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Taa took the sarcasm in stride. "The Supreme Chancellor has stated his wish that a percentage of those revenues garnered through taxation of the trade routes — comfor all intents and purposes, taxation of the Trade Federation-butevery allocated for social and technological aid to worlds in the Mid and Outer Rim that may be adversely affected by taxation.

"This, however, presents a dilemma. If the motion is ratified and the Trade Federation is forced to surrender some of its hold on the space lanes, many smaller shipping concerns stand to profit-not only as a result of a newly fashioned competitive market, but also from those tax revenues earmarked for outer system development." Antilles allowed his puzzlement to show. "I'm not sure I see the dilemma." "Well, then, permit me to illustrate a specific case. The Allocations Committee database conducted a search for Outer Rim corporations poised to benefit from taxation, and crosschecked the results of the search with data on file with the Appropriations Committee, of which I am also a member. Out of the compiled list of thousands of corporations, one concern was singled out: A shipping concern based on Eriadu that has received a sudden and, may I add, substantial inflow of capital." "That doesn't surprise me," Antilles said.

"Investors with their noses to the air are doing the same thing your committee is doing, except that they're looking for financial opportunities."

"Exactly," Taa said. "Investor speculation.

But in this case the dilemma arises from the fact that the concern is owned by relatives of Supreme Chancellor Valorum." Antilles came to a halt and turned to the hovering Twi'lek.

Taa showed the palms of his big hands. "Let me make per fectly clear that I am not suggesting impropriety on the part of the Supreme Chancellor. I'm certain he is aware that anyone with privileged information about legislative proposals or construction contracts and the like is constrained by Statute 435, Sub — statute 1759 of the Amended Proprieties Bill, to refrain from profiting by such knowledge, by investment or other means." Antilles narrowed his eyes. "But you are suggesting something by not suggesting it." Taa shook his head. "I merely find it curious that the Supreme Chancellor has not brought this seeming conflict of interest to the attention of the senate. I'm confident that the dilemma will disappear once we have determined the origin of the investment and are satisfied that there is no link between those investors and Supreme Chancellor Valorum himself." "Have you learned anything?

" Antilles asked.

"That's the other peculiar thing," Taa said. "The deeper I dig for the source, the more dead ends I encounter. It's almost as if someone doesn't wish to have it known where or with whom the investment originated. My lack of success is partially explained by the fact that I lack the necessary clearance to access the relevant financial files. Access of the sort to which I refer requires someone of high standing. Someone, well, like yourself." Antilles stared at him. "I assume that you've collected the pertinent data, Senator."

Taa restrained a smile. "As a matter of fact, I happen to have a copy with me.

" He proffered a data holocron.

Antilles took it. "I'll see what I can find out." The commandeered Hawk- Bat streaked toward Karfeddion, a mottled green semicircle filling the gunship's forward viewports. In the slung cockpit, Qui-Gon sat at the controls. Dressed in a poncho, scarf, and boots borrowed from Asmeru, he looked every part a member of the Nebula Front.

Obi-Wan stood behind the copilot's chair, shrugging out of his brown cloak.

"Put your robes there," Qui-Gon said, gesturing to the empty navigator's chair. "Along with your lightsaber." Obi-Wan froze. "My lightsaber?" "Once we land, we want to be sure to give the wrong impression." Obi-Wan thought about it for a moment, then nodded uncertainly and unclipped the cylinder from his belt.

Setting the lightsaber down, he eased back into the copilot's chair.

"Master, did we take the right action on Asmeru?" he asked, breaking a prolonged silence.

"Could the violence have been avoided, as Master Yaddle wished?" "What can be avoided, whose end is purposed by the Force?" Obi-Wan fell silent for another long moment.

"Is it dangerous to give too much thought to the dark side?" "I keep my gaze fixed on the light, Padawan. But to answer your question: Thought and action are very different things." "But how can we be certain our thoughts don't color our actions? The path we walk is at times so narrow." Qui-Gon put the Hawk-Bat on autopilot and swung to face his apprentice.

"Shall I tell you how Yoda explained it to me when I was even younger than you are?" "Yes, Master." Qui-Gon gazed out the viewport while he spoke.

"On distant Generis stands an especially dark, dense, and near impenetrable growth of sallap trees. For many generations it was necessary to travel a long distance around the forest to reach the glorious deep-water lake on the far side. But then a Sith Lord thought to blaze a trail directly through the trees, in the hope of providing a quicker route to the lake.

"As you might imagine, only a few have taken both routes and lived to tell of their experiences. But all agree that while the path through that dark wood is shorter, it actually fails to arrive at the lake.

Whereas the path that skirts the forest, though long and arduous, not only arrives at the shore, but is, in itself, a destination." Without glancing at Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon asked, "On As — meru, did you venture into t dark wood, or did you remain in the light, with the Force as your companion and ally?" "I had no destination in mind, other than to follow where the Force led me."

"Then you have the answer." Obi-Wan swung to face the starfield. "The Sith were before Master Yoda's time, were they not, Master?" Qui-Gon came close to smiling. "Nothing was before Yoda's time, Padawan." Obi-Wan turned to glance toward the gunship's forward cabin. "Master, about Cindar-was "No, I don't trust him at all." "Then why have we come to Karfeddion?" "We have to begin somewhere, Obi-Wan. In time, even Cindar's lies will betray his true intentions." "In time for us to prevent Captain Cohl from doing whatever Havac has tasked him to do?" "That, I can't say, Padawan." Just then, Cindar wandered forward, his gaze falling on the discarded Jedi robes and lightsabers.

"Won't you feel naked without them?" Obi-Wan swung away from the console to face him.

"We want to be certain to give the wrong impression." "That's good pla

"Especially since I'm new to Karfeddion myself, and haven't an idea where to begin looking for Cohl or Havac." Qui-Gon glanced at him. "Don't concern yourself about that. I suspect we've already made a begi