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Grotesque choking sounds filled the office as the nobles’ autonomic functions shut down. L’gura stared placidly at the desperate men as they flopped like hooked fish. Dark blood from Malika’s gutted body was spreading across the floor. It touched the edge of the Raiyis’s shoe. He calmly moved his foot. Durg had to admire his sangfroid.

“Is this enough virtu for you? A sufficient demonstration of my value? Or am I still just a miserable mudcrawler?”

Blaise thrust Kelly off his lap and gave the older man a boot to hurry his trajectory toward the floor. Kelly fetched up almost nose to nose with one of the dying. The bogus Tachyon let out a whimper and scuttled away.

L’gura steepled bone white fingers before his mouth. “Enough. They’re too well-bred to waste.”

“Really? They look pretty useless to me. But have it your way.” Blaise released the three men from the killing grip of his mind control. During his desperate struggles one had ripped out several of the inset jewels that adorned his cheeks. Blood flowed sluggishly from the gouges.

“Welcome to my House, Blaise brant Gisele. I think you will prove to be a most excellent addition.”

Durg released a breath he hadn’t even been aware he’d been holding. The dice had fallen well. He was home.

“Oh Shit!”

The shout penetrated her nightmare-laced sleep and sent Tachyon rolling out of the narrow bunk and scuttling for cover. She was dragging some of her own with her – the light, yet warm black fabric that served as sheet, blanket, and comforter. Her eyes finally focused, and in quick, snapping images like a stuttering slide show, she took in the situation.

A chunk of wall had peeled back, and the head and thorax of a Kondikki worker wove hypnotically back and forth as the clusters of tiny eyes searched for the source of all the noise. The embedded ceiling lights reflected off the creature’s shiny greenish black chitinous exoskeleton.

Jay was backed against the fold-down table, and his wildcard trigger finger was coming to bear.

“Jay! No!” Tach screamed. And flung her blanket. It tangled about his arm and hand, there was a soft pop, and the blanket vanished. The Kondikki was, mercifully, still present.

“It belongs here,” Tach yelled.

“Not in my bedroom it doesn’t!” the ace shouted back.

“Look.” The alien, its segmented body wiggling like a child’s toy, was climbing the wall. “It’s just replacing a light.”

Jay followed her pointing finger and spotted the burned-out panel.

Legs suddenly gone weak, Jay dropped to the floor. “Shit.” He mopped sweat with the back of his hand. Tach crawled to him and wrapped her arms briefly about his shoulders, then scooted back out of reach.

“I’m sorry I should have warned you.”

“No kidding.” He drew in a breath, wiped his mouth. “Secret alien spies, UFOs, and now giant bugs. Is it too late to go home?”

“Way, way too late.”

The door slid open, and Trips entered, paused and blinked at the huddling tableau on the floor. The private investigator pointed. Head craned back, hands propped on his hips, Mark gri

“Aren’t they cool? There are thousands of them, way smaller than that one, down at the end of the corridor.”

Jay combed his hair with his fingers. “I didn’t need to hear that. And no, I don’t want to see ’em.”

“Where did you send the blanket, Jay?” Tach asked sternly.

He looked sheepish. “When I don’t really have time to figure out a destination, I usually just go for the scoreboard at Yankee Stadium.”

Tach stared at him in growing fury. “You were going to pop a Kondikki worker to Yankee Stadium?”

“Hey, it’s in the Bronx. They’re used to big cockroaches up there.”

“Jay, you are my ace in the hole,” Tach said, accepting Mark’s offer of a hand up. “You must be more cautious about so frivolously using your power.”

“Frivolous! There was a giant bug in the room. And I don’t know why you’re sweating it – how far away from Earth are we?”

“Several light-years, I’m not sure.”

“I’m good from L. A. to New York. Light-years… I doubt it. The bug would never have made it.”

“First, it’s not a bug. It’s a sentient creature. So the idea of your leaving it floating in space does not comfort me. Second, I think you underestimate your power. I doubt it is impeded by the normal laws of the space-time continuum.” She cocked her head to the side and considered for a second. “On the other hand, I don’t wish to test the theory.” Tach walked to her bunk and sat down. If you are both rested enough, we must begin your instruction and training.”

“In what, and for what?” asked Jay. The set of his jaw was belligerent.

“Language, customs, most important, attitudes.”

Mark pushed Tachyon onto her back on the bunk. She let out a gasp, and the ace quickly retreated a couple of steps, holding out his hands placatingly. “Easy. How about a foot massage?”

“All right,” was the dubious reply. Mark seated himself and pulled her feet into his lap. Slipping off her shoes, he began to rub. Tach gave a tiny groan of pleasure.

“So lecture,” Jay ordered.

“Ideal, where to start?”

She chewed on her lower lip, but before she could launch in, the lights in the cabin dimmed twice, and they felt an odd prickling over their skin.

“Oh, Christ, what was that?” Jay asked, in a voice gone suddenly breathy.

Tach was as flummoxed as the detective. The phenomenon was repeated. Mark knitted his brows in a contemplative frown. “I think it’s, like, maybe the… doorbell?”

“Who the hell’d be visiting us?”

“We could, like, open the door and find out,” Mark suggested.

Jay hurried to the portal, touched the keypad, and it slid open to reveal an extremely tall, lovely woman. Well, not woman exactly. She was an upright biped, and she was a mammal as evidenced by the impressive pair of breasts curving the material of her shift, but she was eyeless, and what Tach had at first taken for hair she realized were twining sensory organs. She was also the whitest creature Tach had ever seen. Her clothing was simple in the extreme – a plain blue shift, sandals. Her only ornamentation was an elaborate leather belt both inlaid and embroidered with jewels and metal threads, supporting a gem-encrusted pouch that hung at her left side.

She smiled and said in halting English, “Wel… come to my… uh, ship. I am Nesfa.”

“Pleased to meet you. Jay Ackroyd.” The detective held out his hand, then shot Tach a pained and embarrassed look. Tach was not the least bit surprised when Nesfa unerringly took the ace’s hand.

“Oh, groovy, are you part of the Network?” Mark asked. “Hi, I’m Mark Meadows.”

“Pleased to face you… no, see you… no.”

“Meet you,” Mark corrected with a happy smile.

“I learn your… language only a little from my captain.”

“Zabb?” Tach suggested.

“Yes.” She “looked” back at Mark. “We are Network, but very… new.”

“You just joined?” Jay amplified.

“Yes. We Viand search for new… places… to live. We… buy ship.”

“But you don’t know how to operate her?” Tach asked.

“No,” Nesfa replied.

“Typical,” Tach said bitterly.

“I come only to say… hello. No to bother. Ship is… as yours.”

She smiled again, and it was so warm and pretty that the travelers were begi

“Bye-bye,” she said, and left.

“Boy, we gotta get out more,” Jay gusted. “What a doll.” Mark and Tach exchanged glances and burst out laughing. “What? What is it?”

“What an ambassador you’d make,” Mark said.

“But only if the aliens are all women,” Tach added. Jay was continuing to stare at the closed door. “Jay, you can pursue your gonads’ imperative at a later time. We must resume.”