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“Free the slaves before anything,” Qui

Waitacá dipped his head and drew his steel knife. He knew the rest by heart. Cut the anchor lines, then take the galley slaves to attack the rear of Gonçalves’s army.

I have given you the task most difficult , Qui


“Would you murder me in my own cathedral, like St. Thomas à Becket?”

“I am the admonitory of Father de Magalhães, and I command you in the name of Christ to submit to my authority.”

“I recall I refused you, as I refuse you again now.”

“Silence. Enough of this. You will return with me to our Order in Salvador.”

“The Order in Salvador. Yes. Some of us, however, are called to a higher service.”

Gonçalves rose to his feet and turned to his admonisher. The Lady of the Flood Forest seemed to embrace him in her cope of verdure. “Still you persist in this, you ridiculous little man.”

“Then I must compel you,” Qui

“You will not find me unprepared.” Father Diego swept back his surplice to show the basket-hilted Spanish sword buckled at his side.

“In God’s house,” Qui

“Come now, everywhere is God’s house. If it is meet and right in that pigsty you call a city, that Capitan de Araujo is reducing to dust, then it is equally so here.” Gonçalvescocked his headáthat strange, infuriating bird-motion — at a sudden clamor of voices, shots, and steel from outside. His eyes widened with rage.

“Your former slaves, spiking your artillery,” Qui

He ran into the open nave. With a cry like a hunting bird, Gonçalvescast off his confining surplice and drew his sword. He flew at Qui

And to it again. A crashing rally across the front of the roodscreen, Qui

“The mooring lines are cut,” he panted. “We are adrift.” They both felt the basilica turn in the stream, captive of the ebbing waters. With a cry in Irish Qui

The counterattack was immediate. Qui

“Kneel and submit,” Qui

Gonçalveswent to his knees. Never once removing his eyes from Qui

“Do you imagine they would have called us to defend the Kingdom without ensuring we are properly armed?” He came up in a sweeping blow that sheared Qui

“A cu

But Qui

“When did the Enemy seduce you?”

“You mistake. I am not the enemy. I am the Order. They have engines and energies beyond your imagining; did you think I built that dam unaided?”

Feint, slash, the tip of the blade cut a slit in the fabric. Qui