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Did Experts Underestimate Comet Fallout?

Refugees Overwhelm Resources Everywhere

Western Hemisphere In Direct Line Of Explosion

Fatalities Expected To Reach Three Million

Scientists Say Worst May Be Over

But Some Still Fret About "Possum"

Astronomers: Most Large Fragments Pose No Danger

Will Earth Eventually Get Rings?

Drive-By Shootings, Death Threats For Comet's Discoverer

New Chief Executive Adrift In Space

But Not In Danger, Says Administration

Anderos: "Never Believed Happy Talk From U.S."

Calls For Unified Relief Effort

Left Note: Wanted To Save Children From "End Of World"

"Everybody Liked Him," Say Neighbors


Golfball-Sized Objects Still Pack Wallop

Several Killed, Cars And Houses Wrecked

Few Survivors At Nassau, St. Lucia

Haskell Wears Home-Made Suit Outside

Transportation, Communication Difficulties Cited Micro Passenger Cabin. 12:38 P.M.

Saber's voice, speaking through the intercom, was cool and detached: "We've used the last of our fuel," she said. "Tank's empty."

Morley looked across at the chaplain. "What happens if we have to get out of the way of one of those rocks?"

"Splat, I guess," said Pi

Morley got up and looked down at Charlie. "I'm going to file a report," he said. He and the president had reached agreement on what might be broadcast and what demanded discretion. All of the president's calls, for example, were off-limits.

"Okay," said Charlie. "Go ahead. But add that there's no immediate danger."

"Mr. President, that takes the bite out of the story."

"Not at all, Keith. I wouldn't want to be the one to tell you how to do your job, but understatement will jack up the drama."

Keith gri


Host: Cleveland Somers; Guest: Senator Audrey Belmont (R-NJ). Somers: Go ahead, Caller. First Caller: I live in Kokomo. North of Indianapolis. And I have a question for Senator Belmont. Somers: Okay. First Caller They were saying on the television this morning that the damage in your state, Senator, is going to be up in the billions. Belmont: That appears to be true, Caller. First Caller: And that's only New Jersey. The whole East Coast is wrecked. For that matter, most of both coasts is wrecked. Did you see California? It's just a bunch of islands. Somers: I saw California. My understanding is that the water will go away on its own. First Caller Well, the damage sure as hell isn't going to go away on its own. We're talking about rebuilding. My question is, where's the money going to come from? Because I can just see what's going to happen. The president's going to declare both coasts emergency areas and the government's going to pay for it. Which is to say, the taxpayers will pick up the tab. Like always. Somers: Okay, Caller. We've got the question. Thanks. Senator? Belmont: I think the caller means the stricken areas will be declared disaster areas. But yes, of course, federal funds will be used to help stave off the worst effects of what happened last night. I'm sure the caller doesn't think we should just leave several million people on the road with no place to turn for help. Somers: We have another caller. Go ahead, please. Second Caller: Hello? Somers: Yes? You're on. Second Caller: Am I on? Somers: Yes, you are. Second Caller: I was listening to the last caller. And he's absolutely right. I live in Grand Island. In Nebraska. Why should my taxes go up to rebuild New York and Miami? I think we should secede, that's what I think. It's the only way to save the country. Somers: Senator? Belmont: I don't want to offend anyone, Cleveland, but if there's an attitude that guarantees this nation will go down the drain, I think we've just heard it. Micro Passenger Cabin. 1:32 P.M.

The passengers heard the PA system click on, and heard their pilot's voice. "This is Saber. We are now at our closest approach to Earth, traveling at 11.7 kilometers per second. The Lowell is ahead of us, gradually accelerating to our velocity. We will rendezvous with them at about four." 109th Airlift Group, Scotia, New York. 1:31 P.M.

The big army chopper that had brought them from Manhattan skirted the airfield and descended on a bare field behind a hangar. It blew up a cloud of dust and the pilot cut the engine. The blades slowed and drooped. Marilyn, who'd never been in a helicopter before and didn't like planes all that much anyhow, was grateful they were on the ground.

Almost all of the people on the aircraft were from Louise's party. They looked sodden and tired and lost. Larry sat beside her and squeezed her hand while they waited for the hatch to open. "When do you think we'll get home again?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "Probably only a few days. The water should go down pretty quick. And our stuff'll be okay, as long as they keep the looters out. That's what worries me."

Louise was sitting directly across from them. She'd changed into a woolen shirt and jeans, and had contributed clothes to several of the women. "I doubt there are many live looters left," she said. "But I don't think we'll be going back for a while. Place like Manhattan…" She shook her head. "I don't want to be downbeat or anything, but there're going to be major health problems. We'll be lucky if we're home by the fourth of July."

"Goddam, Louise," said a balding little economist near the door, "you sure know how to give a party."

That brought some hollow laughs. Marilyn didn't join in.

She'd changed. She wondered what the little boy's name was. What his mother had thought when Marilyn closed the door.

Something else had happened: She felt closer to Larry than she had at any time during, or before, their marriage. He'd been taking her for granted for a long time, but that had stopped last night. Maybe it wouldn't last, but she felt as if she had her husband-her old boyfriend-back again.