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"Yes, sir?"

"Oh hell, of course you don't know anything you're not telling us," Joe said.

"They don't tell me everything," Edgar said. "Aaron doesn't much care for me, and the others-do you still think it's sabotage?"

"No," Joe said carefully. "I'll say that for the record. After examining the damage here at the minehead, it is my considered opinion that we don't have the foggiest notion what happened. It's another goddam Avalon Surprise."

The wall shuddered as the wind howled against the shack. "Bloody hell, that wind's come up strong," Joe said.

Linda stepped out to fold the blanket over Cadzie's face.

"Sorry, Edgar," she said. "We're picking up a little wind here."



"Roger, we see that. There's a storm coming southeast over the mountains. Dry wind, no danger from grendels, but is Robor secure?"


Ginger growled, coming to point. She looked off toward the west. Toffee was fifteen feet away, staring in the same direction. They began to bark, yapping against the growing wind. A dry wind, hot. It dried her skin faster than she could sweat.

"Joe? That wind is really coming up. Double-check the moorings, will you? And get a wind warning down to Heorot."

Joe dropped a length of singed tubing, and grunted in disgust. "You know that they're off-line. We can get them in an emergency, but that's about it."

"All right-well, I hope they've got the skeeter sheltered."

"You know Justin. But I'll go make a check."

Linda kissed Joe, and he looked almost surprised. "I'm just going to Robor," he murmured against her lips.

"Do I need a reason these days?" she asked.

"Never." He kissed her again, and started off across the glade.

"Will you guys stop the mush?" Edgar said disgustedly.

"No respect," Linda clucked. "Remember-I'm going to be your mother one day soon."

"Hey. You know, one of a mother's duties is to find mates for her offspring."

"I told you what to do about that problem."

"Sure. I'll keep trying. Linda, Dad says it wasn't sabotage. You agree?"


"Say that again?"

"Yes! I agree it was not sabotage. Edgar, that wind is really howling now, it's getting hard to hear." She put her hand across her nose in a vain attempt to filter the dust. "It's as if the coal had little flecks of dynamite-" She stopped. Some creature was howling in torment.

"What's that?" Edgar shouted.

"I don't know-" Across the clearing, the dogs were leaping and biting-at the dust. Joe slapped at his chest and neck and face. At first she thought it some kind of joke... some kind of crazy dance.

The wind was stronger now, driving a wall of dust before it. She coughed and stepped out of the shelter, trying to see more clearly. Her smile was dead on her lips, her laughing questions stillborn in her throat. "Joe... " And then she screamed.

"Linda? Dad?" Edgar's voice sounded urgent. "Alert! All stations alert! Base Two is in trouble!"

She was blind before she quite realized that she was in trouble. Agony shrieked in her eye sockets, and she slapped her hands up to cover them. Blood slicked her palms, she felt the hollows where her eyes should have been, and the backs of her hands were being shredded.

The world was consumed with agony. The wind roared in her ears. She had time to scream "Joe!" and then the pain was at her lips, her ‘tongue, and she was gagging on blood. Some mass staggered into her, and she knew it was Joe, darling Joe, loving Joe, groaning like a thing that had never known human consciousness. The dogs' barking had transformed into an endless, pain-racked howl.

In Camelot, bedroom alarms shrieked, and the streets were filled with sprinting bare feet. Hastily armed grendel guns pointed in all directions, and found nothing. There was no threat to be seen.

By now the image from Satellite 16 was being piped through Geographic, enhanced, and relayed to Camelot's communications center. The image was expanded again, and then again, until it seemed the scene was no more than a hundred yards distant... but it was all a blur, just textures shifting through fog.

Hendrick Sills was first into the center. "What's the alarm, Edgar?"

There was panic in Edgar's voice. "I thought it was a dust storm! They come through there regular, no problem, but the dogs started barking and Linda was screaming and now I can't hear anything, and I can't see anything, and my God!"

"Get hold of yourself," Zack said. "Dust storm. Rain?"

"No, no rain, it's a dry hot wind, sirocco wind. Stronger than they usually get, but-Zack, I can't hear anything. They were screaming, and now they don't answer! What do I do?"

"Keep watching. Can you zoom in?"

"Trying. There, the dust is thi

The image focused. Edgar's voice dropped to a whisper. "Oh, my God."

Two human shapes and a dog shape were writhing on the ground. "Dad!


The wind howled, and under the wind they could hear a baby's wail. The image cleared for an instant. Shapes thrashed, slowed, then faded into a fog of blowing dust. Someone muttered a prayer; then the room was still. Half a world away, two people that they knew and loved were dying in agony, and there was nothing that they could do to help.

Linda was beyond pain. She felt her eyes eaten away, the flesh etched from her bones.

With the very last strength in her body, her blood-slicked fingers closed on Joe's misshapen, lifeless hand. And her last thought was Cadzie...

She heard her baby crying, crying, crying...

And then there was nothing at all.

Chapter 12


Nature is usually wrong.


Jessica snuggled next to Aaron in their sleeping bag. She was only half awake until the whitter of skeeter blades roused her from her reverie.

She had barely wedged her eyes open in time to see it thump to ground, landing too damn fast. Justin leapt out, and ran toward them. "Emergency, dammit!" he screamed. He was bare-chested, wearing only briefs. A surge of adrenaline whiplashed her into wakefulness. Aaron was already scrambling to his feet.

All right, so Camelot had gotten nervous. This wasn't the first time the Star Born had taken themselves off line. She knew that they'd catch hell for that one day, and just maybe that day had come...

She struggled her clothes on, and hopped out toward the skeeter. Sprawled around the dead fire, the other Pranksters were hauling themselves toward consciousness.

"What's the problem?"

Justin looked pale. "Edgar rang through. He was on-line with Linda and Joe. They got cut off. Move it!"

The piled into the skeeter. Aaron had time to yell "Trouble at Deadwood!" to Toshiro, who was up and pulling on a knit shirt. "We're going up. Get back to camp and watch the Scouts. Set a defensive perimeter. Keep them back in the cave. Interlocking fields of fire and no mistakes."

"Got it."

Jessica buckled in. "Any sounds, messages, images at all?" she asked.

"Screams," Justin said tightly. "Just screams."

"Anything on the motion sensors? The thermals?"

Unbidden, Edgar's voice came over the radio. "Nothing. We've got Sat Twelve locked on, and I don't see anything. I think they're dead."

They rose up out of the glade, in toward Heorot. There they dropped down for a moment. Jessica and Aaron took the other skeeter, and she had them airborne in fifteen seconds. Their ascending spiral twisted the glade, the valley, and the surrounding mountains into a dizzying whirl.