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Two of the Viand were carrying laden plates to a table. Nesfa and several of her crew were inspecting elegant handguns in the window of a nearby gu

Takisians, both Tarhiji and Zal’hma at’ Irg, were everywhere, and Tach viewed them with growing alarm. Almost fifty years had sent fashion careening to the opposite extreme. There was still a lot of lace and layers, but the new look among the younger breed was the speed-skater look. Tight spandex caressed every curve and angle. Eye-confusing colors swirled, dotted, or splattered the one-piece suits, and the biotech that had grown this cloth was keyed to galvanic skin responses. Colors shifted and swirled in response to the wearer’s mood and whim. Hair had also adapted to the new look. In place of long curls, peach fuzz across the nearly naked skulls, or a river of straight silk as long as it could be coaxed. Tachyon’s old body was sadly out of fashion with its naturally curly love-locks. Tach’s borrowed body fit right in – or would if it hadn’t been female… and pregnant.

“Nice,” Jay said. “Be nicer if there were a few more babes around to model the spray-on look.”

“We are getting, like, some weird looks, man,” Trips whispered hoarsely.

A scent, rich and spicy, assailed Tachyon’s nostrils, and she froze as the smell crossed time and triggered memory. Mark’s concerns and alarms seemed unimportant, overshadowed as they were by the play of images behind her closed lids.

“You okay?” Jay asked.

“Fritter cakes,” said Tach, swallowing the saliva that filled her mouth.

“Yeah, they smell great. If we had some money, we’d buy some.”

Ignoring him, she continued. “I must have been ten or eleven. Jadlan and I slipped into the private kitchen and made them. The smell woke father, and we thought he would kill us. Instead he laughed and made hot ikadah. We talked until almost dawn.” She bowed her head and lightly touched her stomach. “I never saw Jadlan again.”

“Why is it you’re never happy unless you’re miserable?” growled Jay.

“Guys, we really are in the shitter,” Trips said urgently.

Tach pulled her attention from the past and gawked at the seven Takisian men who had fa

“Intaye, do you require aid?”

Tach was confused. “No.”

The man peered closely at her. “Are you of House?”

For a moment the question took her aback. Of course she was of House, the greatest and most puissant house on the Crystal World. Fortunately Takisian caution overrode Takisian pride. It would not do to reveal to strangers the return of the heir to House Ilkazam. Then it finally penetrated – these men were not concerned with her noble pedigree, or her mission. They saw a breeding female. A strange enough sight even among the shops and homes of the Tarhiji. Unheard of among the Zal’hma at’ Irg. And it was obvious this little body had enough grace and beauty to make them question her station.

Tach evaluated her two paladins. Only Jay could effectively pass as a member of the majority population, that ninety-seven percent that actually engaged in industry and agriculture and supported the elegant, telepathic overclass.

Tach shrank shyly against Jay’s side. “No, lord.”

Their interest in her vanished like steel shutters falling behind their eyes. They transferred their attention to Mark, towering head and shoulders over the diminutive Takisians that surrounded him. “And what, by the Ideal, are you?” drawled the Alaa nobleman.

Mark flipped them a peace sign. “Terran, human, from the planet Earth. Peace, man.”

Jay leaned in to Tach and whispered, “He’s go

“Like, take us to your leader, man.”

“He said it.” Jay shook his head.

The Takisians exchanged puzzled glances, and Tach felt a smile growing like a sunburst. The Most Bred, the Zal’hma at’ Irg, don’t like jokes they don’t understand. Particularly when they suspect they’re the brunt of the joke. A few black looks were bestowed on the trio, and they dispersed.

“Meadows, you are one crazy fucker.” Jay shook his head again. “Wish I’d thought of it first.” Mark smiled shyly.

“Let’s find a phone. I want to get home.”

“Phone?” queried Jay.

She fluttered her hands like a person waving off flies. Jay stayed stubbornly in place. “Link stage. Okay?”

Fingers flying across the keyboard, Tach tried another combination of numbers. The stage remained stubbornly gray; then the flowing red script appeared, instructing her either to present her credit crystal, or to give a valid account number.

“Maybe they changed my access code,” said Tach. She leaned back and chewed nervously on her lower lip.

All three of them were squeezed into a link booth that consisted of a keyboard and a concave desktop.

“Maybe you don’t have an account any longer,” suggested Jay. “It’s been over forty years.”

“It was my money.”

“Yeah, well, maybe they figured you didn’t need it any longer.”

Mark offered tentatively, “Will they accept a collect call?”

“Would you?” shot back Jay.

“No,” Mark admitted. The ace considered for a moment. “We could, like, cruise around until we spot someone from House Ilkazam.”

Tach was already shaking her head. “Won’t work. Juniors are always assigned to hub duty. These children probably wouldn’t know me in my own form, much less as I am now. No, I need someone who will recognize my mental signature.”

Jay glanced back through the doors of the booth. “Are there panhandlers on Takis?”

Tach ignored him and tried another combination of numbers. Suddenly an arm reached over her shoulder and deposited a black crystal on the keyboard. Silver and red lines crawled through the facets like sluggish lightning.

“Allow me to be of service, cousin,” Zabb drawled. Coolly Tach lifted the crystal and dropped it into the cradle. “Let’s hope no one’s raided your assets.”

Zabb smiled. “No one would dare. In my case the family knew I’d be back.”

The screen flashed once and went black. Tach typed in the link destination. Commandant, platform Ilkazam.

An instant later the six-inch-tall figure of a Takisian appeared in the concave bowl. He wore the gold and white of the Ilkazam officer corps, and there was a certain facial resemblance to Zabb, and to Tachyon as he had been.

“Bazzakra brant Kazz sek Najah sek Mimjal! Blood and Line, this is the first good fortune I’ve had.”

The hologram of the man smiled politely, but wary puzzlement hung about him. “Intaye, are we acquainted?”

Zabb leaned in, his hand resting lightly on Tach’s shoulder. “Surely you remember me, Baz.”

The reaction from Tachyon was instinctive. Teeth bared, Tach brushed Zabb’s hand from her shoulder.

The reaction from Bazzakra was equally instinctive. He rejoiced at the sight of his old commander. “Zabb! We thought you dead.”

“Thought Tis was dead too,” smiled back her cousin. “But here he, er rather she, is. In another predicament as usual.”

“You’re serious? This girlchild is the Heir?”


Suspicion darkened the gray eyes as Tach frowned up at her cousin. “Why are you doing this? I should have thought you’d be delighted to destroy my chances.”

“No, dear cousin, someone must return home to lead our family.”