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“Then you and Mr. Rubrick must have been there together, Miss Ly

“No,” said Terence Ly

“I understood Miss Harme to say that when she met you in the bottom path you told her you had been searching there.”

“I looked about there for a moment. I don’t remember seeing Mr. Rubrick. I wasn’t with him.”

“But—” Douglas broke off. “I suppose I made a mistake,” he said. “I had it in my head that as I was going up to the house for the torches he came out of the lavender walk into my path and then moved on into the bottom path. And then I had the impression that as I returned with the torches he came back from the bottom path. It was just then that I heard you two arguing about whether you’d stop in the bottom path or not. You were there, then.”

“I may have seen him,” said Terence. “I was only there a short time. I don’t remember positively but we didn’t speak— I mean we were not together. It was getting dark.”

“Well, but Terry,” said Ursula, “when I went into the bottom path you came towards me from the far end, the end nearest the lavender walk. If he was there at all it would have been at that end.”

“I don’t remember, Ursula. If he was there we didn’t speak and I’ve simply forgotten.”

“Perhaps I was mistaken,” said Douglas uncertainly. “But it doesn’t matter much, does it? Arthur was somewhere down there and so were both of you. I don’t mind admitting that the gentleman whose movements that evening I’ve always been anxious to trace is our friend Mr. Markins.”

“And away we go,” said Fabian cheerfully. “We’re on your territory now, sir.”

“Good,” said Alleyn, “what about Markins, Captain Grace? Let’s have it.”

“It goes back some way,” said Douglas. “It goes back, to be exact, to the last wool sale held in this country, which was early in 1939.”

“…So Aunt Floss jockeyed poor old Arthur into scraping acquaintance with this Jap. Kurata Kan his name was. They brought him up here for the week-end. I’ve heard that he took a great interest in everything, gri

“But not the bats out of their belfries,” said Fabian. “Please don’t deviate into Herrenvolk-lore, Douglas.”

“This Kan lived for half the year in Australia,” Douglas continued. “Remember that. Flossie got back here in ’40 bringing Ursy and Fabian with her. Before she went Home she used to run this place on a cook and two housemaids, but the maids had gone and this time she couldn’t raise the sight of a help. Mrs. Duck was looking after Uncle Arthur single-handed. She said she couldn’t carry on like that. Ursy did what she could but she wasn’t used to housework, and anyway it didn’t suit Flossie.”

“Ursy seemed to me to wield a very pretty mop,” said Fabian.

“Of course she did, but it was damned hard work scrubbing and so on and Auntie Floss knew it.”

“I didn’t mind,” said Ursy.

“Anyway, when I got back after Greece I found the marvellous Markins ru

“A reference, do you mean?”

“Yes. He hadn’t actually been with these precious Kans. He says he was valet to an English artillery officer who’d picked him up in America. He says he was friendly with the Kans’ servants. He says that when his employer left Australia he applied to Kan for a job. But the Kans were winging their way to Japan. Markins said he’d like to try his luck in New Zealand, and Kan remembered Flossie moaning about the servant problem in this country. Hence, the letter. That’s Kan’s story. The whole thing looks damned fishy to me. Markins, an efficient well-trained servant, could have taken a job anywhere. Beyond the fact that he was born British but has an American passport we know nothing about him. He gave the name of his American employers but doesn’t know their present address.”

“I think I should tell you,” said Alleyn, “that the American employers have been traced for us and verify the story.”

This produced an impression. Fabian said: “Not Understood, or the Modest Detective! I take back some of my remarks about him. Only some,” he added. “I still maintain that, taking him by and large, our Mr. Jackson is almost certifiable.”

“It makes no difference,” Douglas said. “It proves nothing. My case rests on pretty firm ground as I think you’ll agree, sir, when you’ve heard it.”

“Do remember, Douglas,” Fabian murmured, “that Mr. Alleyn has seen the files.”

“I realize that, but God knows what sort of a hash they’ve made of it. Now I don’t want to be u

“I know what you’re going to say next,” said Ursula brightly, “and I disagree with every word of it.”

“My dear girl, you’re talking through your hat. Look here, sir. When I got back from Greece and was marched out of the army and came here, I found Fabian doing a certain type of work. I needn’t be more explicit than that,” said Douglas portentously and raised his eyebrows.

“You’re superb, Douglas,” said Fabian. “Of course you needn’t. Do remember that Mr. Alleyn is the man who knows all.”

“Be quiet, Losse,” said Alleyn unexpectedly. Fabian opened his mouth and shut it again. “You’re a mosquito,” Alleyn added mildly.

“I really am sorry,” said Fabian. “I know.”

“Shall I go on?” asked Douglas huffily.

“Please do.”

“Fabian told me about his work. He called it, for security reasons, the egg-beater. Fabian’s idea. I prefer simply the X Adjustment.”

“I see,” said Alleyn. “The X Adjustment.” Fabian gri

“And he asked me if I’d like to have a look at his notes and drawings and so on. As a gu

Alleyn thought, “He really is superb,” and nodded solemnly.

“Of course,” Douglas continued, “Auntie Floss had to be told something. I mean we wanted a room and certain facilities and so on. She advanced us the cash for our gear. There’s no electrical supply this side of the plateau. We built a windmill and got a small dynamo. Later on she was going to have the house wired, but at the moment we’ve only got the juice in the workroom. She paid for all that. We began to spend more and more time on it. And later on, when we were ready to show something to somebody in the right quarter, she was damned useful. She’d talk anybody into anything, would Flossie, and she got hold of a Certain Authority at Army Headquarters and arranged for us to go up north and see him. He sent a report Home and things began to look up. We’ve now had a very encouraging answer from— However! I need not go into that.”