they say…

Mrs. Lim: There was plenty of proof. Plenty. He made promises. He broke them. He pretends to forget about them. Isn’t that convenient? You think he doesn’t remember getting down on his bended knee and promising to love her forever in that church? You think he doesn’t remember they started off sharing everything or that he introduced her as his wife a million times? He’s ashamed of himself, but he’s set the wheels in motion and now he’s too stubborn to backtrack.

Diane: It’s true. He really wiggled up there.

Grace: He looks bad in general. Did you see the picture in the papers this morning of him outside the courthouse?

Diane: It’s hard to believe he ever punched his way out of a paper bag.

Cliff: I have to remind you, we’re not supposed to be reading the papers. The judge said…

Grace: We just looked at the pictures, right Diane?

Diane: Who has time to read that drivel? I’ve got better things to do. I’m in training for Mt. McKinley. Three hours a day on the stair-climber, two on a bike, ru

Grace: I think he has a lot to hide. He knows he done her wrong. He must just hate himself.

Courtney: I didn’t trust him. All those years he introduced her as his wife. Every time it was a lie, and that’s according to his own viewpoint!

They talk about the video in court that showed him doing just that, and how Mike Markov did not seem surprised to see it.

Ignacio: I believe he knew in his heart he was a married man. But the business-well, the lawyer referred to it as “their child.” It’s like a custody battle. He’ll say anything to stay in control of that.

Kevin: All of that’s completely beside the point. Doesn’t matter if he lied. Doesn’t matter if he’s a cad. We’re here because Lindy Markov wants his money. And I have yet to hear the reason we ought to give it to her, besides that he gave her kisses and hugs and said a few things over the years he didn’t mean and has lived to regret.