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“I went down to the ram paddock after tea — about half-past six, it was, and I looked in at the men’s quarters on my way back. That lovely cook of theirs has made a job of it this time, Captain. Him and Albert are both packed up. Singing hymns and heading for the willies.”

“Tcha!” said Douglas.

“And then?” Alleyn asked.

“I went home. The half-past seven program started up on the radio just after I got in. I didn’t go out again.”

“And Markins arrived — when?”

“Round about a quarter to eight. The eight o’clock program came on just as he left.”

“It was a quarter to eight by radio when I left here, sir,” said Markins, “and five past when I got back and wound the kitchen clock.”

“You seem to have taken an interest in the time,” said Douglas, staring at him.

“I always do, sir. Yes.”

“Mr. Johns,” said Alleyn, “have you witnesses that you stayed at home from half-past seven onwards?”

Tommy Johns drew down his brows and stuck out his upper lip. “He is like a monkey,” Alleyn thought.

“The wife was about,” said Tommy. “Her and Mrs. Duck. Mrs. Duck dropped in after she’d finished here.”

“Ah, yes,” Alleyn thought. “The wife!” And aloud he said: “They were in the room with you?”

“They were in the front room. Some of the time. I was in the kitchen.”

“With Cliff?”

“That’s right,” said Tommy Johns quickly.

“Except for the time when you sent Cliff down here with the paper?”

Cliff made a brusque movement with his hands.

“Oh that!” said Tommy loudly, too easily. “Yes, that’s right, he ran down with it, didn’t he? That’s right. Only away a minute or two. I’d forgotten.”

“You came here,” Alleyn said to Cliff, “while I was in the room. You went away as I was saying I’d left my cigarette case in the a

“I never heard that,” said Cliff. He cleared his throat and added hurriedly, as if the words were irrelevant: “I went straight back. I went out by the kitchen door. Mr. Markins saw me. I was home when he came up a few minutes later. I never heard anything about anybody going out from here.”

“Did you hear or see Mr. Losse, or anyone at all, as you went back?”

“How could I? He left after me. I mean,” said Cliff, turning very white, “he must have left after me because he was here when I went away.”

“No. He was upstairs.”

“I mean upstairs. He was going upstairs when I came out.”

“I see. Which way did you take going home?”

“The kitchen path. Then I cut across the hill and through the fence. That brings you out on the main track, just below the fork off to the wool-shed.”

“And you heard nothing of anyone else?”

“When I got above the a

“Was it to you that Captain Grace called ‘Good night’ from the lawn?” Cliff looked at Douglas and away again.

“Not to me,” he said. “Anyway I didn’t think so.”

“But you heard him?”

“I did just hear.”

“Why didn’t you answer?”

“I didn’t reckon it was me he called out to. I was away up on the kitchen path.”

“Did you hear anyone on the track?”

“I didn’t notice.”

“Someone was there,” said Douglas positively and stared at Markins.

“Well, I didn’t hear them,” Cliff insisted.

His father scowled anxiously. “You want to be sure of that,” he said. “Look, could you swear you didn’t hear somebody on the track? Put it that way. Could you swear?”

“You’d make a good barrister, Mr. Johns,” said Alleyn with a smile.

“I don’t know anything about that,” said Johns angrily, “but I reckon Cliff needs a lawyer to stand by before he says anything else. You close down, and don’t talk, son.”

“I haven’t done anything, Dad.”

“Never mind that. Keep quiet. They’ll trip you into making a fool of yourself.”

“I’ve only one more question in any case, Cliff,” said Alleyn. “Once at home, did you go out again?”

“No. I sat in the kitchen with Dad and Mr. Markins. I was still there when Markins came back the second time to say there’d been an accident.”

“All right.” Alleyn moved away from the fire-place and sat on the arm of the sofa. His audience also shifted a little, like sheep, he thought, keeping an eye on the dog.

“Well,” he said. “That about covers the collective questions. I’d like to see some of you individually. I think, Grace, that you and I had better have a consultation, hadn’t we?”

“By all means,” said Douglas, looking a little as if he had been summoned to preside over a court-martial. “I quite agree, sir.”

“Perhaps we could move into the study for a moment. I’d like you all to stay here, if you don’t mind. We shan’t be long.”

The study was piercingly cold. Douglas lit a lamp and the fire, and they sat together on the wooden fender while, above them, Florence Rubrick’s portrait stared at nothing.

“I don’t think Losse ought to be bothered with a plan of action, just yet,” Alleyn said. “Do you?”

“Oh, no. Good Lord, no.”

“I wanted to consult you about our next move. I’ll have to report this business to the police, you know.”

“Oh, God!”

“Well, I’ll have to.”

“They’re such hopeless chaps, sir. And to have them mucking about again with notebooks! However! I quite see. It’s not altogether your affair, is it?”

“Only in so far as I was the intended victim,” said Alleyn dryly.

“You know,” Douglas muttered with owlish concern, “I’d come to that conclusion myself. Disgraceful, you know.”

Alleyn disregarded this quaint reflection on the ethics of attempted murder.

“They may,” he said, “ask me to carry on for a bit, or they may come fuming up here themselves, but the decision rests with them.”

“Quite. Well, I jolly well hope they do leave it to you. I’m sure we all feel like that about it.”

“Including the assailant, do you suppose?”

Douglas pulled his moustache. “Hardly,” he said. “That joker would be quite a lot happier without you, I imagine.” He laughed heartily.

“Evidently. But of course he may choose to have another whack at me.”

“Don’t you worry, sir,” said Douglas kindly. “We’ll look after that.”

His complacency irritated Alleyn. “Who’s we?” he asked.

“I’ll make it my personal responsibility—”

“You,” said Alleyn warmly. “My dear man, you’re a suspect. How do I know you won’t come after me with a bludgeon?”

Douglas turned scarlet. “I don’t know if you’re serious, Mr. Alleyn,” he began, but Alleyn interrupted him.

“Of course I’m serious.”

“In that case,” said Douglas grandly, “there’s no more to be said.”

“There’s this much to be said. If you’ll prove to me that you couldn’t have dodged up that blasted track and had a whack at poor Losse, I’ll be profoundly grateful to you. There are too many suspects in this case. The house is littered with them.”

“I’ve told you,” said Douglas, who seemed to hover between alarm and disapproval. “I’ve told you what I did. I went out on the lawn and I came upstairs and knocked at Terry’s door. I said good-night.”

“Most u

“Good God, you saw me yourself when you came upstairs!”

“Fully ten minutes later. Longer.”

“I was in my pyjamas,” Douglas shouted.

“I saw you. Your pyjamas prove nothing. I’m completely unmoved by your pyjamas.”

“Look here, this is too much. Why would I want to go for Fabian? I’m fond of him. We’re partners. Good Lord,” Douglas fumed, “you can’t mean what you’re saying! Haven’t I urged him to be careful over the work? Why should I go for old Fab?”

“For me.”

“Damn! For you, then. You’re supposed to be the blasted expert.”

“And as an expert, God save the mark, I’m keeping my eye on the whole boiling of you, and that’s flat.”